Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Ayers, Hazel Idaho - Johnson, John Arthur October 5, 1916
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Cheryl Hanson December 1, 2005, 4:54 pm

Payette Enterprise 10-12-1916
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, October 12, 1916


Married at Caldwell last Wednesday, Oct. 4, Miss Hazel Idaho Ayers and Arthur 
Johnson.  Miss Ayers is a sister of Mrs. P. E. Johnson and has made her home 
here while attending school.  She is a member of the class of 1916.  Mr. 
Johnson has a restaurant at New Meadows and the young couple will make their 
home there.  The young people have many friends here who extend their best 
wishes and congratulations.

Additional Comments:
Note:  Date verified with the Idaho Marriage Index

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