Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Asmussen, Lillian Marguerite - Newman, Victor E.  June 24, 1925
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Cheryl Hanson February 20, 2006, 10:57 pm

The Payette Independent 6-25-1925
The Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, June 25, 1925
St. John's Evangelical Church was the scene of a beautiful wedding at seven-
thirty Wednesday evening when Lillian Marguerite Asmussen became the bride of 
Rev. Victor E. Newman.  The church was beautifully decorated with roses and 
sweet peas.
As the strains of the bridal from Lohengrin, played by Miss Elsie Sick, 
floated through the church, the bride entered on the arm of her father.  She 
wore a dainty girlish frock, satin back crepe, trimmed with silk shadow lace.  
Her tulle veil was held in place by tiny rosebuds.  She carried a shower 
bouquet of roses and ferns, which was tied with streamers, caught up with rose 
buds.  The matron of honor, Mrs. Earnest Asmussen, wore green crepe and 
carried sweet peas.  The bride was given away by her father.  Lester Asmussen 
attended the groom as best man.  The Rev. Thos. Ashworth, Rector of St. James' 
Church, performed the ceremony.
Upon leaving the church, the party drove out to the country home of the 
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Asmussen, where a three-course wedding 
dinner was served.  The house was profusely decorated with summer flowers.  
Centering the bride's table was a large yellow and white wedding cake, rose 
trimmed, the work of Mrs. Lester Seawell.
The favors in the wedding cake went to Mrs. Henningsen, Mrs. Ashworth, Mr. 
Diederichsen, Mrs. Henry Hansen, and the bride's bouquet was caught by Miss 
Viola Henningsen.
After a hearty charivari the young couple departed to have their pictures 
taken, promising to return later to the party.  This promise they failed to 
keep, instead slipped quietly away for a honeymoon to parts unknown.  The 
bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. C. F. Asmussen and a graduate of Payette 
High School.
After a year at University of Idaho, she took a course at Link's Business 
College in Boise.  The groom has for the past few years filled the pulpit of 
St. John's Evangelical Church and has lately accepted a call to Coshocton, 
Ohio, where he and Mrs. Newman will be at home after August 1. About forty-
five guests attended the wedding.
The Independent joins their host of friends in extending hearty 
congratulations and best wishes.

Additional Comments:
Note:  According to the Western States Marriage Index, Lillian Marguerite 
Asmussen married Victor E. Newman on 6-24-1925, Payette. ch

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