Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Armstrong, Ruth  - Harmon, Elmer 1902
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Patty Theurer January 14, 2006, 2:53 am

Payette Independent
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, July 24, 1902

United in Marriage.

Miss Ruth Armstrong, one of Payette’s popular young ladies and Mr. Elmer 
Harmon, of Boise, foreman of the Bell Telephone Company’s line crew, were 
united in marriage in this city last Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock.  The 
ceremony was performed by Rev. Spite of Ontario at the Baptist parsonage.  Miss 
Abbey Ewing played the wedding march. Miss Zelpha Elsie Forbes, Mr. John 
Daniels and the family of Rev. Dulin were all that were present.  

Immediately after the ceremony had been performed Mr. and Mrs. Harmon and Miss 
Forbes, Miss Armstrong and Mr. Daniels drove to Ontario and took dinner.  The 
party returned to Payette and spent the afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 
B. P. Shawhan, where refreshments were served.

The newly married couple left on the westbound train for Meadows, where Mr. 
Harmon will have a crew of men at work on a telephone line for some time, after 
which they will take up their residence in Boise.  

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