Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Anderson, Grace - Sinden, Leslie J. January 28, 1920
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Cheryl Hanson December 8, 2005, 9:26 pm

Payette Enterprise 1-29-1920
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, January 29, 1920
Mr. Albert Lake and Miss Sara Heiser went to Weiser Wednesday January 27th, to 
witness the marriage of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sinden.  The 
wedding party drove back toward Payette along toward evening, and it must be 
that Mr. Lake and Miss Heiser sat side by side and maybe talked of the events 
of the day (and other things).  At any rate it seems that by the time of 
reaching Payette they had concluded "there is no time like the present time", 
so dropping in at the Presbyterian Manse with a certain document they had 
procured at the court house, Mr. Reed married them, Mr. and Mrs. Sinden 
witnessing for them in turn, so that all in all it was "the ending of a 
perfect day."
It matters not that the wedding company was small, for the circle of friends 
is large, that will unite in wishing them all the joy and blessing possible to 
the makers of a new, true home.

Additional Comments:
Note:  According to the Idaho Marriage Index, Grace Anderson married Leslie J. 
Sinden on 1-28-1920.  ch

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