Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Anderson, May - Keel, Grover C.  1903
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Patty Theurer January 27, 2006, 2:50 am

Payette Independent
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, July 16, 1903


Grover C. Keel, living on Big Willow creek, and Miss May Anderson, who had just 
arrived from Tennessee, were united in marriage last Saturday afternoon.  The 
ceremony was performed by Police Judge C. W. Geisler, at his home on Front 
street.  The newly married couple have taken up their residence on Big Willow.  

This was positively Judge Geisler’s first appearance in the role of a uniter of 
human hands and hearts but it is said the he interpreted his part with such 
grace that in the hereafter “you will have to come early to avoid the rush” 
when you visit him with matrimonial intent.  

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