Payette County ID Archives Marriages.....Ackerman, Clara Margaret - Schuler, Aloysius Charles August 17, 1914
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New Plymouth Sentinel 8-20-1914
New Plymouth Sentinel 
New Plymouth, Idaho
August 20, 1914


At 9:30 Monday morning at the Catholic church in the presence of a large 
number of friends and relatives, Miss Clara Ackerman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
John Ackerman of this city, was united in marriage to Aloysius Schuler. Father 
Vandenburg was the master of ceremonies and was assisted by Father Godschalx 
of Weiser and Father Morarity of Ontario. The church was beautifully decorated 
with ferns and golden glow. The beautiful and impressive double ring ceremony 
of the Catholic church was used. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white 
crepe de chine with a long white veil. Miss Margaret Schuler acted as 
bridesmaid and Arnold Ackerman was best man. After the ceremony over seventy 
guests went to the Ackerman home where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was 

Father Godschalx acted as toastmaster at the wedding breakfast and toasts were 
given by Father Vandernberg, Father Morarity, Arnold Ackerman and others which 
were responded to by the groom. After the breakfast the bride and groom left 
for Boise where they will visit for a few days before returning to their home 
west of town. The bride has been a clerk in the New Plymouth Merc. Co., store 
for a number of years, and has a large circle of friends, who wish her the 
greatest happiness in her married life. The groom is a prosperous rancher of 
this valley, and they will make their home on the groom's ranch west of town.

Additional Comments:
Note:  Marriage date verified with the Idaho Marriage Index

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