Cherokee County KS Archives Photo Tombstone.....English, Justus Marshall ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Theresa Lundberg July 16, 2011, 9:28 pm Cemetery: Baxter Springs Cemetery Baxter Springs Cherokee Co Kansas Name: Justus Marshall English Date Of Photograph: June 17, 2011 Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 96 Kb b. Aug. 31, 1836 Perry, PA d. Jun. 23, 1924 Husband of Nancy V. Crawford English and Susan E. Hybarger English. Son of John and Jane Marshall English. Additional Comments: FUNERAL OF J.M. ENGLISH HELD TODAY (June 23, 1924). POLICE JUDGE OF BAXTER SPRINGS DIED MONDAY FOLLOWING A BRIEF ILLNESS - WAS 87 YEARS OLD. Funeral services for Justas Marshall English, familiarly known as "Uncle Jess", who passed away at his home, 905 Cherokee Avenue, Monday afternoon, June 23, at 3:30, following a short illness, were conducted from the home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Rev. J. W. Hart, pastor of the local Presbyterian Church, conducted the services. The attendance at the funeral was large and the floral offerings many and beautiful. His friends were throughout the district having made his home here for the past fifty-eight years. Those acting as pall bearers were R. O. Thomas, J. W. Cook, B. W. Patton, Homer Michener, Chas. John and Walter Hartley, all old friends and neighbors of Judge English. Internment was made in the Baxter Cemetery. Judge English was 87 years, 9 months, and 24 days old, and was an exceedingly active man for one of his years. He had been a justice of the peace and police judge for a number of years and was serving in that capacity at the time of his death. He was at work as usual on Saturday, and enjoyed good health for one of his advanced years. He was able to walk uptown Sunday, although not feeling very well. Toward evening he grew worse and members of his family sat up with him during the night, and early the next morning he allowed a physician to be summoned, who realized that nothing could be done for him. He suffered several relapses during the day and passed away at 3:30 o'clock. Death was due to blockage of the bowels. His wife passed away May 31, last year. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Addie Boyer of West Chester, Iowa.; Mrs. Jessie Wasmuth of Kansas City; one son, James R. English of Tonkawa, Okla.; a stepson Charles Childress of Baxter Springs and a stepdaughter Miss Lula English of Tonkawa, Oklahoma. All of the children were present at the funeral. Justus Marshall English was born in Pennsylvania, August 31, 1836. He was married to Nancy V. Crawford of Iowa, on Mar 17, 1866 and to this union were born two daughters, now Mrs. Addie Boyer and Mrs. Jessie Wasmuth. Mr. and Mrs. English came to Baxter Springs in the fall of 1866, where he engaged in farming for several years on a farm west of town. Later he came to town and engaged in various pursuits and for a number of years served as justice of the peace and police Judge. He was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Hyberger on August 27, 1883. To this union was born one son, James R. English of Tonkawa, OKla. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb