Jackson County MsArchives Photo Tombstone.....Bayou Casotte, Cemetery Sign ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ms/msfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cathy Little Cathy@datasync.com August 19, 2019, 2:38 pm Cemetery: Bayou Casotte Cemetery Name: Cemetery Sign Bayou Casotte Photo can be seen at: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ms/jackson/photos/tombstones/bayoucasotte/bayoucas1157ph.jpg Image file size: 26.3 Kb Bayou Casotte Cemetery Location: This cemetery was originally built on family land called Bebee Point in East Jackson County. It was covered over when Chevron Oil Refinery was built, but was uncovered during some dredging around 1960. Since then, Chevron employee's have undertaken keeping up the grounds. The cemetery is actually located within the confines of Chevron Oil Refinery. Those known to be buried here are: William Bebee, Sr., family patriarch, who is buried in the southwest corner. His wife, Sarah Anne Bebee is buried in the northwest corner. William Bebee, Jr. Edward Bebee, brother of Lucinda Belle, and son of William and Sarah Bebee. Charles Edward Southern, son-in-law of William & Sarah, is buried in the southeast corner. He was born March 15, 1820 in New York, and died March 3, 1858 in Pascagoula. Charles was married to the Bebee's daughter, Lucinda Belle Bebee Southern, born April 28, 1829 and died Nov. 26, 1900. Charles and Lucinda were married January 1, 1847. John Savage, Sr., patriarch of the Savage family of Pascagoula. Henry Savage, Sr., son of John Savage, Sr. Henry and Camillia Savage's daughter, May Savage married Charles Spicer. They are the parents of Paulette Spicer who is buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Clara Spicer Wainwright, born July, 1883, and died Aug 1, 1909. Married General Lee Wainwright Sept 6, 1900. She died giving birth. Buried here with her baby, Ralph Wainwright, born Aug 1, 1909, died 1911. General Lee Wainwright is buried in Machpelah Cemetery. He was born Aug 21, 1876 and died Feb 20, 1936 twin son of Walton Wainwright and Louise Boone. His twin brother was Sidney Wainwright, who died in 1916. Known friends buried here are: Charles Johnson John Island A couple known only as Mr. and Mrs. Braddock. This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/msfiles/ File size: 2.6 Kb