Leon County FlArchives Obituaries.....Disbrow, Barabara A.  March 31, 2001
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Ruth Hezlep http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00029.html#0007122 January 23, 2014, 10:16 pm

Daily commercial  April 2, 2001
Barbara A. Disbrow, 63, of Umatilla. Survivors include her husband George A. of 
Umatilla; two daughters, Marisa Mitchell of Gautier, Miss.,  and Yvette Wilson 
of Ocala; two brothers, Herbert Sparks of Jonesville, S. C., and James Sparks 
of union, S. C.; sister, Patricia Sewell of Union, S. C.; and granddaughter, 
Michaela Mitchell.

Additional Comments:
She wasa a bookkeeper, a U.S. Navy veteran and a member of the Umatilla Church 
of god.

A graveside service held at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell., with the Rev. 
Darrell Reynolds officiating and military rites by the Lake county Honor Guard.

Interment will follow. 

harden/Pauli funeral Home, Eustis.

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