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Total Records: 37
1Allen, Ella M  __/__/__08/31/1870Gail Graham
2Benson, Harry L.  __/__/__10/2/1868Gail Graham
3Buffum, Unknown  __/__/__07/16/1868Gail Graham
4Churlanneau, Georgia  __/__/__03/2/1871Gail Graham
5Crosier, Esther Ellen  __/__/__03/9/1893Jan Jordan
6Eddy, Effie Blanche  __/__/__07/6/1868Gail Graham
7Eddy, Not Named  __/__/__10/6/1871Gail Graham
8Griffith, Unknown  __/__/__11/__/1868Gail Graham
9Howard, Unknown  __/__/__12/31/1869Gail Graham
10Jones, Mary  __/__/__11/7/1883Jan Jordan
11Kent, Delia E.  __/__/__04/4/1871Gail Graham
12King, Wille S.  __/__/__10/20/1870Gail Graham
13Lilly, Unnamed  __/__/__11/30/1871Gail Graham
14Mars, Louis  __/__/__01/1/1868Gail Graham
15Mencro, Albro  __/__/__10/1/1869Gail Graham
16Moore, Bridget  __/__/__08/14/1871Gail Graham
17Nichols, Charles W  __/__/__07/19/1871Gail Graham
18Nichols, Mary E.  __/__/__05/20/1870Gail Graham
19Norcrop, Charlie  __/__/__09/29/1868Gail Graham
20Owens, Evan  __/__/__10/1/1909Jan Jordan
21Owens, Richard  __/__/__12/5/1876Jan Jordan
22Owens, William  __/__/__03/11/1887Janice Jordan
23Price, Albert Evans  __/__/__03/5/1911Jan Jordan
24Price, William John  __/__/__05/10/1907Jan Jordan
25Risdon, Emma  __/__/__11/9/1868Gail Graham
26Risdon, Emma  __/__/__11/9/1868Gail Graham
27Risdon, Harriett S.  __/__/__07/3/1870Gail Graham
28Roberts, Griffith  __/__/__01/3/1881Jan Jordan
29Scrivana,  __/__/__01/2/1877Mary Giroux
30St. Murs, Unknown  __/__/__08/14/1871Gail Graham
31Stimson, Lois Betsy  __/__/__02/18/1868Gail Graham
32Tarbell, Unknown  __/__/__12/24/1869Gail Graham
33Thompson, Adda J.  __/__/__10/14/1870Gail Graham
34Thompson, Hiram W.  __/__/__08/15/1868Gail Graham
35Thompson, William Henry  __/__/__04/21/1868Gail Graham
36Walker, Unknown  __/__/__05/28/1871Gail Graham
37Williams, Emily  __/__/__07/31/1890Jan Jordan

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