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Jones County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 48
11785 Miscellaneous Records,Jo Huettl
21786 Miscellaneous Records,Jo Huettl
31787 Miscellaneous Records,Jo Huettl
41800 General Assemply MiscMartha M. Marble The Registry
51821 Congressional District ElectionSloan S. Mason The Registry
6Askew, Benjamin 1843Connie Ardrey
7Becton, Kader Inquest 1866Jo Huettl
8Black, Alexander Lunatic 1884Jo Huettl
9Blackshear, Jacob vs. Sauls, Catherine Heirs, 1801Jo Huettl
10Brown, Howel 1787Connie Ardrey
11Bryan, Jane Lunatic - 1887Jo Huettl
12Cavanaugh, Michel Citizenship 1847Connie Ardrey
13Coats, Joseph Assault 1791Jo Huettl
14Colgrove, Sheriff O. R. Murder Account 1869Connie Ardrey
15Colgrove, Sheriff O. R. Murder Account 1869Cathy Blow
16Colgrove, Sheriff O. R. Murder Account 1869Cathy Blow
17Colgrove, Sheriff O. R. Murder Account 1869Cathy Blow
18Colgrove, Sheriff O. R. Murder Haswell Deposition 1869Cathy Blow
19Dillahunty, Samuel to Wiggins, Caleb 1832Martha M. Marble The Registry
20District Supreme Court Records for Jones and other counties, 1762-1806Russell King
21Eubanks, SurnameVoter Registration ListRichard Phillips
22Garrett, John L. - Daniel Perry Adm'r 1859Carolyn Shank
23Green, Joseph Lunatic 1896Jo Huettl
24Hargett, Frederick v. Blackshear, Jesse 1802Jo Huettl
25Harper, J. B. to Williams, Evan 1827Sloan S. Mason The Registry
26Hatch, Anthony - Deceased 1810Paula Baker
27Hatch, Anthony - Deceased 1810Paula Baker
28Huggins, Benj. Taxes 1891Jo Huettl
29Huggins, Mary Susan Lunatic 1896Jo Huettl
30Kinsey, Lewis to Williams, Evan 1829Sloan S. Mason The Registry
31Kornegay, Gaskins & Ransom Name Change 1895Jo Huettl
32Lenoir & Jones County Line Change 1826Martha M. Marble The Registry
33McCormis, James Inquest 1866Jo Huettl
34McDaniel, Morris Indenture James White 1861Laura Spence
35NC State, vs Huffman, Kitt 1854Martha M. Marble The Registry
36Pollock, Amy; Julia; L. M; & M. J. Taxes 1891Jo Huettl
37Rhodes, Family Court RecordsSloan S. Mason The Registry
38Rhodes, William County Surveyor 1846Connie Ardrey
39Richards, John 1790Connie Ardrey
40Sanderson, Joseph Deceased 1810Sloan S. Mason The Registry
41Sheriff Benjamin Brockett - Collect Tax Arrears, 1800Carolyn Shank
42Sheriff's Sale, 1799Carolyn Shank
43Simmons, Benjamin Deceased 1812Connie Ardrey
44Small, Elizabeth Year's Allowance 1818Martha Thayer
45Stanly, Hugh Power of Attorney 1821 Jesse Vaughan
46Thompson, David Inquest 1866Jo Huettl
47Trenton Incorporation AmendedGuy Potts The Registry
48Tull, Thomas 1793Sue Guptill

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