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Total Records: 1666
NoBride GroomMarriage Date NotesSubmitter
1Abernathy, Jane  Carrell, James 12/22/1797Joe PattersonThe Registry
2Abernathy, Jane  Carrell, James 12/22/1797Joe PattersonThe Registry
3Abernathy, Jane  Carrell, James 12/22/1797Joe PattersonThe Registry
4Adams, Elizabeth  Richards, Mr 06/1/1797Joe PattersonThe Registry
5Adams, Elizabeth  Richards, Mr 06/1/1797Joe PattersonThe Registry
6Adams, Susanna  Roos, Hendrick 11/25/1738Joe PattersonThe Registry
7Addis, Martha  Harding, Joseph 03/6/1771Joe PattersonThe Registry
8Allen, Ann  Paul, Joseph 09/20/1774Joe PattersonThe Registry
9Allen, Jane  Shoemaker, Benjamin 11/16/1784Joe PattersonThe Registry
10Allen, Lydia  Tucker, Robert 11/24/1738Joe PattersonThe Registry
11Allen, Sarah   Allen, Samuel __/__/1773Patricia M. Bergener
12Anderson, Nancy  Jones, Henry 05/27/1762Joe PattersonThe Registry
13Anderson, Sarah  Murdock, Joseph 12/16/1765Joe PattersonThe Registry
14Antram, Sarah   Church, Edward __/__/1765Patricia M. Bergener
15Armitage, Hannah  Walton, Jacob 11/18/1801Joe PattersonThe Registry
16Armitage, Hannah  Childs, Jesse 09/6/1791Joe PattersonThe Registry
17Armitage, Hannah  Childs, Jesse 09/6/1791Joe PattersonThe Registry
18Armitage, Letitia  Hartley, Samuel 02/13/1810Joe PattersonThe Registry
19Armitage, Mary  Parry, Philip Jr 01/20/1779Joe PattersonThe Registry
20Armitage, Sarah  Merrick, John 10/15/1777Joe PattersonThe Registry
21Ashton, Deborah  Waters, William 12/31/1746Joe PattersonThe Registry
22Ashton, Mary  Lee, Daniel 07/29/1719Joe PattersonThe Registry
23Atkinson, Jane  Reede/Reeder, Charles 10/19/1796Joe PattersonThe Registry
24Atkinson, Mary  Rose, John 10/29/1766Joe PattersonThe Registry
25Atkinson, Mary  Moore, James 10/3/1764Joe PattersonThe Registry
26Atkinson, Mary  Moor, James 10/3/1764Joe PattersonThe Registry
27Atkinson, Mary  Atkinson, John Jr 04/14/1802Joe PattersonThe Registry
28Atkinson, Phebe  Neel, William 11/10/1802Joe PattersonThe Registry
29Atkinson, Rachel  Stapler, Thomas 10/18/1750Joe PattersonThe Registry
30Austin, Hannah  Ely, John 02/19/1777Joe PattersonThe Registry
31Ayres, Esther  Carr, John 11/20/1800Joe PattersonThe Registry
32Ayres, Esther  Carr, John 11/20/1800Joe PattersonThe Registry
33Bailey, Mary  Wilson, Samuel 06/12/1765Joe PattersonThe Registry
34Baily, Deborah  Burges, Joseph 05/12/1802Joe PattersonThe Registry
35Bains, Deborah  Ashton, Thomas 05/31/1701Joe PattersonThe Registry
36Baird, Anne  Ramsey, William 08/9/1792Joe PattersonThe Registry
37Baird, Anne  Ramsey, William 08/9/1792Joe PattersonThe Registry
38Baker, Elizabeth  Wildman, Joseph 12/11/1799Joe PattersonThe Registry
39Baker, Emma R.   Nevegold, William J. 1/18/1886Sandy Jensen
40Baker, Margaret  Atkinson, William 04/05/1722Joe PattersonThe Registry
41Baker, Phebe  Radcliff, Edward 06/18/1703Joe PattersonThe Registry
42Baker, Sarah  Janney, Abel 08/2/1733Joe PattersonThe Registry
43Balderson, Sarah  Ely, Hugh Jr 01/05/1774Joe PattersonThe Registry
44Balderston, Elizabeth  Martin, Mordecai 12/20/1804Joe PattersonThe Registry
45Balderston, Lydia  Quinby, Aaron 05/15/1782Joe PattersonThe Registry
46Balderston, Rachel  Walton, Jacob 05/15/1806Joe PattersonThe Registry
47Balderston, Sarah  White, Samuel 04/22/1802Joe PattersonThe Registry
48Baldwin, Mary  Ellis, Lewis 01/11/1723Joe PattersonThe Registry
49Ball, Elizabeth  Shaw, John 11/22/1804Joe PattersonThe Registry
50Ball, Martha  Pennington, Daniel 03/26/1760Joe PattersonThe Registry
51Ball, Rebecca  Penrose, Evan 04/23/1807Joe PattersonThe Registry
52Barcroft, Hannah  Rise, Edward 04/23/1771Joe PattersonThe Registry
53Barnes, Agnes  Foster, Abraham 05/27/1765Joe PattersonThe Registry
54Barnet, Margaret  Sibbett, Robert 04/20/1769Joe PattersonThe Registry
55Barrack, Mary  Palmer, William 06/24/1804Joe PattersonThe Registry
56Bartleson, Catharine  Scholl, Frederick 06/27/1788Joe PattersonThe Registry
57Bartleson, Catharine  Scholl, Frederick 06/27/1788Joe PattersonThe Registry
58Barton, Bretta/Britta  Johnson, William 02/26/1801Joe PattersonThe Registry
59Barton, Bretta/Britta  Johnson, William 02/26/1801Joe PattersonThe Registry
60Bayley, Mary  Johnson, William 09/20/1775Joe PattersonThe Registry
61Bayley, Sarah  Palmer, Jonathan 05/19/1790Joe PattersonThe Registry
62Bayly, Ann  Price, Nathaniel 10/18/1786Joe PattersonThe Registry
63Bayly, Letitia  Roberts, John 04/18/1781Joe PattersonThe Registry
64Beans, Asinath  Walker, Robert 04/13/1791Joe PattersonThe Registry
65Beans, Mary  Dean, Jonathan 04/15/1778Joe PattersonThe Registry
66Beans, Rachel   Hough, William __/__/1775Patricia M. Bergener
67Beans, Rachel  Pickering, Yeomans 11/17/1808Joe PattersonThe Registry
68Beans, Susanna  Michenor, Harman 04/17/1800Joe PattersonThe Registry
69Beans, Tamar  Newburn, David 05/19/1779Joe PattersonThe Registry
70Beaumont, Jane  Maris, William 10/05/1803Joe PattersonThe Registry
71Beaumont, Mercy  Chapman, John 06/25/1767Joe PattersonThe Registry
72Beaumont, Rebekah  Scolfield, Jonathan 05/17/1769Joe PattersonThe Registry
73Beck, Susanna  Skelton, William 02/28/1748Joe PattersonThe Registry
74Beckker, Maria  Bexter, Hendrick 10/22/1761Joe PattersonThe Registry
75Beebe, Sarah  Roberson, William 05/28/1765Joe PattersonThe Registry
76Bells, Rebekah  Preston, Joseph 01/17/1770Joe PattersonThe Registry
77Bennet, Elizabeth  Wykoff, Gerardus 05/12/1757Joe PattersonThe Registry
78Bennet, Elizabeth  Huddleston, Henry 08/17/1768Joe PattersonThe Registry
79Bennet, Elizabeth  Wynkoop, Garret 12/7/1758Joe PattersonThe Registry
80Bennet, Jane  Vanzant, William 03/5/1789Joe PattersonThe Registry
81Bennet, Jannetye  Roberts, Johannis 02/13/1766Joe PattersonThe Registry
82Bennet, Jannetye  Vansant, Jacobus 08/23/1756Joe PattersonThe Registry
83Bennet, Leah/Idah  Hogeland, Derrick 01/12/1769Joe PattersonThe Registry
84Bennet, Leena  Akee, Joseph 03/11/1772Joe PattersonThe Registry
85Bennet, Leentye  Van Horn, Abraham 03/24/1772Joe PattersonThe Registry
86Bennet, Magdalen  Bennet, Johannis 12/11/1746Joe PattersonThe Registry
87Bennet, Maria  Krusen, Derrick 02/16/1758Joe PattersonThe Registry
88Bennet, Mary  Vanhorn, Cornelius 12/3/1795Joe PattersonThe Registry
89Bennet, Mary  Randolph, Joseph 11/3/1801Joe PattersonThe Registry
90Bennet, Mary  Vanhorn, Cornelius 12/3/1795Joe PattersonThe Registry
91Bennet, Sarah  Brown, Levi 01/29/1790Joe PattersonThe Registry
92Bennet, Sarah  Brown, Levi 01/29/1790Joe PattersonThe Registry
93Bergay, Susannah  Lapp, Abraham 02/29/1795Joe PattersonThe Registry
94Bergay, Susannah  Lapp, Abraham 02/29/1795Joe PattersonThe Registry
95Bergey, Catharine  Ditterline, Robert 07/7/1791Joe PattersonThe Registry
96Bergey, Catharine  Ditterline, Robert 07/7/1791Joe PattersonThe Registry
97Betts, Maria  Headley, Samuel 11/10/1766Joe PattersonThe Registry
98Betts, Mercy  Lownes, James 03/18/1802Joe PattersonThe Registry
99Betts, Mercy  Roberts, Richard 04/23/1755Joe PattersonThe Registry
100Betts, Miriam  Lownes, Joseph 09/16/1790Joe PattersonThe Registry
101Betts, Miriam  Quinby, Isaiah 09/20/1786Joe PattersonThe Registry
102Betts, Sarah  Beans, Samuel 12/12/1810Joe PattersonThe Registry
103Betts, Sarah  Hartley, Anthony 04/17/1771Joe PattersonThe Registry
104Betts, Susanna  Mitchell, George 10/9/1776Joe PattersonThe Registry
105Bickerdike, Jael  Blakey, William 07/25/1733Joe PattersonThe Registry
106Bickerdike, Mary  Beakes, Stacy 02/19/1733Joe PattersonThe Registry
107Bidgood, Hannah  Headley, John 03/24/1728Joe PattersonThe Registry
108Bidgood, Hannah  Kirkbride, Robert 03/22/1758Joe PattersonThe Registry
109Bidgood, Phebe  Watson, Amos 09/19/1764Joe PattersonThe Registry
110Bigelow, Esther  Henry, Joseph 12/7/1767Joe PattersonThe Registry
111Biles, Grace  Betts, Samuel 10/18/1798Joe PattersonThe Registry
112Biles, Rebeckah  Janney, Joseph 06/18/1703Joe PattersonThe Registry
113Bills, Rachel  Paxson, Jonathan 06/26/1771Joe PattersonThe Registry
114Bills, Rebekah  Preston, Joseph 01/17/1770Joe PattersonThe Registry
115Bisnett, Anna   Butcher, Thomas __/__/1765Patricia M. Bergener
116Blackfan, Agnes  Scholfield, John 06/14/1797Joe PattersonThe Registry
117Blackfan, Eliner  Smith, David 10/20/1790Joe PattersonThe Registry
118Blackfan, Elizabeth  Simpson, John 10/14/1795Joe PattersonThe Registry
119Blackfan, Elizabeth  Ely, Hugh Jr 09/30/1746Joe PattersonThe Registry
120Blackfan, Elizabeth  Fell, Watson 04/28/1784Joe PattersonThe Registry
121Blackfan, Esther  Lloyd, Jonathan 03/22/1797Joe PattersonThe Registry
122Blackfan, Hannah  Betts, Stephen 04/19/1786Joe PattersonThe Registry
123Blackfan, Hannah  Smith, Samuel 04/15/1795Joe PattersonThe Registry
124Blackfan, Hannah  Paxson, Thomas 02/21/1764Joe PattersonThe Registry
125Blackfan, Letitia  Smith, Thomas Jr 11/19/1783Joe PattersonThe Registry
126Blackfan, Martha  Tyson, Elijah 03/16/1796Joe PattersonThe Registry
127Blackfan, Martha  Chapman, Isaac 01/10/1809Joe PattersonThe Registry
128Blackfan, Rachel  Chapman, Edward 05/14/1794Joe PattersonThe Registry
129Blackfan, Sarah  Godfrey, Samuel 10/05/1796Joe PattersonThe Registry
130Blackfan, Sarah  Wilson, Stephen 05/25/1779Joe PattersonThe Registry
131Blackshaw, Mary  Linton, Joseph 12/16/1725Joe PattersonThe Registry
132Blackshaw, Phebe  Wharton, Joseph 08/19/1743Joe PattersonThe Registry
133Blackshaw, Rebecca  Wharton, Daniel 10/31/1740Joe PattersonThe Registry
134Blackwell, Elener   Biles, Sylvester 8/12/1782Patricia M. Bergener
135Blaker, Hannah  Poster, George 12/27/1758Joe PattersonThe Registry
136Blaker, Mary  Hamton, Joseph 12/20/1775Joe PattersonThe Registry
137Blaker, Phebe  Wiggins, Isaac 12/12/1764Joe PattersonThe Registry
138Blaker, Sarah  Hibbs, James 04/21/1762Joe PattersonThe Registry
139Blakey, Ruth  Watson, John 09/18/1729Joe PattersonThe Registry
140Bodoine, Mary   Edgar, John 11/28/1776Patricia M. Bergener
141Bogaet, Susanna  Nevins, Jores 02/7/1765Joe PattersonThe Registry
142Bogart, Frances  Mearns, Robert 02/11/1794Joe PattersonThe Registry
143Bogart, Frances  Mearns, Robert 02/11/1794Joe PattersonThe Registry
144Bohm, Elizabeth  Juhambach, Jurick 12/27/1739Joe PattersonThe Registry
145Bonner, Mary  Sample, James 12/9/1793Joe PattersonThe Registry
146Bonner, Mary  Sample, James 12/9/1793Joe PattersonThe Registry
147Booskirk, Jannetye  Van Hoorn, Barent 12/31/1741Joe PattersonThe Registry
148Bothwell, Margaret  Long, William 03/17/1801Joe PattersonThe Registry
149Bothwell, Margaret  Long, William 03/17/1801Joe PattersonThe Registry
150Boulton, Sarah  Burges, Amos 10/11/1797Joe PattersonThe Registry
151Bowne, Anne   Butcher, Jonathon __/__/1771Patricia M. Bergener
152Bradfield, Elizabeth  Heartley, Thomas 04/12/1780Joe PattersonThe Registry
153Bradfield, Jane  Cutler, John 10/26/1773Joe PattersonThe Registry
154Bradfield, Levina  Heartley, Samuel 04/11/1781Joe PattersonThe Registry
155Bradfield, Rachel  Birdsal, Whitson 04/12/1780Joe PattersonThe Registry
156Bradshaw, Mary  Kinsey, Isaac 11/26/1776Joe PattersonThe Registry
157Bradshaw, Mary  Harding, Henry 06/11/1801Joe PattersonThe Registry
158Bradshaw, Rachel  Child, Isaac 11/1/1759Joe PattersonThe Registry
159Bradshaw, Ruth  Welding, Watson Jr 11/22/1771Joe PattersonThe Registry
160Bradshaw, Sarah  Johnson, Joseph 11/3/1795Joe PattersonThe Registry
161Bradshaw, Sarah  Gilbert, David 04/11/1770Joe PattersonThe Registry
162Bransford, Joyce   Bessonet, John __/__/????Patricia M. Bergener
163Brees, Charity  Mitchell, Samuel 06/8/1769Joe PattersonThe Registry
164Brees, Elizabeth  Linten, Samuel 01/30/1765Joe PattersonThe Registry
165Brees, Elizabeth  Hatton, John 11/22/1764Joe PattersonThe Registry
166Breisch, Malinda   Nase, Frank S. 2/18/1886Sandy Jensen
167Brelsford, Mary  Smith, Robert 06/31/1720Joe PattersonThe Registry
168Brelsford, Rachel  Sisom, Thomas 10/24/1729Joe PattersonThe Registry
169Bretsford, Jemima  Sevens/Sevenst, Jabez 03/17/1808Joe PattersonThe Registry
170Brewer, Mary  Bunting, Joshua 11/15/1780Joe PattersonThe Registry
171Briggs, Anne  Wilson, Hamton 11/16/1774Joe PattersonThe Registry
172Briggs, Deidamia  Conrod, Dennis 10/7/1791Joe PattersonThe Registry
173Briggs, Elizabeth  Chapman, Abraham 02/2/1740Joe PattersonThe Registry
174Briggs, Jane  Buckman, William Jr 11/3/1744Joe PattersonThe Registry
175Briggs, Martha  Swain, Samuel 01/14/1800Joe PattersonThe Registry
176Briggs, Martha  Murray, Samuel 11/6/1802Joe PattersonThe Registry
177Briggs, Mary  Smith, Benjamin 10/16/1805Joe PattersonThe Registry
178Briggs, Mary  Smith, Edmund 04/11/1798Joe PattersonThe Registry
179Britton, Hannah   Larzelere, Nicolas __/__/1766Patricia M. Bergener
180Britton, Sarah  Williamson, Jesse 08/11/1763Joe PattersonThe Registry
181Bross, Esther  Sweetser, Benjamin 08/16/1785Joe PattersonThe Registry
182Brown, Ann  Balderston, Mark 03/18/1801Joe PattersonThe Registry
183Brown, Christina  Lundy, Eleazer 02/18/1778Joe PattersonThe Registry
184Brown, Dinah  Williams, Isaiah 10/14/1784Joe PattersonThe Registry
185Brown, Elizabeth  Yardley, Mahlon 04/18/1787Joe PattersonThe Registry
186Brown, Elizabeth  Ellicott, Andrew 12/31/1755Joe PattersonThe Registry
187Brown, Elizabeth  Paxson, Abraham 11/23/1775Joe PattersonThe Registry
188Brown, Elizabeth  Shaw, John 10/17/1782Joe PattersonThe Registry
189Brown, Elizabeth  Rich, Joseph 05/24/1759Joe PattersonThe Registry
190Brown, Esther  Dyer, Josiah 12/25/1728Joe PattersonThe Registry
191Brown, Hannah  Milnor, Jonathan 06/20/1781Joe PattersonThe Registry
192Brown, Jane  Beaumont, John 10/14/1779Joe PattersonThe Registry
193Brown, Jane   Carr, Cornelius __/__/1768Patricia M. Bergener
194Brown, Jane   Carr, Cornelius __/__/1768Patricia M. Bergener
195Brown, Leana  Duffield, John 05/12/1799Joe PattersonThe Registry
196Brown, Letitia  Parry, David 11/12/1793Joe PattersonThe Registry
197Brown, Martha  Shoemaker, William 11/21/1771Joe PattersonThe Registry
198Brown, Martha  Shaw, John 03/15/1798Joe PattersonThe Registry
199Brown, Mary  Martain, Lancelet 03/8/1728Joe PattersonThe Registry
200Brown, Mary  Newlin, Robert 03/13/1799Joe PattersonThe Registry


Bucks Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives