Maryland USGenWeb Archives
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Baltimore County, Maryland
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Total Records: 18
1Almond, J. B. Robert E. Seely
2Buck, Kezia Gorsuch Seely Foley
3Dewitt, John Kimberly Hanson
4Frizzell, Loyde and Seneth Family Bible Sue Tener Thompson
5Heise, Edward Christian and Virginia Tyler Bible David V. Heise
6Hutson, Ann D. Dorothy Jones Benedict
7Hutson, Michael Dorothy Jones Benedict
8Mackensie, Colin and Sally Pinkerton Family Bible   Sloan MasonThe Registry
9Pearce, George and Sophia Tremain Bible Steve Pearce
10Pearce, King James Steve Pearce
11Read, John and Catherine Dorothy Jones Benedict
12Rodgers, Benjamin Franklin and Julia Ann Steve Pearce
13Sims, George W. Bill Pearce
14Stevens, James A and Camilla L. Sutton Myrna Cain Benoit
15Taylor, Family Bible Kristen Cerny
16Wood, William Samuel George
17Wooden, William and Elizabeth Ann Cross Norman Hare
18Worthington, Ann H. David Reed

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Any time you see this symbol The Registry next to a name, they have registered their e-mail address at The Registry. This will be their current address.

[ Visit the Maryland USGenWeb County Pages for more information]

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