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Brush Creek Cemetery

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Submitted By Tom Mathis 09/03/2018


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Total Records: 374
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1 __/__/____/__/__
2 __/__/____/__/__
3ArcuttCharlie Green 10/11/19273/5/1970 (un-marked)
4ArcuttLois E. 7/24/19458/21/1946
5ArnoldAda __/__/19006/1/1937
6ArnoldArthur __/__/189611/5/1941
7ArnoldAudie 6/21/19178/12/__
8ArnoldBobby R. 6/7/1944__/__/__ ---
9ArnoldJoseph Olas 6/1/19022/5/1903 (son of S.T. & Alice Arnold)B.
10ArnoldRobert Ray 8/6/19337/20/1968
11ArnoldWilliam C. 9/21/19303/11/2002
12BarrecaWanda Dolores 7/11/1950__/__/__ (Dau of Joseph Barreca)D. (infant)
13BlackbernNancy Jane 6/13/184412/6/1917 (wife of G.L. Blackbern)
14BoalsMettie Borrow 9/21/19036/16/1928
15BrockClara Mae __/__/1911__/__/1962
16BrooksHaskey 10/10/18929/18/1974
17BrooksN.F. 4/14/18906/25/1966
18BrownRegina “Puss” Haynes 2/1/19655/17/2003
19BurrowA.H. __/__/____/__/__ (Co.A/Baxte’s Bn./ CSA Calvary)
20burrowColdelia M. __/__/1854__/__/1943
21BurrowCorp. W.L. __/__/____/__/__(b:7th) (Co.K / Miss. Calvary CSA) B. ? ?
22BurrowFrancis Emoline 11/7/18651/4/1947
23BurrowIndia E. __/__/1882__/__/1946
24BurrowIshmael E. __/__/1870__/__/1954
25BurrowJ.E. __/__/1857__/__/1922
26BurrowMyrtle M. __/__/1890__/__/__ ?
27BurrowWilliam Hiram 12/1/186510/29/1945
28CainBetty Sue 2/10/19421/14/1995
29CokeJewell 5/15/191112/22/1911 (dau. of John L. and J.P. Coke)Infant Daughter of John L. and J.P. Coke B. 10-1-1901 Died same day
30CokeJohn L. __/__/1867__/__/1940 (son of R.F. Coke}
31CokeMelinda Ann 9/10/18479/18/1905(R.F. Coke married Melinda Ann Burrow 1866 /Joined the Baptist Church 1865)
32CokeMrs J.P. 11/15/18695/26/1916 (wife of John)
33CokeRichard Franklin 9/12/184012/21/1914 (Frank) (R.F. Coke married Melinda Ann Burrow 1866 /Joined the Baptist Church 1865)
34ColemanCora B. __/__/1879__/__/1953
35ColemanJoe W. __/__/1875__/__/1949
36CorneliusHazzie J. 8/8/1918__/__/__ -----
37CorneliusMaudie 9/12/18971/21/1993
38CorneliusR.T. 1/19/19257/4/2002
39CorneliusVester 3/3/189911/23/1933
40CrumA.C. Jake __/__/1898__/__/1966
41CrumAnnie Miles __/__/1881__/__/1955
42CrumBruce 8/23/18946/24/1972
43CrumCarrie M. 1/9/190610/3/1978
44CrumDovie 5/13/19021/6/1966
45CrumEarl 1/18/19021/8/1949
46CrumEarlie B. 12/17/19__/__/__ ------
47CrumEdmond 6/__/1887__/__/1888(b:6-1887) (son of Earl and Martha J. Crum)B. ?
48CrumEliza M. 11/22/187710/15/1967
49CrumEthel Hutchens 5/8/19132/9/2000
50CrumEvone 4/27/1928__/__/__ ------
51CrumEwell 3/29/19273/15/1999
52CrumFlora 10/26/18899/5/1931
53CrumFloyd A. 12/27/19242/22/1998
54CrumGrady E. 6/14/19154/19/1975
55CrumHarm Jackson 11/26/18908/17/1932
56CrumHillie A. 1/31/18829/22/1971
57CrumJ.B. 6/25/186512/9/1884
58CrumJ.C. 9/21/19219/11/1993
59CrumJohn Allen “Buck” 12/20/19113/16/1992
60CrumJohn R. __/__/1899__/__/1980
61CrumJosephine 10/10/18715/18/1936
62CrumMalissie Ann 4/4/18718/9/1931
63CrumMartha __/__/1900__/__/1979
64CrumMartha __/__/1890__/__/1926
65CrumMartha J. 6/5/183112/18/1909 D
66CrumMary A. 11/29/18845/30/1886 (dau. of W.A. and R.B. Crum)
67CrumModean “Short” 4/25/192111/23/1995
68CrumModena 8/14/19094/7/2001
69CrumRobert L. 7/26/190612/28/1985
70CrumRobert N. 8/5/18665/16/1949
71CrumSallie Roten 6/14/18874/21/1975
72CrumW.M. Billie 2/17/18625/19/1956
73CrumWillie Lue __/__/1901__/__/1980
74CrumWilma 1/29/19098/12/1931
75Crum“Bud” Rufus 9/26/190212/4/1944
76CrumbyIrene Smith 2/29/19246/6/1989
77DavisZettie Wilbanks __/__/1907__/__/1946
78ElamBaxter Bruce __/__/1899__/__/1966
79ElamBeatrice 2/25/1931__/__/__ -----
80ElamBettie __/__/1887__/__/1983
81ElamBoy __/__/1888__/__/1970
82ElamBrinda Gayle 3/23/19491/14/1951 (dau. of R. V. Elam)
83ElamDola 12/31/19009/2/1921
84ElamIda Mae __/__/1899__/__/1920
85ElamInfant Son __/__/1920__/__/__ (Ida Mae Elam) It appeared that they both died in child birth.
86ElamJessie Ervin 1/18/190110/19/1960
87ElamKaty Laura __/__/____/__/__ (also dau of Bettie and Boy Elam)
88ElamL.V. 7/31/19273/31/1980
89ElamMelenda Lucenda 4/12/18669/10/1933
90ElamTester R. __/__/1906__/__/1959
91ElamVador V. 6/13/19149/21/1919 (dau.of Bettie and Boy Elam)B.
92EvansBessie Mai 9/12/19027/28/1950 (Killough) Wife of R.W.Evans
93FelkerEdith R. 7/14/1944__/__/__ -----
94FelkerHerb K. 1/6/19444/12/1996
95FlakeRodie __/__/1849__/__/1924
96FollinClem J. __/__/1879__/__/1965
97FollinClifford C. 2/4/19076/18/1959
98FollinEliza Austin 11/17/18581/25/1914
99FollinHonnell Eugene 11/4/193911/4/1973
100FollinJohn K. __/__/1882__/__/1955
101FollinLaverne __/__/1933__/__/__ -----
102FollinLeland A. 12/31/193312/20/1991
103FollinMichael __/__/1957__/__/__1 day age
104FollinRichard __/__/1902__/__/1941
105FollinRoy Lee __/__/1913__/__/1993
106FollinSarah W. 3/23/1933__/__/__ -----
107FollinVirgie C. 9/16/190312/27/1977
108FollinWayne __/__/1927__/__/1965
109Follin“Dock”John F. M. 2/23/18554/11/1935
110ForsytheElsie M. __/__/1919__/__/__ -----
111ForsytheRobert F. __/__/1923__/__/2001
112GlidewellMartha Ann 7/__/18257/19/1900
113GlissenDonie 9/29/188612/14/1916(wife of Hubert Glissen)
114GlissenLonie E. 3/27/19161/4/1917
115GlissonArchie 4/25/191712/26/1948
116GlissonBirdie 3/6/189810/13/1971
117GlissonLorraine G. 10/12/19188/27/1974
118GlissonMitchell R. 5/6/19473/8/2002
119GlissonStanley 3/16/189012/17/1972
120GuynesBessie 7/1/18944/7/1952
121GuynesHenry L. __/__/1931__/__/1956
122GuynesIshmel W. 3/18/18917/18/1936
123GuynesPinkie 8/1/1916__/__/__ -----
124HallFlabil 1/24/19146/23/1916 (son of J.B. Hall)
125HilburnCharlie H. __/__/1872__/__/1952
126HilburnCleabert 1/20/19145/8/1986
127HilburnElsie __/__/1902__/__/1981
128HilburnMorris 5/25/19227/1/1973
129HilburnNannie A. __/__/1868__/__/1924
130HilburnVirgie __/__/1898__/__/1938
131HodumLular 6/23/18903/2/1935
132HodumRichard H __/__/1886__/__/1960
133HollandBennie G. 5/19/1955__/__/__ -----
134HollandLila Faye 4/2/19378/25/1998
135HollandRandell Odell 3/23/19321/4/2002
136HollandRuth M. 11/5/1953__/__/__ -----
137JonesAdelle V. 1/4/19246/30/2002
138JonesAmanda Elizabeth Coke 4/22/187511/23/1950(Mandy)(Mandy’s Father was R.F. Coke) (She Married John Franklin Jones)
139JonesAmanda J. 6/16/18427/5/1920
140JonesAnn Burrow __/__/____/__/__
141JonesBrownie Elbert 12/7/19073/5/1988
142JonesChristopher Todd 3/17/1971__/__/__ same day
143JonesClarence O. __/14/19146/26/1987(son of John F. & Mandy Jones)
144JonesClicy Waco 8/16/19066/6/1977 (son of John F.& Mandy Jones)
145JonesFulton 4/30/19395/13/1994 (s/o Malcolm and Maxalee Jones)
146JonesGregory D. 1/19/1981__/__/__ -----
147JonesHarold R. __/__/1946__/__/__ -----
148JonesJ.D. 4/23/190911/15/1988
149JonesJ.L. 8/18/19411/20/1945
150JonesJohn Franklin 8/16/186612/3/1949 (s/o William M. Jones)D.
151JonesLorie __/__/1947__/__/1950
152JonesMadie 11/30/19141/11/2002
153JonesMiles N. __/__/____/__/__(b:1st) (Co.B Miss MTD. rifles CSA) B. ? ?
154JonesMinnie 5/13/19381/7/2002 (w/q Fulton Jones)
155JonesMyrtle Lela Della 12/25/19019/14/1903
156JonesRhebon E. 3/9/1937__/__/__ -----
157JonesTracy D. 4/6/1979__/__/__ -----
158JonesTrudie Spencer 3/22/190911/20/1987
159JonesWilliam M. 11/28/18443/11/1921(PVT Batty- 1st Batl Tenn Light Artillery Union (Bill)
160KennedyAmanda M. __/__/1853__/__/1925
161KennedyHiram __/__/1849__/__/1929
162KennedyJ.B. __/__/1890__/__/1964
163KennedyPaul G. 12/1/19192/23/1988
164KennedyRhoda __/__/1884__/__/1949
165KilloughClemmie 11/17/18771/31/1929
166KilloughDavid H. 6/19/187811/4/1935
167LancasterAvis G. 1/20/1929__/__/__ -----
168LancasterHerbert D. 12/7/19198/23/1986(Bill)
169MalolfJohn 2/2/19021/19/1983
170MarkleMaud 7/17/19054/21/1925
171MarkleRoxie 10/2/19023/15/1978
172MarkleWill Ed 11/13/18987/16/1983
173MarolfVerna 12/25/191511/5/2001
174MartinTheodore Jason Scott 8/10/19828/26/1982
175MathisCharlie Clifton 7/13/19024/9/1904 (s/o E.D.& Dora Mathis)B.
176MathisCleatus O. 12/26/18983/27/1977
177MathisDora 2/22/18746/3/1952
178MathisE.D. 12/10/18753/23/1917
179MathisEthel A 3/26/19076/20/1976
180MathisFlorence Elvie 2/14/192410/11/1926
181MathisInfant Son 12/27/190912/29/1909d/o Mr & Mrs. N.D. Mathis
182MathisJudge Paul 5/13/192810/8/1992
183MathisMart A. 2/22/190512/10/1990
184MathisMinnie Gay 8/9/18937/20/1977
185MathisNancy Jane Roten 3/12/190012/7/1935
186Mathis“Doc” Leroy 4/12/191610/16/1970
187MecoyLee Anna Wroten 1/1/19196/28/1983
188MecoyW.C. Quinn 11/26/19065/6/1969
189MeeksL.A. 5/16/183510/8/1910
190MeeksLou 12/22/1850__/__/__ ?
191MeeksLucinda 9/__/18356/21/1908
192MillsAaron H. __/__/1922__/__/1968
193MillsBirt C. 8/30/1920__/__/__ -----
194MillsBobby L. 6/1/19459/9/1994
195MillsClarice Mae 3/20/19204/24/1920
196MillsClayton __/__/1882__/__/1948
197MillsDavid __/__/1946__/__/__only lived 1 day
198MillsEarl M. __/__/1919__/__/1964
199MillsEdna J. 12/5/1929__/__/__ -----
200MillsEmma __/__/1886__/__/1937
This was prepared by: Tom Mathis
This is only a list of the marked graves as of May 28,2003
A special thanks to my sister Linda Phifer for helping me gather this data for
the benefit of everyone with relatives buried here.

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