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Pocahontas County, West Virginia
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Bruffey Cemetery

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Submitted By Rick Brown 09/08/2023

Location: Arbovale - North Fork Road Location Map    

Description and/or Directions

Directions: Going south from Arbovale on Rt. 28 turn left on North Fork Road. Continue going east until you come to a fork in the road, taking the left fork which is still North Fork Road. A few hundred yards after the fork the cemetery sits off to the left in a field before, I believe, you come to a road called Gum Road on the left.

Total Records: 4
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1Bruffey A. W. __/__/__03/16/1871A. W. B. aged 84-9-17 Annie W. Slaven Bruffey
2BruffeyElinor McDonald (Nellie) __/__/____/__/1825No Stone-My grandfather (Roscoe W. Brown) said that Elinor "Nellie" McDonald Bruffey is buried next to her son Patrick Bruffey, and there is a stone there. She died in 1825. Rick Brown, Chillicothe, Oh
3Bruffey Patrick 05/08/178502/03/1853P.B.
4Bruffey Rachel Ann __/__/__01/29/1854R.A.B. North Fork Deer Creek, Scarlet fever, aged 3-11-29, daughter of Williams S. and Mary Jane Hamilton Bruffey

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