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All Saints Monie Cemetery

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Submitted By Cindy Noble 11/09/2023

Location: 28434 Venton Road Princess Anne, Somerset Co., MD Location Map    

Description and/or Directions

Originally submitted May 28, 2006 Directions: From intersection of Rt. 13 & Rt. 363, travel west approximately 4 miles to Venton Road and turn right. Church and cemetery are on the right about ½ mile



Total Records: 270
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1Adams Elsie R. __/__/1892__/__/1931Daughter
2Aldrich Lois B. __/__/1877__/__/1907William F.
3Aldrich William F. __/__/1857__/__/1927Lois B.
4Barnett Elizabeth P. __/__/1842__/__/1928
5Barnette John W. 09/01/184111/18/1916God gave – He took – He will restore. He doeth all things well
6Beatty Lillian P. 08/26/187011/04/1917Mother
7Bennett Evelyn P. __/__/1901__/__/1969
8Bennett Rosa L. 12/12/188202/23/1949
9Bennett William J. __/__/1901__/__/1964
10Bennett William S. 11/23/187202/10/1953
11Bloodsworth Bessie Muir 06/16/191703/19/1980
12Bloodsworth J.h. 05/02/189204/28/1906
13Bloodsworth James D. 11/02/191009/11/1978
14Bloodsworth L.a. 03/03/186805/08/1941
15Bloodsworth Lillian F. 08/12/189810/30/1970
16Bloodsworth R. L. Jr. 09/28/190103/01/1929
17Bloodsworth R. L. Sr. 10/25/186209/28/1901
18Bozman Adaline G. 07/27/184103/26/1920Rest mother rest in quiet sleep, While friends in sorrow o’er thee weep / Wife of I.J.
19Bozman Edward S. 03/09/187312/05/1948
20Bozman Ellis A. 12/18/188010/04/1954
21Bozman Eva Price 04/29/188106/02/1971Robert P.
22Bozman George E. 04/19/187707/11/1950
23Bozman Hester 03/26/184605/30/1912In memory of … Wife of Robert H. / She’s gone to world’s above Where saints and angels meet, To realize our Saviour’s love And worship at his feet
24Bozman Isaac J. 03/03/184011/30/1905Dearest Father, could you speak to us And could you live again. Our longing hearts would then be healed But this we wish in vain
25Bozman Robert H. 01/13/185612/14/1923In memory of … Aged 67Y-11M-1D /Gone but not forgotten
26Bozman Robert P. 01/06/187912/22/1945Eva P.
27Briddell Mary F. 09/12/185109/06/1903Aged 52Y-4M / Wife of Emerson M. / Epitaph unreadable
28Carlson Estella T. __/__/1902__/__/1988
29Carlson Victor E. __/__/1902__/__/1962In Loving Memory
30Caton Phoebe Lois 03/04/186206/27/1943
31Caton William 03/14/186205/03/1940
32Creamer Margaret E. __/__/__09/27/__
33Creamer Reuben B. 10/28/189710/01/1898Son of John S. & Ida / Budded on earth to bloom in heaven
34Croswell Almira P. __/__/1876__/__/1971
35Croswell Annie M. __/__/1864__/__/1943
36Croswell Edward M. 03/14/186602/10/1929Son of Severn T. & Mary F.
37Croswell George H. __/__/1862__/__/1929
38Croswell John W. __/__/1865__/__/1937
39Croswell Levinia C. __/__/1859__/__/1889William W. Croswell & Edna C. White
40Croswell Mary F. 03/20/183610/19/1902Reverse
41Croswell Severn T. 03/30/182209/03/1901Reverse: Gone but not forgotten
42Croswell Wallace Wade __/__/1896__/__/1952
43Croswell William W. __/__/1859__/__/1932Levinia C. Croswell & Edna C. White
44Dashiell George W. 04/05/187607/15/1938
45Dashiell Louise M. 02/16/189812/20/1954
46Dashiell Minnie M. __/__/1869__/__/1958In memory of …
47Dashiell Robert 05/18/182109/12/1901I.H.S.
48Dashiell Sallie E. M. 05/20/183811/22/1913I.H.S.
49Disharoon Annie E. __/__/1866__/__/1948
50Disharoon Harry B. 01/21/189710/17/1968
51Disharoon Rada Atkinson 05/03/190403/24/1998Age 93
52Disharoon Samuel J. __/__/1862__/__/1927
53Disharoon William W. __/__/__12/18/1918MD PVT 56 Pioneer Inf. / American Legion marker
54Dove Harry W. __/__/1884__/__/1965Wilhelmina
55Dove Wilhelmina __/__/1885__/__/1971Harry W.
56Dryden Jennie A. 02/19/188111/04/1905Unreadable epitaph / Wife of Elmer F.
57Dulin Lillie W. __/__/1859__/__/1929
58Fisher Bradley Kohleim 08/21/198310/28/1983
59Fitzgerald Amelia P. 01/19/193006/21/2000If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to heaven and bring you home again / MELIE on small stone beside this one
60Fitzgerald Family Headstone __/__/____/__/__THF on left marker, MAF on right marker
61Fitzgerald Thomas H. Jr. 02/26/185611/01/1889Asleep in Jesus
62Fitzgerald William Thompson __/__/1893__/__/1899
63Furness Alexander W. 07/21/183906/27/1886Maria H.
64Furness Corrie 09/24/186409/04/1866Daughter of A.W. & M.H.
65Furness David E. __/__/1868__/__/1951
66Furness Frank L. __/__/1878__/__/1957
67Furness Margaret A. __/__/1881__/__/1960
68Furness Maria H. 07/22/183904/07/1909Alexander W.
69Furness Nora R. __/__/1873__/__/1947
70Gebo Donald G. __/__/1915__/__/1988Mason / Eleanor J.
71Gebo Eleanor J. __/__/1924__/__/__Date obscured / Donald G.
72Geoghegan Barton Monroe 09/12/190309/15/__Son of J.M. & S.B. Geoghegan / Year of death broken off
73Geoghegan Jefferson M. __/__/1872__/__/1956
74Geoghegan Sadie B. __/__/1881__/__/1966
75Hastings Elender 05/12/182302/11/1888In Memory Of / Husband and children, I must leave yes leave you all alone when my blessed Saviour calls me, calls me to a heavenly home
76Hastings Winder H. 10/26/181903/19/1895In Memory of / At Rest
77Heath Delcie E. 07/25/191312/30/1915Daughter of James and Lydia / Budded on earth To bloom in heaven
78Heath Elizabeth A. 06/19/185002/08/1894Aged 43Y-7M-19D / Wife of James S. / (Stone sunken, hard to read)
79Heath George W. 01/25/188009/25/1882Aged 2Y-7M-27D / Son of Thos. H. & Louisiana F.
80Heath Henry M. 01/20/189102/12/1891Son of Thos. H. & Louisiana F.
81Heath Ira Thomas __/__/____/__/__Son of Thos. H. & Louisiana F. / (Stone broken, dates unreadable
82Heath John W. __/__/1863__/__/1944Husband
83Heath Louisiana F. 01/23/185902/15/1942Asleep in Jesus
84Heath Marby L. 03/11/189207/12/1952MD PFC CO L 115 INF 29 DIV WWI PH
85Heath Susan G. __/__/1862__/__/1938Wife
86Heath Thomas H. 05/25/185607/20/1940At Rest
87Heath Thomas W. 12/12/182801/28/1883Aged 54Y-1M-16D / In memory of …
88Henderson Mary E. 03/15/185007/16/1908At Rest
89Hickman Charlotte J. __/__/1861__/__/1934
90Hickman William I. __/__/1852__/__/1916
91Hill Lucille D. __/__/1924__/__/1998Paul E.
92Hill Paul E. __/__/1918__/__/1974Lucille D.
93Keeley Mary T. 10/07/187004/28/1930
94Kelley Lucy G. 03/04/189108/06/1892Infant daughter of J.R. & Mary B. / Keep and now we leave/our darling sleeping / Stone sunken, hard to read
95Kelly V. Almira __/__/1846__/__/1936
96Kohlheim Anna L. __/__/1894__/__/1971Roland
97Kohlheim August F. __/__/1848__/__/1938Bertha M.
98Kohlheim Bertha M. __/__/1861__/__/1944August F.
99Kohlheim Catherine D. __/__/1919__/__/1971Frederick W.
100Kohlheim Frederick W. __/__/1903__/__/1968Catherine D.
101Kohlheim Georgia B. __/__/1889__/__/1960Paul F.
102Kohlheim Herman P. __/__/1887__/__/1964
103Kohlheim Paul F. __/__/1891__/__/1959Georgia B.
104Kohlheim Roland __/__/1894__/__/1976Anna
105Kohlheim Roland John 03/09/189409/16/1976Cook US Army WWI
106Kohlheim Sarah E. 04/30/1908__/__/__Walter B.
107Kohlheim Walter B. 04/11/190603/23/2003Sarah E.
108Laird Mary E. __/__/____/__/__In memory of / (Stone broken and unreadable)
109Lewis Amelia C. __/__/1909__/__/1989Gorman L.
110Lewis Archie G. __/__/1902__/__/1972Masonic emblem / Edna E.
111Lewis Bessie M. __/__/1899__/__/1965
112Lewis Carol M. 09/06/1935__/__/__Thomas D.
113Lewis Edna E. __/__/1904__/__/1993Archie G.
114Lewis Elsie M. __/__/1925__/__/1932
115Lewis George P. __/__/1875__/__/1951There are no partings in Heaven
116Lewis Gorman L. __/__/1911__/__/1979Amelia C.
117Lewis John F. __/__/1872__/__/1943
118Lewis Lela M. 01/20/190708/18/1907Daughter of John F. & Edna J. / Gone to be an angel
119Lewis Maggie 03/10/184501/24/1916
120Lewis Mary E. __/__/1922__/__/1987
121Lewis Mary L. 09/01/188011/12/1915Peace Perfect Peace / Wife of Geo. P. / Dearest wife thou has left us. Here thy loss we deeply feel./But ‘tis God who has (?) us. He can all our sorrows heal. Yet again we hope to meet you. When the day of life is fled. And in Heaven we hope to meet you. Where no farewell tears are shed
122Lewis Nathaniel D. (nat.) __/__/1879__/__/1949
123Lewis Samuel __/__/__04/07/1916(b:03/1848):Aged 68 yrs
124Lewis Thomas D. 12/06/193005/06/1994Carol M.
125Lewis William J. 06/07/1845__/__/__Husband of Tabitha A./ He has gone from us/his dear ones, his/children and wife
126Lloyd John W. __/__/1848__/__/1912Sarah E.
127Lloyd Sarah E. __/__/1847__/__/1928John W.
128Lloyd Susie C. 01/21/187612/12/1897Aged 21Y-10M-12D / Daughter of John W. & Sarah E. / Day after day we saw her fade, And gently pass away, And often in our hearts won’t and, That she might longer stay, Farewell, farewell my Susie dear, My life is sad without thee here, Oh may we meet in heaven above, Where all of joy and peace and love
129Lokey John W. 01/03/188012/12/1903Aged 23Y-11M-9D / Son of W.J. & Sarah L.
130Lokey William J. 03/07/185010/02/1905In memory of My Beloved Husband / Tis hard to break the tender cord, Where love has bound the heart, Tis hard, so hard, to speak the words, We must forever part / Bottom lines not readable
131Malchow Louisa A. 03/14/183002/12/1912Born in Germany / Meet me in heaven
132Mcdaniel Mary Gertrude 02/10/190106/14/1901Daughter of John V. & Mary E.
133Mcdorman George W. W. __/__/__02/18/1912Aged 72 yrs / In loving remembrance of G… Loved in life in death Remembered
134Melson Julia A. 05/08/185805/03/1924Beloved wife of Matthias S. Melson / Every joy to us is dead/Since mother is not here
135Melson Matthias S. 10/16/185103/07/1921
136Meredith Evelyn E. __/__/__08/21/1921
137Merryman Juanita Reese __/__/1902__/__/1993Lewis C.
138Merryman Lewis C. __/__/1929__/__/__
139Messick Samuel J. 03/23/186412/23/1902Aged 38Y-7M / In memory of … Son of Wm. E.B. & Henrietta A.
140Moffett Elsie K. 08/16/192708/12/1979
141Moffett Tracy 06/09/192402/17/1976US Marine Corps WWII
142Muir Cora A. 03/18/187001/23/1903Mamma / Josiah P.
143Muir Cora A. __/__/1896__/__/1977
144Muir Eleanor L. 05/26/192006/24/1994William F., Jr.
145Muir Ethel K. __/__/1897__/__/1932
146Muir John E. __/__/1849__/__/1914Mariah T.
147Muir John M. 11/13/189008/20/1934
148Muir Josiah P. 09/12/186802/01/1937Papa / In Heaven Dear, What a happy meeting / Cora A.
149Muir Lillian P. __/__/1898__/__/1992William F., Sr.
150Muir Mariah T. __/__/1861__/__/1931John E.
151Muir W. Frank Jr. 10/15/191711/14/1996Tec 5 US Army WWII / Purple Heart
152Muir William F. Jr. 10/15/191711/14/1996Eleanor L.
153Muir William F. Sr. __/__/1892__/__/1975Lillian P.
154Newman George W. 01/5/186612/19/1899Unreadable epitaph
155Newman Infant __/__/____/__/__Infant son of W.T. & Rena F. / (Sunken stone)
156Newman Lavinia E. 07/19/186408/24/1950Aunt
157Newman Rena F. __/__/1877__/__/1927
158Parks Alva Bozman 11/26/190808/01/1978Harry E.
159Parks Annie P. __/__/1842__/__/1921Isaac T.
160Parks Edward W. __/__/__08/02/1902Aged about 54 / We cannot tell who next may fall, Beneath the chastening rod/One must be first, but let us all, Prepare to meet our God
161Parks Everett Martin 04/26/190801/29/1912Son of John E. & Jessie L. / Safe in the arms of Jesus
162Parks Gordy Z. 08/01/189608/08/1963MD PVT CO L 72 Infantry WWI
163Parks Harry Elisha 03/10/190208/11/1947Alva B.
164Parks Isaac T. __/__/1843__/__/1912Annie P.
165Parks Lois Campbell 01/20/189611/05/1980Unknown emblem at top of stone
166Parks Miranda J. 01/21/184612/25/1927
167Pennock Martha A. 05/20/185211/29/1886Aged 33Y-6M-9D / Wife of Walter C. / Come all my friends as you pass by Behold this place where I do lie As you are now so once was I Remember you are born to die Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
168Perrow Martha __/__/1893__/__/1963
169Phoebus Alexine 09/30/184107/07/1912
170Phoebus Eleanora C. 12/31/184609/16/1904In Loving Remembrance of … Wife of J. Asbury Phoebus / Asleep in Jesus
171Phoebus Indiana 01/08/186303/08/1923Mother / Asleep in Jesus
172Phoebus James H. __/__/1845__/__/1916
173Phoebus James H. 04/16/187009/26/1935
174Phoebus M.e. Wilbur __/__/1840__/__/1915
175Phoebus Mary P. __/__/1843__/__/1918
176Phoebus Mary W. 03/07/184105/09/1902Unreadable / Wife of James H.
177Pollitt Sidney 03/20/185703/08/1910Son of Morris W. & Hester A. / Asleep in Jesus
178Potter Anne M. 01/24/184003/11/1881At Rest / In Memory of our Mother … Born … Departed this life …
179Potter William B. 05/22/186801/28/1932
180Price James A. 10/05/185807/30/1905Mary A.F.
181Price Laura V. __/__/1856__/__/1937
182Price Mary A.f. 11/07/186205/11/1904James A.
183Price Mary Henrietta J. 07/31/183503/16/1900Wife of William A.
184Pusey Herman F. __/__/1887__/__/1966
185Pusey Naomi B. __/__/1888__/__/1965
186Reese Annie M. __/__/1876__/__/1963
187Reese Charlie W. __/__/1864__/__/1913Masonic Emblem / In Memory of Charlie W. … May he rest in peace
188Reese Elizabeth A. 12/18/183712/17/1919Gone but not forgotten
189Reese Maggie A. __/__/____/__/__2nd piece of stone
190Reese Maggie A. __/__/1875__/__/1910Wife of Charlie W. / May she rest in peace / Stone broken in 2 pieces
191Reese Sidney R. __/__/1840__/__/1908In memory of/ Sidney R. Reese/He is not dead but sleepeth (Stone broken in 2 pieces)
192Reese Virgil H. 12/24/190712/18/1996A Christian Man
193Reese Virginia A. 02/11/186401/08/1928Sister / Daughter of Wm. H. & Eliza A. / She has gone to her home in heaven. And all her afflictions are o’er
194Reese William H. 01/15/183501/25/1916May he rest in peace
195Reese William T. __/__/1870__/__/1930
196Reinhardt Edwin L. 06/05/190910/27/1979Hertha E.L.
197Reinhardt Hertha E.l. 10/25/190811/29/1993Edwin L.
198Revelle John T. __/__/1884__/__/1928Brother / Sidney F. & Mary A.
199Revelle Mary A. __/__/1855__/__/1942Mother / Sidney F. & John T.
200Revelle Sidney F. __/__/1855__/__/1945Father / Mary A. & John T.

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