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Bloomington Cemetery

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Submitted By Pamela Davies 02/08/2021

Location: 10340 Lyndale Ave South Bloomington, MN. Location Map   

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Lyndale Avenue at 104th Street established 1856 Recorded for GenWeb Tombstone Project 1999 by Pamela Davies. Originally submitted 1999



Total Records: 1846
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1AabergBerget Mikkelsen __/__/1898__/__/1990Row 35
2AbarElla __/__/1878__/__/1927Row 20
3AbarLouis J. __/__/1884__/__/1965
4AbarMamie __/__/1888__/__/1947Row 15Mother
5AbbottFrank __/__/1859__/__/1927Row 24
6ActonL. Maud 07/24/188704/08/1908Row 25[part of the Pond group evidently]
7AdelmannJoseph C. __/__/1888__/__/1948
8AitchisonDelores A. __/__/1915__/__/__(d:no date):Together forever shared stone with Walter L.
9AitchisonWalter L. __/__/1916__/__/1970Mason Together forever shared stone with Delores A.
10AkinLucille M. __/__/1899__/__/1949Row 25
11AlbrechtEdwin C. __/__/1914__/__/1961Father
12AlbrechtLena __/__/1893__/__/1933Mother
13AlleeAnne M. __/__/1869__/__/1959Row 17
14AlleeEliza P. __/__/1843__/__/1920Row 16
15AlleeWilliam F. __/__/1843__/__/1927Row 16
16AllenFlossie Chadwick __/__/1890__/__/1980Row 33
17AllianoHellen Harvy __/__/1900__/__/1987Row 37
18AlthenOlive D. __/__/1888__/__/1945Row 28
19AmellHenry A. __/__/1887__/__/1921Row 10
20AmellMabel I. __/__/1887__/__/1973Row 10
21AmesAnna M. __/__/__03/12/1864Row 25(b:no date):At 5ys 9ms & 19ds
22AmesCassie __/__/1874__/__/1899Row 24
23AmesEdwin __/__/1881__/__/1945Row 24
24AmesEdwin A. __/__/__08/08/1855Row 25(b:no date):Age 1 yr 3 ms & 16 ds son of Orville & A. M. Ames
25AmesGeorge Ames __/__/1822__/__/1877Row 10GAR marker
26AmesGeorge __/__/____/__/__(b:no date)(d:no date):Co D 6th Minn Vol Inf; Name inscribed on the Civil War Memorial Erected by the citizens of Bloomington Memorial Day 1890
27AmesGertrude MacGeorge __/__/1875__/__/1936Row 8
28AmesIsabella __/__/1854__/__/1920
29AmesOrville __/__/____/__/__(b:no date)(d:no date):Co B 1st Minn Vol Inf; Name inscribed on the Civil War Memorial Erected by the citizens of Bloomington Memorial Day 1890
30AmesRobert __/__/1879__/__/1910Row 24
31AmesRuth M. __/__/1836__/__/1915Row 10
32AmesSamuel H. __/__/1868__/__/1934Row 10
33AmesSarah M. __/__/1868__/__/1950Row 10
34AmesSusan __/__/1884__/__/1966Row 24
35AncelZelia __/__/__09/18/1873wife of J. L. Ancel age 48 years
36AndersonAxel 01/13/188401/02/1950Row 7
37AndersonEllen __/__/1911__/__/1993
38AndersonGeorge __/__/1906__/__/1994Row 43
39AndersonGladys V. __/__/1911__/__/__Row 43(d:no date):
40AndersonHarry G. 04/30/192611/29/1996Row 40US Navy World War II
41AndersonHulda A. __/__/1895__/__/1948Row 13Wife
42AndersonKristine __/__/1881__/__/1972
43AndersonLes 05/11/195002/09/1988Row 6
44AndersonLucy __/__/1889__/__/1972
45AndersonOscar __/__/1891__/__/1950Father
46AndersonPearl V. __/__/1910__/__/1982Row 17
47AndersonRalph O. __/__/1915__/__/1970
48AndersonRasmus M. __/__/1881__/__/1948
49AndersonRobert E. __/__/1893__/__/1977Husband
50AndersonTheodore __/__/1886__/__/1965
51AndersonThomas Lee __/__/1948__/__/1952Row 15Our Tommy
52AngelAlbert H. __/__/1868__/__/1941Row 23
53AngelAlice R. __/__/1908__/__/1978Row 21 1/2
54AngelHarold W. __/__/1907__/__/1974Row 21 1/2
55AngelJohn L. __/__/__04/19/1890(b:no date):aged 68 yrs
56AngelMyrna __/__/____/__/__Row 21 1/2(b:no date)(d:no date):
57AngelRichard L. __/__/1891__/__/1972Row 33
58AngelRose M. __/__/1890__/__/1977Row 33
59AngleAnna Hopkins 01/22/187208/23/1957Row 5 part of Hopkins Monument
60ApotakewinJulia __/__/__07/25/1880Aged 78 years
61ArdellH. 04/01/193212/27/1988Row 9
62ArnoldLeone L. 11/08/191710/17/1998
63ArnoldMelvin A. 7/29/19206/24/1998
64ArnquistClara __/__/1895__/__/1965Mother
65ArnquistEnoch __/__/1892__/__/1997Father
66AtkinsCharles L. __/__/1881__/__/1947Row 28
67AtkinsRuth __/__/1896__/__/1943Row 28
68AuchterlonieAlexander __/__/1959__/__/1966
69AusdleEugene H. 12/18/196212/20/1964Our son
70BaarMary 05/13/188801/08/1974Mother
71BachelorDeborah Shcaney __/__/__12/26/1876Row 19(b:no date):aged 31 yrs 2 ms 9ds wife of Joseph P. Bachelor
72BaconAmos __/__/1875__/__/1959
73BaconVendela __/__/1882__/__/1982
74BadowFriedmannn __/__/1955__/__/1962
75BaggieElvie F. __/__/1889__/__/1984Row 46
76BagleyRichard J. __/__/1930__/__/1989Husband dad and grandpa
77BailiffC. Victor __/__/1886__/__/1949
78BailiffLillian __/__/1889__/__/1975
79BailiffNicolas __/__/1858__/__/1944
80BaillifAdelaide S. 08/11/189310/10/1943Row 8wife of Allen E.
81BaillifAlfred E. __/__/1858__/__/1953Row 29
82BaillifAllen E. 12/18/1893__/__/__Row 8(d:march 11/1964):
83BaillifArthur __/__/1889__/__/1977
84BaillifBelle __/__/1896__/__/1949
85BaillifBelle Jannett __/__/1925__/__/1925
86BaillifClement E. __/__/__09/30/1976Row 7(b:march 23/1892):PVT US Army World War I
87BaillifErnest A. 12/7/185105/31/1935Row 7Father
88BaillifHelen M. Baillif 06/20/189201/23/1991Row 7wife
89BaillifJohn Victor __/__/__06/30/1882Row 19(b:no date):Killed on the Manitoba Viaduct aged 32 years 7 months & 21 days
90BaillifJohn P. 08/15/181609/17/1868Row 29Father
91BaillifJules A. __/__/1853__/__/1929Row 7
92BaillifMartin J. __/__/1880__/__/1969
93BaillifMary A. __/__/1867__/__/1952
94BaillifMatilda G. __/__/1855__/__/1927Row 7
95BaillifMatilda V. __/__/1883__/__/1957Row 7
96BaillifRebecca A. 07/15/190310/24/1980Row 8
97BaillifSarah A. __/__/__08/18/1947Row 7(b:nov 25/1865):Mother
98BaillifSarah E. Sever __/__/__03/22/1878Row 19(b:no date):aged 28 yrs 2 mos 2 ds wife of Rene Baillif
99BaillifVictorine 12/16/182902/24/1901Row 29Mother
100BaillifWalter R. 01/19/188206/06/1889Row 23Son of R.L. & J.L. Baillif
101BakemanLouise A. __/__/1885__/__/1965Row 1 Mother
102BakemanWilliam J. __/__/1872__/__/1935Row 1 Father
103BakkeDelores Carlson 01/15/191910/17/1977Row 18
104BangNellie __/__/1895__/__/1985
105BangPeter O. __/__/1889__/__/1970
106BartelSharon L. __/__/1935__/__/1995Row 40Mom Wife
107BartelsGeorge Paul 03/19/196401/05/1969
108BartlettMattie M. __/__/1900__/__/1996
109BartlettWilliam E. __/__/1904__/__/1981
110BartunkKeith Allen 04/15/196207/11/1962Row 46
111BaubyElsie I. __/__/1888__/__/1934Row 12Mother
112BaucomFrank M. __/__/1913__/__/1960
113BaucomOlive L. __/__/1909__/__/1988
114BazleyJosephine __/__/1867__/__/1918
115BazleyNancy __/__/183011/22/187444 years
116BazleyThomas T. __/__/__11/15/1891(b:no date):aged 63 yrs 11 mos [on back of stone: The infant son of T.T. & M.A. Bazley faith unto death]
117BeneckeLela M. __/__/1899__/__/1961Mother
118BensonEdward __/__/1868__/__/1934Row 14
119BergFrank W. __/__/1892__/__/1971Row 46
120BergH. Warren __/__/1923__/__/1940Row 36Son
121BergHarry W. __/__/1882__/__/1973Row 34
122BergMinnie E. __/__/1887__/__/1947Row 34Mother
123BergMuriel B. __/__/1897__/__/1962Row 46
124BergRebecca 04/15/195410/15/1954Row 36
125BergRose M. __/__/1927__/__/__Row 11(d:no date):
126BergSidney L. __/__/1927__/__/1993Row 11
127BerglundDouglas __/__/____/__/1957(b:no date):
128BerglundElizabeth __/__/____/__/1962(b:no date):
129BergquistCarl A. __/__/1883__/__/1967Row 7
130BergquistHulda V. __/__/1883__/__/1974Row 7
131BergstromAlbert O. __/__/1888__/__/1958Row 25Father
132BergstromClifford W. __/__/1916__/__/1991Row 22
133BergstromHulda __/__/1888__/__/1951Row 25Mother
134BergstromMyrtle E. __/__/1918__/__/__Row 22(d:no date):
135BergstromSteven 02/13/195002/15/1950Baby
136BerksCharles M. __/__/1902__/__/1991
137BerksMildred C. __/__/1905__/__/1993
138BertoyLee __/__/1914__/__/1963Father Masonic symbol
139BeyLouise A. __/__/1879__/__/1946Row 30
140BeyPaul R. __/__/1875__/__/1955Father
141BiierleinCornell O. __/__/1901__/__/1961
142BiierleinMyrtle K. __/__/1901__/__/1999
143BirkeloDonald J. 12/23/193402/03/1987Row 22
144BjorklundCarl R. __/__/1913__/__/1963
145BjorklundDorothy __/__/1916__/__/__(d:no date):
146BlaisCharlsie __/__/1923__/__/1998
147BlaisHerold __/__/1924__/__/__(d:no date):
148BlanchBertha Alder __/__/1872__/__/1948Row 44
149BlanchMildred I. Jr. 11/06/189907/15/1959Row 33MIMI dates from Death Index
150BlandChester E. __/__/1908__/__/1938Row 9
151BlanessJack E. __/__/____/__/1974(b:897):
152BlizilChester J. __/__/1912__/__/1973Row 7[Smith family stone]
153BlizilMildred G. __/__/1912__/__/1997Row 7[Smith family stone]
154BloomerPaul G. __/__/1901__/__/1950Father
155BlummerJohn __/__/1896__/__/1950Row 42Brother
156BlytheAllison M. __/__/1863__/__/1940Row 36Father
157BlytheFloyd M. __/__/1888__/__/1957Row 34Son
158BlytheHellen E. __/__/1900__/__/1956Row 34Daughter
159BlytheNellie D. __/__/1871__/__/1948Row 36Mother
160BocheViolet F. __/__/1893__/__/1962
161BocheWilliam B. __/__/1892__/__/1971
162BoeserKenneth J. __/__/1913__/__/1973
163BoggieEmma __/__/1888__/__/1936Row 46Mother
164BoggieJess C. __/__/1883__/__/1979Father
165BolkcomCelina A. __/__/1867__/__/1948Row 27
166BolkcomCharles E. 10/16/189003/19/1985Row 35
167BolkcomCharlotte Mae __/__/1926__/__/1938Row 35
168BolkcomEdward L. __/__/1906__/__/1992[Bill]Same stone with Myrtle A. Balkcom Married 04/12/1938
169BolkcomGrace A. __/__/1900__/__/1905
170BolkcomHarry G. __/__/1890__/__/1943Row 29
171BolkcomLorena Mary __/__/1891__/__/1962Row 35
172BolkcomMyrtle A. __/__/1902__/__/1992Same stone with Edward L. Balkcom Married 04/12/1938
173BolkcomPercy A. 10/24/189101/09/1985Row 27
174BolkcomWells P. __/__/1864__/__/1955Row 27
175BondeCaroline __/__/1873__/__/1957Mother
176BondeGottfrid __/__/1873__/__/1955Father
177BondeRuth L. __/__/1905__/__/1996Row 40
178BoodyElla L. __/__/1876__/__/1952
179BoodyPercy L. __/__/1876__/__/1960
180BowerAnna M. __/__/1870__/__/1917
181BowerGeorge Belknap __/__/1860__/__/1924
182BowerRoy Edgar Belknap __/__/1894__/__/1950
183BradburyCarrie R. __/__/1895__/__/1976Row 15Ladies of the GAR Circle 97 [marker]
184BradburyJohn H. __/__/1865__/__/1928Row 13
185BradburyNelson E. __/__/1895__/__/1961Row 15
186BradburySusie M. __/__/1871__/__/1965Row 13
187BrechtViolet M. Coleman __/__/1904__/__/1967Row 48Mother
188BredesenBurnham A. __/__/1890__/__/1935Row 33
189BredesenBurnham A. __/__/1916__/__/2012Row 17Father
190BredesenBurnham 02/12/1950__/__/__our son(d:Row 18):
191BredesenEmma M. __/__/1885__/__/1968Row 33
192BredesenPhyllis M. __/__/1918__/__/2009Row 17Mother
193BreesBaby Boy 09/17/192709/17/1927Row 23
194BreesCarrie Pond 08/13/181611/15/1935Row 23
195BreesKeith Spencer 12/23/190004/12/1984Row 23
196BrewRichard G. Wosgz __/__/1908__/__/1966[slash through the o in Wosgz]
197BrewsterMatilda 03/30/181803/30/1885Aged 72 yrs
198BrokkePaul Nathan __/__/1955__/__/1969
199BrooksAnna __/__/1885__/__/1954
200BrooksHiram __/__/1885__/__/1967

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