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Abe Springs Baptist Church

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Submitted By Rick Henderson 03/10/2014

Location:  13913 SW County Road 275 Abe Springs, Florida 32424 850-674-8585  Location Map     

Description and/or Directions

Directions to the cemetery: From the intersection of Florida State Highway 71 andFlorida State Highway 20 in Blountstown, Florida, drive west on Highway 20 for 6.3 miles.
Turn south on Calhoun County road 275 and drive for 2.3 miles. The church and cemetery will be on the left.
Complete plot survey conducted by Rick Henderson on March 9, 2014
Headstones face East
H/O Husband of
W/O Wife of
FHM Funeral home marker

Total Records: 115
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1CarrollCarolyn Layfield 8/31/1944__/__/__103
2CarrollFloyd Buster 5/25/193510/29/2007102
3CarterEmmett Eugene, Sr 4/16/190210/30/199060
4CarterSarah Eunice 7/4/19132/27/196561
5ChandlerIla Strickland 3/20/1934__/__/__7W/O #6 Ralph C
6ChandlerRalph C 4/19/19281/30/20066H/O #7 Ila Strickland; wed Oct 16 1965
7ClarkFrancis H __/__/1873__/__/194649
8ClarkHenry F __/__/1875__/__/195450
9ClarkWilliam H __/__/1850__/__/193148
10ClewisChristian E 11/6/18812/__/195897
11ClewisGeorge W 6/19/186412/16/195296
12ClewisMamie E 3/23/18878/5/194593
13CloudMary Ramsey 4/3/18852/15/1963113
14DanielsBilly Joe 8/2/19659/18/20111
15DeanEtta 11/20/192910/4/200167W/O #66 Gene
16DeanGene 5/23/19304/14/198266H/O #67 Etta; wed Feb 17 1950
17DickinsonL. Otheda Pitts __/__/1936__/__/197985
18DukeDelaney 7/11/18805/6/1961114
19DuncanIrah Ernest "Chalk" 3/22/192910/14/200643
20DuncanMargie J 11/27/19221/27/198044
21EllisThomas M 1/9/189112/15/196198
22FowlerAlma L __/__/1919__/__/195539
23FowlerHenry J __/__/1882__/__/194863
24FowlerLaura __/__/1886__/__/195762
25GatesFrank D 2/2/19376/18/20135
26HandBilly Edgar 12/22/19325/24/200274H/O #73 Bonnie Sue "Adams"
27HandBonnie Sue "Adams" 1/5/1938__/__/__73W/O #74 Billy Edgar; wed Jun 10 1955
28HarmonBob __/__/____/__/__3(Slab, FHM; no additional information)
30JohnsonElla Mae __/__/____/__/__110"1927"
31JordanAlice L 2/13/1936__/__/__65W/O #64 William H
32JordanWilliam H 5/30/192711/13/198964H/O #65 Alice L; wed Nov 24 1958
33KeelValda 3/22/191612/6/198272
34KillingsworthEdith I 6/1/1944__/__/__23
35KillingsworthG.M. 9/8/18988/12/198541
36KillingsworthJim L 5/10/1949__/__/__22
37KillingsworthLucile 7/27/190912/18/199342
38KingJammie H 6/25/19317/24/20078
39LayfieldGracie Mayo 12/6/1947__/__/__107
40LayfieldHenry "Bud" 10/8/1934__/__/__106
41LayfieldHetty Mae __/__/____/__/__108"1941"
42LayfieldKenneth Henry __/__/____/__/__109"1929"
43LayfieldLeroy 2/22/190012/8/197859
44LayfieldRosie 4/28/19102/5/201058
45LayfieldSallie Viana 1/5/190912/6/2006112W/O #111 William Henry
46LayfieldWilliam Henry 12/4/19035/2/1951111H/O #112 Sallie Viana; wed Jun 2 1929
47LolleyDanny 8/12/197410/7/199134
48LolleyLeroy 8/8/19389/29/200332SP5, US Army, Vietnam
49LolleyLinda Layfield 11/9/1946__/__/__33
50MastonPatricia L 7/11/19246/2/1987101
51MastonWilliam C, Jr 11/5/192510/19/2005100
52MinkLewis Albert 12/6/19168/7/199714Pvt, US Army, World War II
53MinkWinnie Euralia 4/11/1919__/__/__15
54OsborneElizabeth L 2/21/1935__/__/__31W/O #30 Harry Paul
55OsborneHarry Paul 7/9/192912/16/199530H/O #31 Elizabeth L; wed Jul 6 1955; Msg, US Army, Korea, Vietnam
56Paige__/__/____/__/__40"Infant" "1951", (In the Rhames-Fowler plot)
57ParkerLatrenda __/__/____/__/__4(Slab, FHM; no additional information)
58PateToby Lee __/__/1924__/__/201113
59Peavey11/18/193012/6/193091"Infant son of Mr & Mrs F.A. Peavy"
60PeavyBetty Lou 1/3/194710/24/199218
61PeavyClarence W 2/19/192312/24/199616
62PeavyDora Bell 11/18/19027/15/197990
63PeavyEthel M 3/2/190312/16/192686"Wife of Major C Peavy"
64PeavyFreddie A 1/28/18989/29/199289
65PeavyLawrence Wade 5/26/194811/18/198488
66PeavyLuna M 12/4/192311/2/199817
67PeavyMajor C 8/13/190012/19/197087
68PittsFlorence Peavy 8/14/19213/3/200183W/O #84 James Joseph "Jimmy"; wed Dec 20 1935
69PittsGeorge W 4/9/18961/28/197527
70PittsJames Joseph "Jimmy" 11/26/19101/15/199284H/O #83 Florence Peavy
71PittsMarium L 3/19/18948/9/196928
72PittsWallace Maxwell 7/15/19303/16/196729Florida, Cpl, Signal Corps
73PittsWilliam Willard 2/9/193312/22/197726
74ReynoldsJohn Lamar 7/6/194512/21/200199
75RhamesFrank B 12/6/19036/21/198036
76RhamesJames Franklin 9/9/192311/15/199935MM1, US Navy, World War II
77RhamesOla M 2/25/19063/21/198437
78RhamesWilmer Fred __/__/1925__/__/195738
79Richards__/__/____/__/__25"May 24 1938", (Infant slab)
80RichardsMargaret E 3/9/18759/6/195670
81RobertsC. Grace 1/15/1944__/__/__20
82RobertsCalvin Jessie "Rev. C.J." 8/9/19374/18/199846
83RobertsCalvin P "Cap" 1/25/18906/1/195251
84RobertsGeorge H 12/26/19172/26/199257Cpl, US Army, World War II
85RobertsIvy N 8/6/19106/15/199669W/P #68 Jessie
86RobertsJeanne 2/22/1939__/__/__45
87RobertsJessie 3/11/19037/2/197868H/O #69 Ivy N; wed May 8 1926
88RobertsJohn W 4/8/19429/27/201121
89RobertsJohn Wesley 10/18/18627/19/193652
90RobertsSammie Lee 2/23/19291/13/197154
91ScullyMittie Richard 7/11/189711/29/197271
92SmithMary 2/23/19231/12/193378
93SpurlockNany G, Mrs 7/8/18695/2/193681
94StrangeJames E 8/11/19173/5/198855
95StrangeNancy E 1/15/19151/30/199656
96StutzmanEmily Anne 5/10/20016/26/200182
97SumnerBlanche 5/30/18902/19/192675"Wife of J.A. Sumner"
98SumnerJames Ashley 5/8/18919/22/196376
99SumnerJames E 10/23/19307/14/195279
100SumnerMary Ann 5/24/18891/20/197680
101SumnerMyrtle M 2/7/19117/1/194077
102ThompsonJosephine Layfield 10/21/1931__/__/__105
103ThompsonRobert L 12/20/19276/21/2007104
104Unknown__/__/____/__/__24(No slab; FHM, no information)
105Unknown__/__/____/__/__47(No slab; FHM, no information; small blank headstone)
106Unknown__/__/____/__/__53(Slab; no information; among the Roberts graves)
107Unknown__/__/1944__/__/__92(FHM, child's slab; no addition information)
108Unknown__/__/____/__/__94(Slab, no information)
109Unknown__/__/____/__/__95(Slab, no information)
110WatersIva Nell 1/3/19243/19/20072
111WattsC. Walter 12/24/19629/2/201112
112WattsEdward Thomas 6/15/19336/6/200610PFC, US Air Force, Korea
113WattsHelen Pope 10/2/19409/8/20119
114WattsJoseph Edward 9/8/19655/18/200311
115WindhamMargaret 1/7/1927__/__/__19

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