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Nicholas County, West Virginia
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Richwood Cemetery

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Submitted By Paul Richard Greathouse 09/23/2023

Rhododendron Lane
Richwood, Nicholas County, WV
Originally submitted July 9, 2009
 Location Map      

Description and/or Directions

Located at the end of Rhododendron Drive In Richwood, WV
There are many unmarked graves and unreadable markers.
Transcribed by Sharon and Paul Greathouse 2004



Total Records: 794
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
2Adkins  Don __/__/1930__/__/1941Adkins, Don 1930 - 1941
3Adkins  Edward H __/__/1882__/__/1954Adkins, Edward H 1882 - 1954
4Adkins  James Edward __/__/1925__/__/1987Adkins, James Edward 1925 - 1987
5Adkins  Joseph A __/__/____/__/1980Adkins, Joseph A 1980
6Akers  Mary Bell __/__/1924__/__/1992Akers, Mary Bell 1924 - 1992
7Akin  Crawford Jaman __/__/1905__/__/1935Akin, Crawford Jaman 1905 - 1935
8Akin  Jaman E __/__/1877__/__/1945Akin, Jaman E 1877 - 1945
9Akin  Mary S __/__/1876__/__/1922Akin, Mary S 1876 - 1922
10Alderson  John __/__/1892__/__/1987Alderson, John 1892 - 1987
11Alkier  Debby __/__/1906__/__/1930Alkier, Debby 1906 - 1930
12Alkire  Shirley __/__/____/__/__Alkire, Shirley
13Amos  Bina J __/__/1894__/__/1957Amos, Bina J 1894 - 1957
14Amos  David C __/__/1895__/__/1951Amos, David C 1895 - 1951
15Anderson  Hilda Maud __/__/1916__/__/1931Anderson, Hilda Maud 1916 - 1931
16Anderson  John H __/__/1855__/__/1921Anderson, John H 1855 - 1921
17Anderson  Sarah E __/__/1858__/__/1926Anderson, Sarah E 1858 - 1926
18Anderson  Sarah E. Elliott __/__/1858__/__/1926Anderson, Sarah E. Elliott 1858 - 1926
19Anderson  Virginia L __/__/1895__/__/1982Anderson, Virginia L 1895 - 1982
20Andrick  Joseph Henry __/__/1915__/__/1997Andrick, Joseph Henry 1915 - 1997
21Arbogast Elizabeth J __/__/1870__/__/1948Arbogast, Elizabeth J 1870 - 1948
22Arbogast  Mary Lee __/__/1917__/__/1942Arbogast, Mary Lee 1917 - 1942
23Arbogast  Peter A __/__/1863__/__/1941Arbogast, Peter A 1863 - 1941
24Armstrong  Frankie E __/__/1915__/__/2007Armstrong, Frankie E 1915 - 2007
25Armstrong  Glen (Chaney)__/__/1915__/__/2000Armstrong, Glen "Chaney" 1915 - 2000
26Ayers  B Frank __/__/1873__/__/1937Ayers, B Frank 1873 - 1937
27Ayers Clarcie J __/__/1844__/__/1959Ayers, Clarcie J 1844 - 1959
28Bailey  Bernard L __/__/1912__/__/1959Bailey, Bernard L 1912 - 1959
29Bailey  Elzie __/__/1876__/__/1904Bailey, Elzie 1876 - 1904
30Bailey  Lawrence (Tonnie)__/__/1919__/__/1978Bailey, Lawrence "Tonnie" 1919 - 1978
31Bailey  Loyal Brice __/__/1923__/__/1990Bailey, Loyal Brice 1923 - 1990
32Bailey  Pearl __/__/1898__/__/1950Bailey, Pearl 1898 - 1950
33Bailey  Perry E __/__/1882__/__/1961Bailey, Perry E 1882 - 1961
34Ball  Duffy R __/__/1893__/__/1950Ball, Duffy R 1893 - 1950
35Ball  Emery __/__/1869__/__/1904Ball, Emery 1869 - 1904
36Ball  Hazel L __/__/1909__/__/1988Ball, Hazel L 1909 - 1988
37Ball  Stanley J __/__/1902__/__/1982Ball, Stanley J 1902 - 1982
38Barber  James A __/__/1926__/__/1979Barber, James A 1926 - 1979
39Barber  James A __/__/1926__/__/1979Barber, James A 1926 - 1979
40Barber  Mary C __/__/1927__/__/1997Barber, Mary C 1927 - 1997
41Barger  Ethel Dale __/__/1908__/__/1939Barger, Ethel Dale 1908 - 1939
42Barker  Burlin J __/__/1920__/__/1974Barker, Burlin J 1920 - 1974
43Barker  Cora M __/__/1882__/__/1945Barker, Cora M 1882 - 1945
44Barker  Roy D __/__/1903__/__/1963Barker, Roy D 1903 - 1963
45Barnett  Mildred Friend __/__/1920__/__/1937Barnett, Mildred Friend 1920 - 1937
46Barnhouse  Helen Bragg __/__/1936__/__/1990Barnhouse, Helen Bragg 1936 - 1990
47Barnhouse  Mae __/__/1907__/__/1981Barnhouse, Mae 1907 - 1981
48Barnhouse  Paul C __/__/1941__/__/1986Barnhouse, Paul C 1941 - 1986
49Barnhouse  Reason __/__/1893__/__/1956Barnhouse, Reason 1893 - 1956
50Barr  Grace H __/__/1893__/__/1962Barr, Grace H 1893 - 1962
51Barr  Jane __/__/1921__/__/1991Barr, Jane 1921 - 1991
52Barr  William H __/__/1863__/__/1951Barr, William H 1863 - 1951
53Barrickman  Bertha Viola __/__/1881__/__/1947Barrickman, Bertha Viola 1881 - 1947
54Barrickman  Harry Leslie __/__/1873__/__/1959Barrickman, Harry Leslie 1873 - 1959
55Barrickman  Ralph Edwin __/__/1910__/__/1990Barrickman, Ralph Edwin 1910 - 1990
56Barrickman  Walter E __/__/1901__/__/1990Barrickman, Walter E 1901 - 1990
57Bartley  Eva __/__/1879__/__/1958Bartley, Eva 1879 - 1958
58Bartley  John U __/__/1872__/__/1921Bartley, John U 1872 - 1921
59Bartley  Richard Harrison __/__/1925__/__/1927Bartley, Richard Harrison 1925 - 1927
60Bartram  Clarence E __/__/1908__/__/1937Bartram, Clarence E 1908 - 1937
61Bayless  Janet L __/__/1953__/__/__Bayless, Janet L 1953 -
62Bayless  Robert G __/__/1945__/__/2008Bayless, Robert G 1945 - 2008
63Beebe  Fred __/__/1887__/__/1930Beebe, Fred 1887 - 1031
64Bennett  Clarice __/__/1870__/__/1950Bennett, Clarice 1870 - 1950
65Bennett  Cora E __/__/1872__/__/1937Bennett, Cora E 1872 - 1937
66Bennett  Jack M __/__/1905__/__/2000Bennett, Jack M 1905 - 2000
67Bennett  Myrtle G __/__/1908__/__/1989Bennett, Myrtle G 1908 - 1989
68Bennett  O M __/__/1868__/__/1925Bennett, O M 1868 - 1925
69Bennett  William __/__/1868__/__/1935Bennett, William 1868 - 1935
70Berry  Arthur G __/__/1887__/__/1963Berry, Arthur G 1887 - 1963
71Berry  Ida May __/__/1894__/__/1978Berry, Ida May 1894 - 1978
72Bickerstaff  Emma Lee __/__/1885__/__/1939Bickerstaff, Emma Lee 1885 - 1939
73Bickerstaff  Emma Lee __/__/1885__/__/1939Bickerstaff, Emma Lee 1885 - 1939
74Bickerstaff  Marjorie O __/__/1904__/__/1995Bickerstaff, Marjorie O 1904 - 1995
75Blosser  Alvie __/__/1879__/__/1967Blosser, Alvie 1879 - 1967
76Booker  J E __/__/1858__/__/1922Booker, J E 1858 - 1922
77Boone  Alice __/__/1935__/__/1935Boone, Alice 1935 - 1935
78Boone  Mark Douglas 02/16/195902/18/1959Boone, Mark Douglas 1959 - 1050
79Boone  Raymond B __/__/1892__/__/1968Boone, Raymond B 1892 - 1968
80Boone  Rosie Z __/__/1897__/__/1935Boone, Rosie Z 1897 - 1935
81Boone  Ruth E __/__/1934__/__/1934Boone, Ruth E 1934 - 1934
82Boso  George __/__/1876__/__/1956Boso, George 1876 - 1956
83Boso  Jennie L __/__/1879__/__/1960Boso, Jennie L 1879 - 1960
84Boso  Ralph R __/__/1909__/__/1994Boso, Ralph R 1909 - 1994
85Boyd  Sarah __/__/1882__/__/1971Boyd, Sarah 1882 - 1971
86Bragg  Clara Johnson __/__/1933__/__/__Bragg, Clara Johnson 1933 -
87Bragg  Daniel H __/__/1929__/__/1987Bragg, Daniel H 1929 - 1987
88Bragg  Daniel H __/__/1929__/__/1987Bragg, Daniel H 1929 - 1987
89Bragg  Elbert H __/__/1924__/__/1986Bragg, Elbert H 1924 - 1986
90Bragg  Hilda V __/__/1935__/__/1984Bragg, Hilda V 1935 - 1984
91Bragg  Jim L __/__/1917__/__/1979Bragg, Jim L 1917 - 1979
92Bragg  Nellie Myrtle __/__/1881__/__/1975Bragg, Nellie Myrtle 1881 - 1975
93Bramlett  William Lee __/__/____/__/1950Bramlett, William Lee 1950
94Brown  Charley C __/__/1892__/__/1969Brown, Charley C 1892 - 1969
95Brown  Gladys E __/__/1896__/__/1971(circa)Brown, Gladys E 1896 - 19?? (1971 from Death Index)
96Brown  Goldie E __/__/1913__/__/1991Brown, Goldie E 1913 - 1991
97Brown  Henry C __/__/1866__/__/1949Brown, Henry C 1866 - 1949
98Brown  Willie L __/__/1899__/__/1990Brown, Willie L 1899 - 1990
99Browning  James __/__/1874__/__/1933Browning, James 1874 - 1933
100Browning  Macel __/__/1869__/__/1923Browning, Macel 1869 - 1923
101Bryant  Quenton R __/__/1922__/__/1967Bryant, Quenton R 1922 - 1967
102Buck  Elmer E __/__/1861__/__/1938Buck, Elmer E 1861 - 1938
103Buck  Ida M __/__/1869__/__/1969Buck, Ida M 1869 - 1969
104Bullion  Robert __/__/____/__/1948Bullion, Robert 1948
105Butcher  Hattie E __/__/1904__/__/1945Butcher, Hattie E 1904 - 1945
106Butcher  Stanley O __/__/1889__/__/1970Butcher, Stanley O 1889 - 1970
107Butler  Alex E __/__/1879__/__/1941Butler, Alex E 1879 - 1941
108Butler  Bertha Dell __/__/1883__/__/1951Butler, Bertha Dell 1883 - 1951
109Butler  Effie F __/__/1885__/__/1927Butler, Effie F 1885 - 1927
110Butler  Harry __/__/1917__/__/1988Butler, Harry 1917 - 1988
111Butler  James __/__/1882__/__/1971Butler, James 1882 - 1971
112Butler  Mary __/__/1882__/__/1962Butler, Mary 1882 - 1962
113Butler  Sonya Kaye __/__/1941__/__/1943Butler, Sonya Kaye 1941 - 1943
114Butler  Venton R __/__/1913__/__/1976Butler, Venton R 1913 - 1976
115Butler  William Matt __/__/1885__/__/1976Butler, William Matt 1885 - 1976
116Butterfield  Fred __/__/____/__/__Butterfield, Fred
117Butterfield  Isabell __/__/____/__/__Butterfield, Isabell
118Buzzard  Billy Clinton __/__/1929__/__/2000Buzzard, Billy Clinton 1929 - 2000
119Buzzard  Clinton Elwood __/__/1891__/__/1959Buzzard, Clinton Elwood 1891 - 1959
120Buzzard  Luella Ann __/__/1893__/__/1946Buzzard, Luella Ann 1893 - 1946
121Buzzerd  Henry H __/__/1842__/__/1922Buzzerd, Henry H 1842 - 1922
122Carpenter  Bobby V __/__/1940__/__/2001Carpenter, Bobby V 1940 - 2001
123Carpenter  Delbert W __/__/1893__/__/1964Carpenter, Delbert W 1893 - 1964
124Carpenter  Edith V __/__/1912__/__/__Carpenter, Edith V 1912 -
125Carpenter  Edna R __/__/1897__/__/1981Carpenter, Edna R 1897 - 1981
126Carpenter  Estia P __/__/1886__/__/1951Carpenter, Estia P 1886 - 1951
127Carpenter  Guy C __/__/1883__/__/1959Carpenter, Guy C 1883 - 1959
128Carpenter  Jacoueline __/__/1928__/__/1938Carpenter, Jacoueline 1928 - 1938
129Carpenter  Vincent R __/__/1905__/__/1979Carpenter, Vincent R 1905 - 1979
130Carter  Deborah W Cogar __/__/1869__/__/1957Carter, Deborah W Cogar 1869 - 1957
131Carter  Samuel S __/__/1869__/__/1942Carter, Samuel S 1869 - 1942
132Chamberlain  Alton B __/__/1918__/__/1967Chamberlain, Alton B 1918 - 1967
133Chamberlain  Blake O __/__/1912__/__/1976Chamberlain, Blake O 1912 - 1976
134Chamberlain  Martha Jane __/__/____/__/1950Chamberlain, Martha Jane 1950
135Chapman  Benton Jackson __/__/1874__/__/1949Chapman, Benton Jackson 1874 - 1949
136Chapman  Nellie L __/__/1883__/__/1983Chapman, Nellie L 1883 - 1983
137Chapman  Ralph Ernest __/__/1920__/__/1921Chapman, Ralph Ernest 1920 - 1921
138Christian  James __/__/1876__/__/1925Christian, James 1876 - 1925
139Christian  Manford __/__/1900__/__/1960Christian, Manford 1900 - 1960
140Christian  Ora May __/__/1901__/__/1974Christian, Ora May 1901 - 1974
141Christy  Elizabeth __/__/1854__/__/1924Christy, Elizabeth 1854 - 1924
142Christy  George __/__/1855__/__/1924Christy, George 1855 - 1924
143Clendenin  Charles Craig __/__/____/__/1931Clendenin, Charles Craig 1931
144Cobb  Harold Ansilband __/__/____/__/1921Cobb, Harold Ansilband 1921
145Cobb  Kayla __/__/____/__/1991Cobb, Kayla 1991
146Cochran  Lois __/__/1914__/__/2002Cochran, Lois 1914 - 2002
147Cochran  Orval __/__/1910__/__/1974Cochran, Orval 1910 - 1974
148Cochran  Orval __/__/1910__/__/1974Cochran, Orval 1910 - 1974
149Coe  Gwendolyn __/__/1927__/__/1960Coe, Gwendolyn 1927 - 1960
150Coe  Lenord B __/__/1920__/__/1994Coe, Lenord B 1920 - 1994
151Coe  Virgie L __/__/1898__/__/1981Coe, Virgie L 1898 - 1981
152Coffey  Jalley __/__/1898__/__/1946Coffey, Jalley 1898 - 1946
153Coffey  Wade __/__/1900__/__/1973Coffey, Wade 1900 - 1973
154Cogar  Audra L Dodrill __/__/1909__/__/1988Cogar, Audra L Dodrill 1909 - 1988
155Cogar  Jurl M __/__/1933__/__/1968Cogar, Jurl M 1933 - 1968
156Conley  Hattie Olive Isenhart __/__/1873__/__/1963Conley, Hattie Olive Isenhart 1873 - 1963
157Conley  James E __/__/1873__/__/1932Conley, James E 1873 - 1932
158Conley  Kathleen __/__/1902__/__/1975Conley, Kathleen 1902 - 1975
159Conley  R. F. (Romie)__/__/1900__/__/1957Conley, R. F. "Romie" 1900 - 1957
160Conley  Thelma June __/__/1924__/__/1925Conley, Thelma June 1924 - 1925
161Cook  Bessie L __/__/1895__/__/1952Cook, Bessie L 1895 - 1952
162Cook  Delores Deitz __/__/1904__/__/1992Cook, Delores Deitz 1904 - 1992
163Cook  Noel C __/__/1922__/__/1954Cook, Noel C 1922 - 1954
164Cook  Ulysses S __/__/1892__/__/1950Cook, Ulysses S 1892 - 1950
165Corbett  Bobby Ray __/__/1930__/__/1989Corbett, Bobby Ray 1930 - 1989
166Corbett  John Gilbert __/__/____/__/1936Corbett, John Gilbert 1936
167Corbett  Mack Arthur __/__/1857__/__/1921Corbett, Mack Arthur 1857 - 1921
168Corbett  Rose __/__/1890__/__/1966Corbett, Rose 1890 - 1966
169Corbett  Rose Sharon __/__/____/__/1944Corbett, Rose Sharon 1944
170Corbett  Sarah Virginia __/__/1943__/__/1944Corbett, Sarah Virginia 1943 - 1944
171Corbett  Wilber __/__/1913__/__/1937Corbett, Wilber 1913 - 1937
172Corbitt  Orta Kool __/__/____/__/1911Corbitt, Orta Kool 1911
173Cornwell  Alexander __/__/1916__/__/1968Cornwell, Alexander 1916 - 1968
174Cornwell  Delta __/__/1915__/__/1969Cornwell, Delta 1915 - 1969
175Cornwell  Denzil __/__/____/__/1954Cornwell, Denzil 1954
176Cornwell  Johnny A __/__/1968__/__/1974Cornwell, Johnny A 1968 - 1974
177Cornwell  Martha A __/__/1950__/__/1954Cornwell, Martha A 1950 - 1954
178Cowger  William P __/__/____/__/1918Cowger, William P 1918
179Cox  Darlie Wright __/__/1910__/__/1995Cox, Darlie Wright 1910 - 1995
180Cramer  Francis E __/__/1867__/__/1924Cramer, Francis E 1867 - 1924
181Crews  Charles Ray __/__/1939__/__/2005Crews, Charles Ray 1939 - 2005
182Crews  Orval F __/__/1916__/__/1993Crews, Orval F 1916 - 1993
183Crites  C Wilson __/__/1925__/__/1983Crites, C Wilson 1925 - 1983
184Crites  Charlotte __/__/1928__/__/2005Crites, Charlotte 1928 - 2005
185Crites  Esker __/__/1916__/__/1966Crites, Esker 1916 - 1966
186Crites  Lottie Rose __/__/____/__/1926Crites, Lottie Rose 1926
187Crites  Williams __/__/____/__/__Crites, Williams
188Crookshanks  Sarah M __/__/1863__/__/1955Crookshanks, Sarah M 1863 - 1955
189Crookshanks  William M __/__/1859__/__/1942Crookshanks, William M 1859 - 1942
190Crowl  Dayton Oscar __/__/____/__/1923Crowl, Dayton Oscar 1923
191Crowl  Thomas M __/__/1868__/__/1951Crowl, Thomas M 1868 - 1951
192Cruikshanks  Nellie Dartha __/__/1924__/__/1926Cruikshanks, Nellie Dartha 1924 - 1926
193Cummings  Amy __/__/1889__/__/1974Cummings, Amy 1889 - 1974
194Cummings  David H __/__/1884__/__/1955Cummings, David H 1884 - 1955
195Cummings  Kennie __/__/1922__/__/1950Cummings, Kennie 1922 - 1950
196Curtis  W C __/__/1866__/__/1925Curtis, W C 1866 - 1925
197Cutlip  Dana __/__/1909__/__/1932Cutlip, Dana 1909 - 1932
198Cutlip  Florence __/__/1881__/__/1936Cutlip, Florence 1881 - 1936
199Cutlip  Floyd __/__/1878__/__/1958Cutlip, Floyd 1878 - 1958
200Dale  Irene Music __/__/1915__/__/1940Dale, Irene Music 1915 - 1940

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