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Fairview Memorial Gardens

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Submitted By Linda Sigler SandersThe Registry 02/20/2021

Location: Stockbridge, Henry, Georgia Location Map     

Description and/or Directions

FAIRVIEW MEMORIAL GARDENS Surveyed: 2004 and 2013 GPS: N33º36.962, W084º14.051 MAP A Introduction: Fairview Memorial Gardens was opened in 1958. The cemetery is the largest in Henry County and, for the most part, graves are marked with bronze plaques. However, there are specified sections that allow for almost any kind of marker a family may wish. This includes a large mausoleum. The cemetery is divided into a number of descriptive sections which are identified by name and grid number on the map accompanying this survey. Fairview encircles Bethel United Methodist Church cemetery. This is an active public cemetery. The following list provides the arbitrary grid numbers and the names of the various areas of the cemetery where graves may be located: Map Grid Number Name of Area 01-Sermon on the Mount;02-Gethsemane No.1;03 Resurection;04-Old Rugged Cross;05-Good Shepard; 06-Everlasting Life No.1;07-Devotion No.1;08-Saint Mathew;09-Private Estates No. 1; 10-Saint Mark;11-Mount Carmel;12-Saint Mark (New);13-Private Estates No. 2;14-Tombstone; 15-Gethsemane No. 2;16-Masonic;17-Ten Commandments;18-Everlasting Life No. 2;19-Garden of Honor; 20-Private Estates No. 3;21-Devotion No. 2;M-Mauseleum;


[Aaron][Ansley][Bales][Bell][Blakey][Brand][Brown][Butler][Carter][Choate][Cole][Couch][Dalto][DeNise][Duke][Ethridge][Ford][Garrett][Gordon][Guthas][Harris][Hendon][Hoek][Huey][James][Johnson][Kelley][Knight][Lening][Lowry][Martin][McCullough][Mead][Mitchell][Mosley][Nicholson][Palmer][Peavy][Powell][Ramey][Ritchie][Saltee][Sheffield][Smith][Sorrells][Stephenson][Tankersley][Timbs][Van Gorder][Ward][Wheeler][Williams][Wooten]

Total Records: 10499
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1AaronJack Phillip Sr. __/__/1911__/__/__6Masonic Emblem
2AaronJefferson Lane 07/27/199601/20/19971Our Baby
3AaronNellie M. __/__/1912__/__/19996w/o Jack Phillip Aaron Sr. m: 64 years
4AbbeyEvelyn Pauline 06/14/192604/12/19825w/o Newton W. Abbey
5AbbeyNewton W. 03/01/192105/20/19765SSMB 2 U.S. Navy WWII
6AbercrombieJames L. Jr. 01/15/192908/11/200116
7AbercrombieJoan S. 03/14/193602/23/200816w/o James L. Abercrombie Jr. m.: 35yrs
8AbernathyArthur E. 07/09/189511/20/19731
9AbernathyDoris J. 11/09/190507/31/19816
10AbernathySally H. 09/25/190106/21/19801w/o Arthur E. Abernathy
11AbleDonna Berry __/__/1948__/__/198010
12AbruzzinoGail Foley __/__/1951__/__/__16w/o John David Abruzzino m.01/24/1993
13AbruzzinoJohn David __/__/1937__/__/199816
14AcreeEarl Jr. 12/31/192303/06/19824BTG 3 U.S. Navy WWII
15AcreeEarline D. 12/20/192810/05/19864
16AcresM. Louise __/__/1925__/__/199921w/o Richard W. Acres Amer. Legion
17AcresRichard W. __/__/1917__/__/198021TEC 5 U.S. Army WWII Amer. Legion
18AdairAlva S. __/__/1905__/__/197017
19AdairArgin S. __/__/1925__/__/19854
20AdairEdith Virginia 10/16/194901/05/19731
21AdairEloise Aminata 08/01/194210/01/2009M
22AdairFrances R. __/__/1906__/__/199217w/o Alva S. Adair
23AdairGeorge M. __/__/1912__/__/199111
24AdairMamie J. __/__/1926__/__/200211w/o George M. Adair
25AdairMary Lou 05/11/188302/09/197115
26AdairVenita C. __/__/1925__/__/19844w/o Argin S. Adair
27AdamsAgnes L. __/__/1922__/__/197417w/o Donald Adams
28AdamsBetty L. __/__/1931__/__/__21w/o Melton G. Adams
29AdamsC.L. __/__/1919__/__/__11Cleve Masonic Emblem
30AdamsCandi Suzzanne 06/16/199006/18/199017Our little girl
31AdamsCarol F. __/__/1953__/__/199812w/o Danny L. Adams
32AdamsCarolyn S. __/__/1938__/__/__21w/o Donald C. Adams m.: 08/08/1958
33AdamsDaisy L. 01/26/190002/10/198717
34AdamsDan __/__/1932__/__/200718
35AdamsDanny L. __/__/1953__/__/__12
36AdamsDonald C. __/__/1934__/__/198621
37AdamsDonald __/__/1922__/__/__17
38AdamsEmma B. __/__/1920__/__/199711w/o C.L. Adams m.: 01/04/1941
39AdamsGeorgia Inez 04/22/1920__/__/__21
40AdamsHazel M. __/__/1935__/__/__4w/o J. Carlton Adams
41AdamsHenry Lamar __/__/____/__/__M(b:jun-56)(d:nov-00):
42AdamsJ. Carlton __/__/1935__/__/__4
43AdamsJames Robert Jr. __/__/1950__/__/19765SP 4 U.S. Army Vietnam
44AdamsMarjorie B. 07/30/193002/12/199716
45AdamsMary Frances 10/06/194111/02/200515Loving wife mother and sister
46AdamsMary E. 12/22/190109/08/198321
47AdamsMelton George 02/19/193105/27/199421Larry P13 U.S.Navy
48AdamsNancy A. __/__/1921__/__/__15w/o Raymond Z. Adams
49AdamsNellie Ann __/__/1937__/__/198118w/o Dan Adams
50AdamsOscar L. 11/30/193312/23/198321
51AdamsPauline A. __/__/1906__/__/199915
52AdamsRaymond Z. __/__/1917__/__/200315
53AdamsRobert Lamar 10/13/193406/04/200919SN U.S. Navy Korea
54AdamsSara Elizabeth 02/02/1938__/__/__19w/o Robert Lamar Adams
55AdamsTaft H. 11/29/190909/08/19845
56AdamsTommie L. 03/05/1937__/__/__21
57AdamsVada B. __/__/1906__/__/19935w/o William Irvin Adams
58AdamsWilliam Irvin __/__/1899__/__/19825
59AdamsonBetty J. __/__/1938__/__/19928w/o Jack W. Adamson
60AdamsonBilly M. __/__/1940__/__/201015
61AdamsonCharles F. 12/28/193410/17/200817U.S. Navy Korea Nat.Def.Svc.Medal
62AdamsonHarvey __/__/1914__/__/199516(Snake)
63AdamsonHazel D. __/__/1945__/__/__15w/o Billy M. Adamson
64AdamsonHomer J. __/__/1928__/__/201116
65AdamsonJack W. __/__/1938__/__/20038
66AdamsonJohn R. __/__/1942__/__/199615
67AdamsonJoseph L. __/__/1932__/__/199515
68AdamsonSarah D. __/__/1937__/__/__16w/o Homer J. Adamson m: 06/21/1953
69AdcockVirginia __/__/1923__/__/19847w/o William J. Adcock Sr.
70AdcockWilliam J. Sr. __/__/1914__/__/19957
71AdkinsCharlee P. 03/29/194209/25/200019w/o Stephen S. Adkins
72AdkinsStephen S. 09/02/1940__/__/__19
73AenchbacherFlora T. __/__/1907__/__/19811w/o Marvin M. Aenchbacher
74AenchbacherMarvin M. __/__/1907__/__/19761
75AhrensGalen R. 04/21/1941__/__/__19MSG U.S. Army Vietnam
76AhrensTakeko S. 04/21/193205/15/200919w/o Galen R. Ahrens
77AjoyAna Pilar Barahona 06/24/194207/08/19859M.D. w/o Vicente R. Ajoy
78AjoyVicente R. 02/24/1938__/__/__9M.D.
79AkersDonna M. 08/18/194912/30/20013Mother and Friend
80AkinE. C. __/__/1924__/__/1996M
81AkinMargaret L. __/__/1928__/__/1995M w/o E.C. Akin
82AkinsElizabeth L. 11/16/1925__/__/__5w/o William W. Akins
83AkinsIrene 06/16/192908/21/2011M w/o William E. Akins
84AkinsJ. Byron 04/14/189407/23/19684
85AkinsLamar N. 12/09/195101/10/19775
86AkinsRubie T. 03/26/191012/13/19724w/o J. Byron Akins
87AkinsWilliam W. 06/13/1919__/__/__5Shriner Emblem
88AkinsWilliam E. 01/24/192203/24/2008M
89AkridgeCarlos Baskin 08/23/190703/25/19734
90AkridgeFrieda 04/09/192509/29/19784w/o Carlos Baskin Akridge
91AlbersonNeal S. 07/27/192306/06/19716Ga. Pfc. U.S. Army WWII
92AlbertiAntonio R. 10/06/192204/06/200520FLD CK U.S. Marine Corps
93AlbertiMarjorie N. 02/03/192404/22/199420w/o Antonio R. Alberti
94AlderferRuby V. __/__/1915__/__/199113
95AldermanFrancis Leffie __/__/1911__/__/19651
96AldredM. Gladys Willis 04/08/192209/14/19881w/o Thomas J. Aldred Sr.
97AldredThomas J. Sr. 04/30/191809/05/19671GA Sgt. HQ Co. 319 Inf. WWII
98AldrichDean Tyler 12/20/188812/30/19611TX Pfc. School of Mil. Aero WWI
99AlexanderElaine 07/04/194311/16/200319
100AlexanderLisa Marie 07/22/198907/23/198919Our Little Angel
101AlexanderPeter J. __/__/1923__/__/19795
102AlexanderThomas M. Sr. 12/02/195104/10/200916
103AllaisRichard F. 12/12/192009/13/19715TN TEC 4 U.S. Army WWII
104AllenA. Marie __/__/1961__/__/__16w/o S. Brent Allen
105AllenArthur R. 09/05/189712/11/197719Y1 U.S. Navy WWI
106AllenBen __/__/1942__/__/199112Brother
107AllenBilly A. 11/10/192511/02/199915Anchor symbol
108AllenD.L. __/__/1913__/__/__5
109AllenGeorge Wiggins __/__/1912__/__/200218
110AllenHenry Grady 09/04/189306/12/19702Masonic Emblem
111AllenJoyce W. 09/22/193705/03/201216
112AllenJulia Lynn 10/22/196111/29/20024Loving Wife Mother m: 07/15/1979
113AllenKenneth L. __/__/1916__/__/199619
114AllenLillian __/__/1921__/__/19975w/o D.L. Allen
115AllenLonnie Gee 06/14/190704/28/19711
116AllenMae Barber 01/29/189706/24/19822w/o Henry Grady Allen
117AllenMargaret Speaker 03/04/190211/03/199319w/o Arthur R. Allen
118AllenMary Winifred __/__/1916__/__/199918w/o George Wiggins Allen
119AllenRaymond H. __/__/1935__/__/200916
120AllenRobert Odell __/__/1940__/__/198713
121AllenRuby M. __/__/1915__/__/199519w/o Kenneth L. Allen
122AllenS. Brent __/__/1962__/__/__16
123AllenSammy L. __/__/1914__/__/199818
124AllenSara Jane 06/03/193209/26/200915w/o Billy A. Allen
125AllenShirley L. __/__/1935__/__/200418w/o Sammy L. Allen
126AllenShirley A. __/__/1937__/__/__16w/o Raymond H. Allen
127AllenSonya G. __/__/1950__/__/__12w/o Ben Allen
128Allen-WynnJoe M. __/__/1932__/__/__2Masonic Emblem
129Allen-WynnSylvia M. __/__/1935__/__/20012w/o Joe M. Allen-Wynn
130AlleyDoris Ann 11/11/193904/14/200212Precious Mother and Grandmother
131AlleyLouella M. __/__/1930__/__/__M Crypt near Marvin C. Alley
132AlleyMarvin C. __/__/1925__/__/2012M Crypt near Louella M. Alley
133AllredBetty C. __/__/1937__/__/__8w/o Jimmy Jerry Allred m: 29 years
134AllredJimmy Jerry __/__/1943__/__/19958
135AlmandBetty 03/18/190905/24/198911w/o George Almand
136AlmandGeorge 08/23/191403/26/200311
137AlmandOla Mae 06/03/192010/05/199315
138AlmandZachary M. 04/03/190708/04/19723Ga. Pfc. U.S. Marine Corps.
139AlmondJ. R. Jr. 07/09/193402/22/19704Bobby
140AloiaDawn M. __/__/1959__/__/199121Pvt. U.S. Army
141AlsupDebra Holley 05/01/194909/15/20015
142AltenburgRichard J. 12/15/194807/17/19684
143AlvaradoNona Joe __/__/1932__/__/19874w/o Ramon Y. Alvarado m: 01/05/1951
144AlvaradoRamon Y. __/__/1928__/__/__4
145AlverezSantos Daniel 06/03/200607/09/200617
146AlversonAndy __/__/1958__/__/19924Loving Son Brother and Uncle
147AlvinAnnette J. __/__/1936__/__/__10w/o James C. Alvin
148AlvinJames C. __/__/1934__/__/__10
149AlvinMelissa J. 02/03/196006/10/199510Beloved Daughter
150AmosFlora Wheelus 05/09/191706/13/199210I Did the Best I Could
151AmosJesse H. 11/27/1924__/__/__10Loving Husband and Father
152AmosNancy Hencely 05/03/193409/29/200818
153AndersonAdeline E. 10/07/192203/06/200319w/o James D. Anderson
154AndersonAnnette H. . __/__/1922__/__/__10w/o Lewis E. Anderson m: 43 years
155AndersonArthur Wright 04/24/195310/25/19936A Kind Valiant Gentleman
156AndersonBaby Mitchell __/__/__08/26/198815Buried
157AndersonCalvin G. 07/23/195210/06/198518(Buzzand)
158AndersonCharles F. 02/10/192208/01/19682Ga. Pfc. U.S. Army WWII
159AndersonCharles E. __/__/1938__/__/__19
160AndersonClaude __/__/1907__/__/197915
161AndersonDeborah J. __/__/1953__/__/__18w/o Paul M. Anderson
162AndersonGrace S. __/__/1910__/__/199710w/o H. Floyd Anderson
163AndersonGrace R. __/__/1931__/__/199719w/o John F. Anderson
164AndersonGrace K. 04/23/191811/26/198521
165AndersonH. Floyd __/__/1906__/__/198110
166AndersonJames D. 08/06/192008/25/200119
167AndersonJames Charles 03/27/193203/15/198821Sgt. U.S. Army
168AndersonJerry M. __/__/1943__/__/__M In crypt with Max S. Anderson
169AndersonJohn F. __/__/1925__/__/198719
170AndersonJoyce T. 08/14/1934__/__/__21w/o James C. Anderson
171AndersonKellie Danielle 12/26/199012/26/19906
172AndersonLewis E. __/__/1924__/__/199410Baseball Emblem
173AndersonLisa M. 10/16/196911/02/199215
174AndersonLouise Wright 02/11/191005/02/19936w/o William Edgar Lowry Anderson
175AndersonLucille B. 02/20/190909/27/200518w/o Walton W. Anderson
176AndersonMargaret Frances __/__/1942__/__/198819(Fran) w/o Charles E. Anderson m:09/15/1962
177AndersonMartha Susan 11/28/194105/29/200320Buried with Mary Lydia Anderson
178AndersonMartha E. __/__/1908__/__/198715w/o Claud Anderson
179AndersonMary Lydia 06/20/196806/20/196820Buried with Martha Susan Anderson
180AndersonMax S. __/__/1937__/__/__M In crypt with Jerry M. Anderson
181AndersonNancy J. 11/14/194106/16/200519
182AndersonPaul T. Sr. 06/08/194802/21/199618
183AndersonPaul S. __/__/1981__/__/__M
184AndersonPaul M. __/__/1948__/__/200318
185AndersonRosa B. __/__/1881__/__/19695
186AndersonSue C. __/__/1942__/__/199321
187AndersonVersie M. 05/23/188603/26/19712
188AndersonWalton W. 09/28/190802/18/197718
189AndersonWilliam Lowry Jr. 06/02/193707/05/19726Ga. Lt. (MC) U.S. Navy Vietnam
190AndersonWilliam Edgar Lowry 03/06/190701/29/20026
191AndradeHector Jr. 08/10/197109/12/19718
192AndradeVictorina __/__/1903__/__/19908
193AndrewsFrances S. 09/15/191208/13/19896w/o James Felix Andrews
194AndrewsHarbin W. Jr. __/__/1922__/__/197211U.S. Army
195AndrewsJames Felix 11/05/191812/30/19776MD
196AndrewsMildred L. __/__/1923__/__/199811w/o Harbin W. Andrews Jr.
197AnglinCleo S. 09/09/190609/18/19953w/o Harvey D. Anglin
198AnglinHarvey D. 12/03/190401/31/19753
199AnsleyGary A. 11/18/195412/11/197619
200AnsleyRuth G. 07/06/192306/24/198019w/o William A. Ansley

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