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Fairview Cemetery

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Submitted By Robert M. Jones 08/19/2023

Location: 28477 200th Avenue Park View, IA       

Description and/or Directions

N/AFairview Cemetery, Scott County, Iowa Take Highway 67 to North edge of Le Claire, IA; West on Territorial Road 2.9 miles; South .1 mile Coordinates N41 degrees 36.761' W090 degrees 23.918' Some information taken from Scott Co, Iowa USGenweb Project; In the "Notes" field some words have been changed for clarity, ie y and ys to yrs and d and ds to days Information without photo numbers has not been verified. Compiled by Robert M. Jones - Le Claire, Iowa.

Total Records: 117
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1BorderLelia Priest 7/1/18943/16/1974Born and died in Scott Co. Ia.
2BorderSamuel __/__/1894__/__/1933
3Campbell Archibald C. __/__/__6/27/187149Son of Wm. and S. E. Campbell; age 1 yr 5 mos
4Campbell Archibald M. __/__/__7/27/186449Age 43 yrs and 3 mos; I believe this to be his stone as the initials are right and it is next to Archibald C. Campbell.
5Campbell Eliza 4/16/18169/23/185436Wife of S. Campbell; I've lost a companion; But she has gained a Heaven
6Campbell  Esther __/__/__4/13/185135(b:8/1790):Wife of John Campbell
7Campbell   John 2/1/17912/27/188235
8Campbell Nancy J. 9/23/1864__/__/__49Records show Daughter of A. M. and S. Campbell; age 2 mos; I believe this is the correct stone because of location however there is nothing readable on the stone.
9Carpenter  Abigail __/__/__5/16/187129Wife of Elijah Carpenter; age 72 yrs and 7 Days; Note on the photo the numbers look like 22" or "77" not "72"
10Carpenter Daniel R. 2/13/1866__/__/__29(d:4971 - 4976):="Age 13 yrs 16 days; Middle initial hard to read looks like an R""""
11Carpenter Edy L. __/__/1862__/__/__29(d:4977 - 4983):Son of D. and M. E. Carpenter; age 1 mos 18 days
12CarpenterUnknown __/__/____/__/__29I believe this is a Carpenter because of the location of the grave.
13Danforth Lucy __/__/__6/12/185150Age 52 yrs 4 mos 27 days
14Davidson  Ann 12/5/1869__/__/__7There is rest in heaven; Ann wife of Wm. Davidson; Age ?? yrs ll mos 5 days; Cemetery records list this as Davison but the stone says Davidson
15Donhue Clyde U. 10/21/1862__/__/__38Son of U. and S. M. Donhue; Age 1 mo 18 days; Weep not for me my parents dear. I am not dead but sleeping here.; The stone was made by Murphy & Stuart Rock Island, IL; Not sure of the Lot # as this stone was laid against Myron Stone's stone.
16Dulin  Alexander H. 10/20/18468/__/184763Age 10 mos
17Dulin  Almira 4/8/18123/31/188550Wife of James Dulin; Age 72 yrs 11 mos 22 days; Be Ye also ready
18Dulin  Bushrod 9/29/18404/9/187263Age 31 yrs 6 mos 20 days; Son of James and Almira Farewell; My friends I am now at rest; Weep not for I am blest
19Dulin  James 9/14/18125/12/188250Age 69 yrs 7 mos 26 days; Behold and see as you walk by; As you are now so once was I; As I am now so you must be; Prepare for death and follow me
20English Alvira J. __/__/__10/30/185651Daughter of D. E. and R. English; age 2 yrs and 16 days
21GoschClara 3/8/18822/11/1909Born Butler Twp. Scott Co. Died Davenport Ia.
22GoschJulius 9/10/18747/19/1888Born Scott Co. Died Butler Twp. Scott Co.
23GoschMargaretha Gretchen Rathje 11/14/18501/20/1884Born Schleswig Holstein Ger. Died Butler Twp. Scott Co.
24GoschPeter Frederick 2/26/18436/3/1893Born Schleswig Holstein Ger. Died Butler Twp. Scott Co. Ia
25Haines Nettie E. Pike 7/19/18593/30/190022
26Hanson  John F. __/__/__6/17/185592Age 65 yrs 6 mos 17 days; I believe this is the correct stone based on it's location.
27Hart  Daniel __/__/__12/23/187311Age 72 yrs 10 mos 7 days
28Hart Elizabeth __/__/__4/20/187711Age 78 yrs 3 mos 11 days; Forget me not
29HaywardAnna __/__/__9/23/185142Wife of Chilon Hayward aged ??; Cemetery records list this as Haylard but the stone has Hayward
30HooverAdomiram J. __/__/__10/22/1859Son of J .D. and M. Hoover; aged 10 yrs 7 mos 12 days.
31HooverMary Jane __/__/__11/20/1859Daughter of J. D. and M. Hoover; age 18 yrs and 24 days; I have come to the ??? in Spirit life.
32Hulet Robert __/__/__2/7/187026Age 81 yrs 9 mos 26 days; The second letter in the last name is hard to read.
33Lambach Albert B. __/__/__2/18/186833Son of F. and A. Lambach; age 11 yrs 14 days
34LambachArmelia 3/5/18274/1/189833
35Lambach Elizabeth __/__/1780__/__/__33(d:9/1854):Age 74 yrs
36Lambach Emely W. __/__/__2/19/186533Daughter of F. and A. Lambach; age 2 yrs 3 mos 5 days
37Lambach Francis __/__/__7/17/188333Mother; Age 70 yrs 8 mos
38Lambach Henry __/__/__3/22/184833Son of F. and A. Lambach; age 5 mos 15 days
39Lambach Matilda __/__/__7/2/185133Daughter of F. and A. Lambach; age 2 yrs 3 mos 9 days
40Lambach Matilda J. __/__/__6/14/188533Daughter of F. and A. Lambach; age 33 yrs 11 mos 18 days
41LeamerDavid __/__/__11/12/185722Age 42 yrs 7 mos 18 days
42Leamer  John 1/5/18181/28/188221Father
43Leamer  Martha 1/9/18185/17/189021Mother
44LeamerSusan E. __/__/__6/3/188822Daughter of D. and E. J. Leamer; age 18 yrs 8 mos
45LittlepageCatharine __/__/__7/21/1851Daughter of J. D. and Mary J. Littlepage; age 2 mos 5 days.
46Littlepage Charles P. __/__/__2/17/185441Age 65 yrs 11 mos 8 days
47Littlepage Lucinda __/__/__10/3/185441Daughter of R. B. and M. A. Littlepage; age 8 mos 14 days
48Littlepage Roana L. __/__/__4/16/185541Wife of James B. Littlepage; age 28 yrs
49Long  Jacob __/__/__4/29/18778Age 84 yrs 6 mos and 3 days
50Long Mary __/__/__7/22/18768Wife of Jacob Long; Age 86 yrs 1 mos and 22 days
51McConnellJoshua __/__/__9/20/185561Son of ?? and L. McConnell; age 1 yrs 29 days
52McGinnis   Arlie __/__/18769/21/188023Son of J. C. and E. H. McGinnis; age ?? yrs ?? mos ?? days
53McGinnis  Charles __/__/__11/3/188334Son of Wm. and Mary McGinnis; age 16 yrs 3 mos 3 days
54McGinnis  Eliza __/__/18799/29/188020Daughter of J. C. and E. H. McGinnis; age 1 yrs 3 mos 20 days
55McGinnis Elsie H. __/__/__8/4/189420Wife of John C. McGinnis; age 44 yrs and 3 days
56McGinnis  Errett __/__/18882/21/189220Son of J. C. and E. H. McGinnis; age 3 yrs 6 mos 20 days
57McGinnisJane __/__/__1/2/1854Wife of James McGinnis in the 37 yr of her age; Forget me Not.
58McGinnis  Luella __/__/18759/21/188023Daughter of J. C. and E. H. McGinnis; age 5 yrs 3 mos 28 days
59McGinnis Martha J. 7/16/18481/5/188023
60McGinnis  Mary __/22/1825__/18/190923Wife of Wm. aged 73 yrs ?? mos 26 days; Mother
61McGinnisMary Luella __/__/__3/10/__Aged ?? days.
62McGinnis  Mary M. __/__/18787/21/187923Daughter of J. C. and E. H. McGinnis; age 1 yrs 2 mos 27 days; Go to thy rest my child
63McGinnis Nelson M. __/__/__10/19/188034Son of Wm. and Mary McGinnis; age 14 yrs 21 days
64McGinnisW. C. __/__/__9/17/__Aged ?? mos and 7 days.; This may be the same person as William McGinnis
65McGinnis   William __/__/__8/11/188534(b:5/1815):Age 78 yrs 3 mos; Father
66McIntyre Louis __/__/__12/18/185341Daughter of S. and V. McIntyre; age 8 mos 1 day
67McIntyre Violetta __/__/__7/25/185341Wife of S. M. McIntyre; age 32 yrs 2 mos 8 days
68Mettlen S. T. __/__/__7/16/185944Age 31 yrs 5 mos 21 days
69Murphy E. __/__/____/__/__5In the records but no stone. May not be buried here.
70P. A. J. __/__/____/__/__33
71Peasley Alma J. __/__/__8/7/185040Daughter of N. and A. W. Peasley; aged 2 yrs
72Peasley Almon J. __/__/__2/14/185140Son of N. and A. W. Peasley; age 2 yrs 6 mos
73Phares Cornelius __/__/__9/24/185356Son of Thomas E. and E. Phares; age 6 mos 26 days
74Pike Eliza H. 12/19/184011/18/189822
75PikeGertrude E. 3/10/18743/27/188822
76PriestAmelia Breckan 8/12/18585/13/1918Born Galena, Illinois Died Eldridge Ia.
77PriestFritz 2/9/1886__/__/__(d:11/1918):Died in Scott Co. Ia.
78PriestFritz __/__/____/__/1863Died Scott Co..
79PriestJohn __/__/18622/13/1919Born and Died in Scott Co. Ia.
80PriestWilliam __/__/1897__/__/1940Born Scott Co. (William lived in the little red cabin in Scott Co Park built by brother Fritz).
81RathjeDetliff 11/17/18198/11/1878Born Schleswig Holstein Ger. Died Scott Co. Ia. Scott Co
82RathjeMarie Tiedje 10/3/182401/03/1920Born Schleswig Holstein Ger. Died Mt. Vernon S.D.
83Rogers   Herman 2/11/1863__/__/__(d:4680 - 4686) (may be Hiram) Age 62 yrs 10 mos 24 days; I believe this stone to belong to Hiram Rogers as his is the only date that fits last two numbers of year 63" age "62 yrs 10 mos" except stone says "2" days not 24."
84Scandrett Almira J. __/__/__9/1/185451Daughter of I. R. and E. A. Scandrett
85Schacht Herman H. 12/10/188311/13/188657Beloved son of J. E. and L. M. Schacht; age 2 yrs 11 mos and 3 days
86Scott Ira L. __/__/__6/9/185555Son of R. and R. A. Scott; age 3 mos 17 days
87Slaughter Hilah A. __/__/__1/18/185457Daughter of J. and S. Slaughter; age 3 yrs 23 days
88Sorrick Melisa F. __/__/__4/18/185231Daughter of M. and S. Sorrick; age 1 yrs 2 mos 20 days
89Stone   Henry C. 7/19/1871__/__/__12Age 28 yrs 11 mos 23 days
90Stone  Myron 2/21/1870__/__/__38Age 46 yrs 1 mos 27 days; Rest loved and lost one rest beneath the quiet sod; With faith and hope and prayer we give thee up to God
91Swain Harriet 8/16/1855__/__/__30Daughter of A. and S. C. Swain; age 11 yrs
92Sweet Jerusha 9/22/1860__/__/__94In the 49th yr of her age
93TiedjeAlvin G. 6/27/191402/07/1999Born Scott Co. Ia. Died Arizona.
94TiedjeDetliff __/__/1874__/__/1953Born and Died in Scott Co. Ia.
95TiedjeFerdinand 2/4/18645/29/1944Born and Died in Scott Co. Ia.
96TiedjeHenry F. 8/26/18648/16/1934Born and Died in Scott Co. Ia.
97TiedjeJulius 10/17/187810/29/1885Born and Died in Scott Co. Ia.
98TiedjeJurgen Peter 4/9/18343/1/1917Born Schleswig Holstein Ger. Died Scott Co. Ia. Scott Co.(Katrina)
99TiedjeLena 12/22/186611/11/1942Born and Died in Scott Co. IA
100TiedjeLina Maria Catherina Gosch Priest 12/11/183811/7/1897Born Schleswig Holstein Ger. Died Butler Twp.
101Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__7Next to Ann Davidson's stone and they are not near any other stones.
102Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__16Last name probably White
103Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__16
104Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__16
105Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__33Father; is either Peasley or Lambach
106Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__36
107Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__57
108Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__63
109Unknown Unknown __/__/____/__/__63
110White  A. J. __/__/__11/30/__16="Age 49 yrs; The stone does not include the year of death. The stone was hand made and the J" is backward age is spelled "Ag" the 4 is like a "H" with the top right corner broke off and they didn't have room for the year. A Very Interesting Stone. The second stone for "A J W" the J is also backward"""
111White A. Milo __/__/__7/4/186216Age 3 yrs 11 mos 20 days
112White Alfred __/__/__1/12/187016Age 64 yrs 10 mos 16 days; Farewell my wife and children all; From you a Father Christ doth call; Mourn not for me it is in vain; To call me to your sight again
113WhiteElis??? __/__/____/__/__16Probably lot # 16
114White George H. __/__/__8/20/185530Son of A. and M. White; age 5 mos 10 days
115White Henrieta __/__/__4/4/184530Daughter of A. and M. White; age 2 mos 11 days
116White Horatio S. __/__/__3/20/184630Son of A. and M. White; age 9 yrs 5 mos 14 days
117White Infant __/__/__3/12/185430Of A. and M. White; age 11 days

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