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USGenWeb Connecticut Archives ~~ New Haven County ~~ This page was last updated on Sunday, 17-May-2009 11:27:43 EDT |
Grove Street Cemetery & Grove Street Wall
TOMBSTONES -- Grove Street Cemetery; New Haven, Connecticut
Text File |
Tombstone Image
aa-stun063 | ???STUN, Ser??? John |
September, 2003
Nareen Lake
aa-sup064 | ???SUP, John | ||
adye065a | ADYE, Aner #1 and #2 | ||
adye065b | |||
allcock066 | ALLCOCK, Thomas | ||
alley067 | ALLEY, William | ||
alling068 | ALLING, Cap. Jonathan | ||
alling069 | ALLING, John | ||
alling070 | ALLING, Jesse | ||
alling071 | ALLING, Mabel | ||
alling072 | ALLING, Sarah | ||
alling073 | ALLING, Oliver | ||
alling074 | ALLING, Susanna | ||
alling075 | ALLING, Ebenezer | ||
allsup076 | ALLSUP, Joseph | ||
alsup077 | ALSUP, Elizabeth | 29 Aug 1693 | Ms ELIZABETH ALSUP/ AGED 68 DECEASED/ AUGUST 29: 1693 |
attwater078 | ATTWATER, Elisha | 14 Feb 1768 | Elisha Son of/ Mr. Jonathan/ & Mrs. Sarah/ Attwater/ Died Feb'ry 14th/ 1768 Aged 9 Years/ "Patient in Sickness/ Resigned in Death" |
attwater079 | ATTWATER, Hannah | 13 Apr 1757 | In Memory/ Of Mrs. Hannah/ Attwater wife of/ Mr. David Attwater Jur /who departed this/ Life April ye 13th 1757 |
attwater080 | ATTWATER, Ruth | 6 Oct 1739 | Here lies ye Body/ of Ms Ruth Attwater ye Daughter of Mr David & Mrs. Tabitha Attwater/ Who Departed this/ life Oct ye 6 1739/ aged 20 years |
attwater081 | ATTWATER, Dinah | can't read | Here lies ye Body/ of Mrs. Dinah/ Attwater Wife/ of Mr. James Attw-/ater (can't read the rest) |
atwater082 | 28 Apr 1777 | In Memory of Mr. David Atwater/ a noted Apothecary/ a valuable Member of Society/ just & upright in his Dealings/ generously beneficient to the Public/ definitely charitable to the Poor/ A Kind & amiable Husband/ a faithful Friend/ & a firm adovaile? for his Country/ in defence of when he fell a Volunteer/ in the Battle of Campo Hill/ April 28 AD 1777 AE 41 (2 pictures) | |
atwater083 | ATWATER, James & Elisabeth | 10 July 1766 | Here Lies the Body of/ Mr. James Atwater who/ Died July 10th 1766 in the/ 69th year of His Age/ Also the Body of Mrs. Elisa-/ Beth Atwater his wife/ who ______2 in/ _____age |
atwater083a | can't read | (On stone with James Atwater) | |
atwater084 | ATWATER, Abigail | 9 Jan 1769 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Abigail/ Relict of Mr/ Daniel Atwater/ Who Died Jan/ 9 1769 In Her/ 77th Year |
atwater085 | ATWATER, ???ina | 4 Oct 1743 | In Memory of/ _____ina/ Relict of David/ Atwater who/ Died Oct’r ye 4th/ AD 1743/ aged 60 years |
atwater086 | ATWATER, Abigail | 3 Feb 1795 | In Memory of Abigail Atwater/ Consort of/ Mr Stephen Atwater/ Who departed this Life/ Feb’ry 3rd 1795 in the/ 88th year of Her Age/ "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord" |
atwater088 | ATWATER, Samuel | 17 Sep 1742 | Here Lyes Ye/ Body of Mr/ Samuel Atwater/ Died Sept’r Ye/17th 1742 Aged/ 78 years |
atwater089 | ATWATER, Abel <image corruped> | 2 Apr 1744 | Abel Son/ of Mr Daniel/ Atwater/ Died April/ Ye 2d 1744/ Aged 9 Years |
atwater090 | ATWATER, Stephen | 16 Sep 1742 | Stephen Ye/Son of Mr./ Stephen Atwater/died Sep’r/ 16th 1742 in/ye 10th year of/his age |
atwater091 | ATWATER, Stephen | Jan 173? | In Memory of/ Mr Stephen/ Atwater who/ Died January the ? 173? (could be 7) |
atwater092 | ATWATER, Elizabeth | none | |
atwater093 | ATWATER, H | 12 July 1717 | ____H/ Wife of/ _____D/ Atwater Died/ July 12 1717/ Aged 26 Years |
atwater094 | ATWATER, Elijah | 30 July 1731 | Elijah/ the son of/ James Atwater/ dyed July ye/ 30th 1731 Aged/ 1 Year & 6 months |
atwater095 | ATWATER, Samuel | 19 Oct 1713 | Samuel/ Son of/ Mr Samuel/ Atwater Died/ October 19 1713/ Aged 21 Years |
atwater096 | ATWATER, Abigal | 17 Dec 1740 | Abigal Daugh/ of Mr Daniel/ Atwater died/ Descemb'r ye/ 17? 1740 in (underground) |
austin097 | AUSTIN, Elijah | 23 June 1794 | In Memory of/ Elijah Austin/ who died June 23rd 1794/ aged 43 years |
AUSTIN, Hannah and Elizebeth | 4 Sep 1774 | In Memory of Hannah who/ died Sept’r 4th 1774 aged - years// Children of Deacon David & Mary Austin |
austin098a | 9 Sep 1774 | & Elizabeth who died/ Sept’r 9th 1774 aged 9 years//Children of Deacon David & Mary Austin | |
austin099 | AUSTIN, Mr. Stephen and Martha | Nov 174? | Stephen ye/ Son of Mr/ Stephen &/ Mrs Martha Austin died/ Nov’r ye ?/ 174?/ aged 7 years |
None | (on same stone with Martha) | ||
austin100 | None | (may be a footstone for both) | |
austin101 | AUSTIN, Anna | 10 Nov 1790 | In Memory of Anna/ the Daughter of Mr/ Jonathan & Mrs/ Sarah Austin/ Who died Novemb’r/ 10th 1790 aged 1 year |
austin102 | AUSTIN, Sarah | None | Sarah/ Daughter of/ Deacon David/ & Mrs. Mary Austin |
austin103 | AUSTIN, Unknown | None | Can only read "Austin" |
austin104 | AUSTIN, Stephen | 8 Aug 1744 | Ste-/phen son/ of Mr. Stephen/ & Mrs. Martha/ Austin died/ August ye/ 18: 1744/ Aged ? Ye___ |
baker105 | BAKER, Lydia | 12 Nov 1788 | Here lies interred the Body of/ Lydia consort of John Baker/ who departed this life/Novb’r 12th 1778 Aged 28 or 29 |
bal106 | BAL, Celphelet | 2 Sep 1721 | Celphelet Bal/ Died Sept 2/ 1721 aged/ 13 months |
ball107 | BALL, Mr. Joseph | None | |
ball108 | BALL, John | 22 Jan 1731 | Here lyeth the/ Body of Mr. John Ball Who/ Dyed Jan’ry 22/ AD 1731 In ye/ 46 Year of/ his Age |
ball109 | BALL, Joseph | 3 Oct 1794 | Here lies the Body of/ Mr. Joseph Ball who/ departed this Life Octo-/ ber 3d 1794 aged 23 Years |
ball110 | BALL, John | Oct 1738 | John/ Son of/ John Ball/ Died Octob'r/ ? 1738 Aged/ 2 Days |
ball111 | BALL, David | 3 Sep 1742 | David ye/ Son of Mr./ John Ball/ Died Sep'br/ ye 3d 1742/ Aged 5/ Months |
ball112 | BALL/PUNDERSON, Mary | 23 Sep 1771 | In Memory of/ Mrs Mary relict/ of Mr John Ball/ & late relict of Dec’n/ JOHN PUNDERSON/ who died Sept'r 23 1771 in her 79th Year |
bartholimy113 | BARTHOLIMY, Abigail | August, 1726 | Abigail/ Wife of William Bartholimy/ Died in August/ 1726/ Aged 21 Years |
bassat114 | BASSAT, Enos | 31 Aug 1776 | In Memory of Mr./ Enos Bassat who/ departed this life/ Aug 31 1776 in/ his 22d Year |
bassat115a | BASSAT, ??os & Mary (Amos) | 4 Aug 1773 | In Memory of Mr./ ___os Bassat who died/ August 4th 1773 in his 49/ Year. (On same stone with Mary) |
bassat115b | 22 Mar 1774 | Mrs. Mary Bassat/ his Wife (___os Bassat) died March 22d/ 1774 in her 46th Year | |
basset116a | BASSET, Thankful and Mary | 9 Oct 1743 | Thankful/ Daughter/ of Mr Amos/ & Mrs Mary/ Basset/ died Oct/ ye 9th 1743/ Aged 2 years (On same stone with Mary) |
basset116b | 8 Oct 1743 | Mary ye/ Daughter/ of Mr Amos/ & Mrs. Mary/ Basset/ died Oct ye 8th 1743/ Aged 16 years | |
basset117 | BASSET, John | 11 July 1726 | HERE/ LIETH/ THE BODY OF/ JOHN BASSET/ WHO DIED/ JULY YE 11TH 1726/ AGED 36 YEARS |
basset118 | BASSET, Mary | 28 Nov 1728 | Here lieth the/ Body of Mary/ Basset Widow of/ Mr Sam'l Basset/ Who Dyed Nov'br/ ye 28 1728 age/ about 69 years |
basset119 | BASSET, Ebenezer | 28 April 1721 | Here/ Lieth/ The Body Of/ EBENEZER BASSET/ Who Died April/ ye 28th 1721 Aged/ About 22 Years |
basset120 | BASSET, Hezekiah | 20 July 1741? | Hezekiah/ Son of Mr John/ Basset died/ July ye 20th 1741?/ Aged (Underground) |
bassete121 | BASSETE, Mehetabel | 21 Oct 1777 | In Memory of Mrs/ MEHETABEL relict/ of Mr Enos Bass-/Ate who died 21/ Oct 1777 in her/ 21 Year |
becher122 | BECHER, Hannah | 15 Feb 1739 | Here Lies ye/ Body of Mrs Han-/nah ye Wife of/ Capt Ebenezer/ Becher died/ Feb'ry ye 15 1739/ Aged 48 Years |
becher123 | BECHER, Lo??? | 22 Febr 1724 | LO_____/ Becher Died/ Febr 22 1724/ Aged 28/ Years |
beecher124a | BEECHER, Nathaniel & Sarah | Feb 1786 | Mr Nathaniel Beecher/died February ? 1786/ In the 80th year of his age (on same stone with Sarah) |
beecher124b | 4 Oct 1796 | His Wife/ Mrs Sarah Beecher/ died Oct'br 4 1796/ in the 8?th year of her age (2 pictures) | |
beecher125 | BEECHER, Hezekiah | 21 Sep 1751 | In Memory of/ Mr HEZEKIAH BEECHER/ who died Sep'tbr 21st 1751/ in ye 48th year/of his Age |
beecher126 | BEECHER, John | 3 Dec 1717? | Here Lyeth ye/ Body of JOHN/ BEECHER who died/ Decem 3rd 1717?/ Aged 67 years |
beecher127 | BEECHER, Anna | 30 June 1768 | Anna Dau'tr of/ Mr Moses & Mrs/ Ann Beecher/ died June 30, 1768/ in her 10th Year |
beecher128 | BEECHER, Hannah | 21 Aug 175? | Hannah/ Daughter of/ Mr Hezekiah/ & Mrs. Hannah/ Beecher/ died August/ 21 175?/In Her 5 (underground) |
beecher129 | BEECHER, Joanna | 24 Feb 1732 | Here lyes/ the Body of/ Mrs. Joanna Beecher/ Relict to Mr. Isaac/ Beecher who died/ Feb'r ye 24 1732/ Aged 77 Years |
beecher130 | BEECHER, Lydiea | 15 Dec 1757? | Lydia/ Daughter/ of Nathaniel &/ Sarah Beecher/ December ye 15/ 1757? Aged one/ Year & 6 Months |
beecher131 | BEECHER, Lydia | 1725/6 | Lydia/ ye Daught-/ ter of Joseph/ Beecher Died/ A.D. 1725/6/ Aged 25 Years |
bell132 | BELL, John | 27 Oct 1732 | Here lyeth the Body/ of Ye John Bell of/ Stanford Who Dyed/ October 27: 1732/ Aged 51 Years |
bishop133 | BISHOP, Hannah | Feb ??? | Hannah/ Daughter of/ Mr. Yale/ & Mrs. Cybel Bishop/ ____ Feb __/ ____ Year |
bishop134 | BISHOP, Sarah | 4 Nov 1750 | Sarah/ Daughter of/ Mr. Yale & Mrs. Cybel/ Bishop/ died Nov'br 4/ 1750 Aged 9 Years |
blaklle135 | BLAKLLE, John | 30 Apr 1742 | Here Lies Ye/ Body of Mr/ John Blaklle/ Died April/ 30: 1712 in/ ye 66 year |
blaksle136 | BLAKSLE, John | 12 Mar 1712/13 | Here/Lyeth ye/ Body of/ JOHN BLAKSLE/ Who Died March/ 12: 1712/13 Aged 59/ Years |
blaksle137 | BLAKSLE, Susannah | 25 July 1751 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Susannah/ Wife of Mr./ John Blaksle who/ died July 25th 1751/ Aged 67 years |
bonecou138 | BONECOU, David | 26 Jan 1769 | David Son/ of Mr. Peter & Mrs. Susan-/nah Bonecou/ died 26 Jan'r/ 1769 Aged 5 Mo & 17 Days |
bontecou139 | BONTECOU, Mary | 5 Nov 1735 | Here lyeth the/ Body of Mary/ wife of Timothy/ Bontecou who/ Departed this life/ Nove ye 5 1735/ Aged 35 Years |
bontecou140 | BONTECOU, James | 8 Nov 1760 | Here Lies Interred/ Body of/ James Bontecou/ who Departed/ this life Novem'br/ ye 8th 1760/ in the Seventeenth/ Year of his/ Age |
bonticou141 | BONTICOU, Peter | 12 June 1794 | In Memory of/ Mr PETER BONTICOU/ who Departed this/ Life June 12th 1794/ in the 24th Year/ of his Age |
bonticou142 | BONTICOU, David | can't read | |
booth143 | BOOTH, Ralph | can't read | In Memory of/ Ralph Booth of/ Brookfield, who died/ ??? |
br-unreadable144 | BR???, Unreadable | 2 Nov 1723 | BR____/ Novemb'r 2/ 1723 Aged/ 44 Years |
bradely145 | BRADELY, Israel | 25 May 1735 | Israel Son of/ ye Abraham/ & Sarah Brad-/ ely died May/ ye 25th 1735 in/ ye 13 Year |
bradley146 | BRADLEY, Sa??? (Sarah) | can't read | Here Lyes ye/ Body of/ Sarah/Ye Wife of John Bradley (can't read the dates) |
bradley147 | BRADLEY, Erastus and Lydia | 28 Mar 1808 | In/ Memory of/ Mr ERASTUS BRADLEY/ who died/ March 28, 1808/ AE 67/ also his wife/ Mrs LYDIA BRADLEY/ died May 7 1783/ AE 39 |
BRADLEY, Lydia | 7 May 1783 | (See Erastus Bradley) | |
bradley148 | BRADLEY, John | July 1747 | Here lies ye/ Body of Mr./ John Bradley/ Who died July/ ye ? 1747 Aged/ 73 Years |
bradley149 | BRADLEY, Abigal | 31 May 1762 | In Memory of/ Mrs. ABIGAL/ Wife of Mr./ ABNER BRADLEY/ who died May/ 31 AD 1762 in/ Her 66th year |
bradley150 | BRADLEY, Abnor | 28 Apr 1747 | Abnor Bradley/ ye Son of Mr./ Abnor & Mrs/ Abigail Bradley/ died April ye/ 28 1747 aged/ 24 Years |
bradley151 | BRADLEY, Stephen | 3 Sep 1740 | Here Lyes ye Bo-/ dy of Mr. Stephen/ Bradley Who/ died Sept'r 3 1740 (or 46)/ Aged 33 Years |
bradley152 | BRADLEY, Mary | 9 Aug ??? | Mary Daugh-/ ter of Mr./ Abner & Mrs./ Abigail Brad-/ ley died/ August ye 9 ____ Age/ ?? Years |
bradley153 | BRADLEY, Abigail | 7 Aug 1739 | Abigail ye/ Daughter of/ Mr Abner &/ Mrs. Abigail/ Bradley died/ August ye 7th/ 1739 aged 11/ Years |
bradley154 | BRADLEY, Chloe | 1 Sep 1759 | Chloe Daugh-/ ter of Mr. John/ & Mrs. Elisabeth/ Bradley Died Sep/ ye 1st 1759 in/ ye 8th Year of (underground) |
bradley155 | BRADLEY, Abner | 27 Oct 17?? | In Memory of Mr./ Abner Bradley/ died October 27th/ 17?8 in the 85 Year |
bradly156 | BRADLY, Ann | 26 Jan 1739 | Here lies ye/ Body of Mrs/ Ann Bradly ye/ Wife of Mr ???/ Bradly who Died/ Jan'ry ye 26 1739/In ye 40th year/ of her age |
bradly157 | BRADLY, Deacon Abram | 12 Oct 1713? | Here Lyeth Ye Body/ of Deacon Abram/ Bradly Who Died/ Octob’r 12 1713 (or 18)/ Aged 63 Years |
bradly158 | BRADLY, Sarah | 5 June 1726 | Sarah/ Ye Wife/ of Stephen/ Bradly died/ June 5th 1726/ Aged 22 Years |
bradly159 | BRADLY, Hannah | 26 Oct 1718 | Hannah/ Wife of/ Deacon Bra-/ dly Died/ Octob’r 26: 1718/ Aged 64 Years |
At this point, the tombstone images stop. I hope someday someone will complete the Grovestree Wall submissions. | |||
BROWN, Hannah | 1 Nov 1726 | Hannah/ Widow of/ Mr Gershom/ Brown Died/ Nov'r ye 1st/ 1726 aged/ 57 years | |
BROWN, Eliezer | 21 Sep 1768 | In Memory of/ Mr. ELIEZER BROWN who/ died 21st Sept./ 1768 In his 72 Year/ "Bessed are the dead who died in the Lord" | |
BROWN, Timothy | 21 Feb 1752 | In Memory/ of Mr./ TIMOTHY BROWN/ of New Haven/ who died Feb. 21st/ 1752 Aged 35/ Years | |
BROWN, Mrs. Sarah | 12 Aug 1766 | This Stone is Erected/ In Memory of Mrs./ Sarah wife of Mr./ ROBERT BROWN/ who departed this/ Life Aug 12th AD/ 1766 in ye 22 Year/ of Her Age | |
BROWN, Hannah | 9 Dec 1725 | Here/ Lieth The/ Body of Mrs./ Hannah Ye Wife/ Mr. Frances Brown/ Who Died Decemb'r/ Ye 9th AD 1725/ Aged 47 Years | |
BROWNE, Daniel | 14 Oct 1741? | Daniel Browne/ Son of Mr./ Nathaniel &/ Mrs. Olive/ Browne died/ Octob’r Ye 14th/ 1741 Aged 6 Years (not sure) | |
BROWNSON, Deborah | Sept 175? | Here lies Interr'd/ the Body of Mrs/ Deborah Brownson/ wife of Mr Timothy/ Brownson of Kensington/ who Died Sept'br the/ ?? 175? in ye ?2/ year of her Age | |
BUNNEL, Israel | 6 Dec 1763 | ISRAEL/ Son of Mr Israel/ & Mrs Sarah/ Bunnel died Dec'r/ 6th AD 1763/ Aged 2 years | |
BUPPUGHSS, Eden | 9 Mar 177? | Eden Buppughss/ died March 9th 177?/ aged 64 Years | |
BURR, Betty | 28 Apr 1794 | In Memory of/ BETTY BURR/ Wife of/ STURGES BURR/ who Departed this/ Life April 28th 1794/ AE 32 years | |
BURR, William | 17 Sep 1776 | In Memory of William Burr Son/ of Mr. Oliver & Mrs Elizabeth Burr/ who died Sept'r 17th 1776 aged 1 Year &/ 6 months | |
BURR, John | 3 Aug 1789 | In Memory of John Burr Son of Mr./ Oliver & Mrs. Mary Burr who/ was Drowned near the well bridge/ August 3rd 1789 aged 13 years ( On same stone with William) | |
BURR, Thaddeus | 22 May 1782 | In Memory of two Children/ of Mr. Josiah & Mrs. Mary Burr/ Thaddeus Burr died May/ 22d AD 1782 aged 1 Year | |
BURR, Sarah | 12 Sep 1783 | Sarah Burr died Septem'r 12th AD 1783 aged 1 Year (On same stone with Thaddeus) | |
BURR, Mary | 9 Mar 1791 | In Memory of/ Mary daughter of/ Mr. Sturges & Mrs./ Betty Burr who was/ call'd home March 9th/ 1791 aged 3 years & 1 Month | |
BURR, Sara | 27 Sep 1766 | Sara Burr/ Daughter of Capt./ Andrew & Mrs./Lydia Burr/ died Sept’r 27/ AD 1766 in ye __ year of her age | |
BURRILL, Unreadable | 19 May 1768 | (Top of stone is gone): Son of Mr/ Thaddias & Mrs./ Sarah Burrill/died May 19th A.D./ 1768 Aged 2 months | |
CABLE, Sarah | can't read | In Memory of/ Mrs. Sarah/ Late Wife of/ Mr. William Cable/ (the rest is unreadable) | |
CARPENTER, Anthony | 28 June 1768 | Here Lies the Body/ of Mr. Anthony/ Carpenter/ who died June 28/ A. D. 1768 in the/ 39th Year of his Age | |
CARPENTER, Unreadable | July 1768 | Here Lies the Body/ of ______/wife of Mr. Anthony/ Carpenter/ who died July/ ? A.D. 1768/ Aged 35/ Years | |
CHEDSEY, John | 31 Dec 1688 | Mr. John Chedsey/ Deacon who died/ in ye 67th Year of his age/ Decemb'r ye 31 1688 | |
CHEDSEY, Elizabeth | 22 Nov 1668 | Ms- Elizabeth/ Chedsey dece-/ased Novemb'r 22/ __68 (New Haven Death Reg. states she died 1688; may be at age 68) | |
CLARK, Eunice | 4 Oct 1743 | Here Lies ye/ Body of Eunice/ ye Daughter of/ Mr. Timothy &/ Mrs. Elizabeth/ Clark who died/ Oct’r ye 4th 1743/ aged ?? Years | |
CLARK, Timothy | 17 Jan 1732 | Here lyeth the/ \Body of Mr./ Timothy Clark/ who died Jan'ry/ ye 17 A.D. 17-/ 32 Aged 37/ Years | |
CLARKE, Mrs. Elizabeth | 1754 | Mrs. Elizabeth/ wife of/ Mr. Timothy/ Clarke/ died in 1754/ Aged 50/ Years | |
COLT, Betty | 3 Oct 1765 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Betty Colt/ late Consort of Mr./ Jabez Colt/ who departed this life/ Oct'br Ye 3d A. D. 1765/ in ye 22d Year of her age/ Also a ______ aged 6 Hours | |
COMSTOCK, Miss Martha | 3 April 1734 | To the/ Memory of Miss/ Martha Comstock/ who died April 3d/ 1734 aged 21 Years " This stone was erected by her uncle, Ebenezer Beardsley" | |
COOPER, Jason | 15 Dec 1774 | In Memory of/ Mr. Jason Coo-/ per Who Di-/ed Dec'r 15th/ 1774 in his 36th/ Year | |
COOPER, Timothy | None | (Can't read—underground) | |
CRANE, Elijah | 12 Aug 1802 | In Memory of Elijah/ Crane Son of Elijah/& Mary Crane who/ died Aug’t 12 1802/ AE 4 years | |
CURTIS, Abner | August 1773 | In Memory of/ Abner Curtis/ son of Mr./ Stylis & Mrs./Abigail Curtis/ who died August/ ?? ??73 (can't read the rest) | |
DAGGETT, Samuel | Sept. ??? | Samuel eldest Son of/ Mr. Philip & Mrs./ Beede Daggett/ Born August 24th 176?/ died September???? | |
DANIELSON, Sarah | 18 Feb 1775 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Sarah/ Wife of Mr./ John Danielson/ Who died Feb'r/ 18th 1775 in her/ 39th Year | |
DANIELSON, Martha | 8 Mar 1766 | In Memory of three Children/ of John & Sarah Danielson/ Martha died March 8th 1766 aged 2 /Months & 6 Days | |
DANIELSON, Susanna | 19 Nov 1773 | In Memory of three Children/ of John & Sarah Danielson/ Susanna died Novem'r 19th 1773 aged 1 year 9/ months & 13 days | |
DANIELSON, Daniel | an infant | In Memory of three Children/ of John & Sarah Danielson/ Daniel an infant | |
DICKERMAN, Stephen | 1755 | Stephen Son/ of Mr. Stephen / & Eunice/ Dickerman/ died Ju__ ?? / 1755 Aged/ ?? Years | |
DICKERMAN, Abram | 1 Nov 1711 | Here/ Lies Ye Body/ Of Lieu./ Abram Dickerman/ Who Died November/ 1: 1711 Aged 77 Years | |
DICKERMAN, Hubbart | 21 Aug 1796 | In Memory of/ Hubbart Dickerman/ Son of Joseph & Lucy/ Dickerman who De-/ parted this Life Au-/ gust 21st 1796 in the/ (rest is underground) | |
DICKERMAN, Ashbill | May 31 ??? | Ashbill Ye/ Son of Ens./ Abraham/ Dickerman/ died May 31 (underground) | |
DICKERMAN, Mary | 4 Jan 1705/06 | Mrs. Mary/ Dickerman Aged/ 66 Deceased/ January ye 4th 1705/6 | |
DICKERMAN, Mrs. Elisabeth | 1767 | ||
DIODATE, Sarah | 25 April 1764 | In Memory of/ Sarah Diodate/ Relict of/ Mr. William Diodate/who departed this life/ ye 25th April 1764/ at age 74 Years | |
DORMAN, Edmund | May, 17?? | Here/ Lyeth ye Body/ Of Edmund/ Dorman who/ died May 5th?/ 17?? Aged 76 Years | |
DUMM__, Abagail | 15 April 17?4 | Abagail Daugh- of/ Mr. Abraham &/ Mrs. Lucy Dumm__/ Died April 15th/ 17?4 | |
EELLS, Susanna | 30 Sep 179? | In Memory of/ Mrs. Susanna Eells/ the Wife of/ Mr. Joseph Eells who/ Departed this Life Sep-/ Tember 30th 179? in the/ (looks like 49 but can't be sure--rest is underground) | |
FITCH, Bethia | 16 Jan 1792 | In Memory of/ Bethiah/ Wife of Luther Fitch/ & Daughter of/ Zachariah & Bethia Ho?es/ of Windham/ who departed this life/ January 16th 1792/ AE 20 Years | |
FITCH, Sarah | None | the Body of Sarah/Daughter to Mr./ Jonathan and Mrs./Sarah Fitch who/ departed this (underground) | |
FORD, Matthew | 7 Oct 1751 | In Memory/ of Mr./ Matthew Ford/ who died Oct/ 7th 1751 Aged/ 76 Years | |
FORD, Martin | Oct 17?? | Martin/ Son of Mr./ Timothy / & Mary Ford/ Died Oct'r (may be 9)/ 17?8 Aged ?2 Years | |
FORD, Timothy | 7 Aug 17?? | Timothy/ Son of Mr./ Timothy/ & Mrs. Mary Ford/ died August 7th/ 17?? Aged 12 Years?? | |
FORD, Timothy | Dec. 1732 | Timothy/ Son of Mr/ Timothy &/ Mrs. Mary/ Ford/ died Dec./ ??? 1734/ Aged ?? | |
FORD, Elizabeth | can't read | Mrs. Elizabeth/ Late Wife of/ Mr./ Matthew Ford/ (can't read the rest) | |
GIBAR_, Timothy | 23? March 1684 | 1684/ Timothy Gibar_/ deceased in March ye/ 2? in ye 30th Year of his age/with 2 of his children | |
GIBB, Henry | 10 Sep 1789 | In Memory/ of/ Henry Gibb/ Native of North Britain/ who departed this Life/ the 10th Sept 1789 aged 44 Years | |
GILBARD/ALLING, Abiah | 15 May 1783 | In Memory of Mrs./ Abiah Wife of/ Matthew Gilbard/ who died May 15th/ 1783 Aged 66 Years/ Her first husband/ was Mr. John Alling | |
GILBART, Jabez | 16 July 1769 | Jabez Son of/ Mr. David & Mrs./ Elizabeth Gil-/ bart died July/ 16: 1769 Aged 1/ Year 10 Months | |
GILBERT, Hezekiah | 10 Oct 1785 | In Memory of/ Mr Hezekiah Gilbert/ who was educated at Yale College/ where he graduated 1783/ an early death terminated/ his studies & literary persuits/ and called him into Eternity Oct'r 10th 1785 AE 23/ also in Memory of his brother/ Mr. John Gilbert who died/ in captivity on board a Prison/ Ship in New York January 29th/ 1783 AE 25 | |
GILBERT, John | 29 Jan 1783 | (See Hezekiah Gilbert) | |
GILBERT, Elizabeth | can't read | Eliabeth wife of Mr./ Stephen Gilbert who died _____ ye ______ aged/ 31 Years/ ----- 1738 aged 6 years (probably a child) | |
GILBERT, Child | 1738 | (See Elizabeth Gilbert) | |
GILBERT, John | 8 July 1713 | John/ Son of/ Mr. John/ Gilbert died/ July 8: 1713 Aged/ ?? Years | |
GILBERT, Elizabeth | None | Elizabeth/ Gilbert/ ??? of/ Stephen/ Gilbert | |
GILBURT, James | 14 Sep 1727 | Here/ Lyeth/ the Body of/ James Gilburt/ Who Died Sept'r 14th/ AD 1727 Aged/ about 27 Years | |
GOLD, Thomas | March, ??? | Sacred/ to the Memory of/ Mr. Thomas Gold/ who died March (can't read the rest) | |
GORHAM, Mary | Feb 1754 | Mary/ Daughter of/ Mr. Hezekiah/& Mrs. Abigail/ Gorham/died Feb. ?/ 1754/ AE 9 Months & 4 Days | |
GORHAM, Thearittable | 16 June 1794 | Thearittable Consort of / Mr. Isaac Gorham/ who departed this Life/ June 16th 1794 in the 2?/ year of her age/ also John their Son who/ died June 25th 1794 aged/ 9 months | |
GORHAM, John | 25 June 1794 | (See Gorham, Thearittable) | |
GREEN, Elizabeth | None | In Memory/ of Elizabeth & Abigail Green/ daughters of/ Samuel & Abigail Green (underground) | |
GREEN, Abigail | None | (On same stone with Elizabeth) | |
GREENLIEF, Stephen | 6 Dec 1787 | In Memory of/ Mr. Stephen/ Greenlief/ who died Dec. 6/ 1787/ AE 36 ?Years | |
GREENLIEF, Charles | 7 Aug 1796 | Charles Son of Mr/ Newman & Mrs. Mary/ Greenlief Died Aug 7/ AD 1796/ AE 1 Year 9 months | |
GREGORY, Stephen | None | Stephen Atwater Gre-/gory son of Mr G___/ & Mrs. Mary Gregory/ of North ????/ Grandson of Mrs. Abi-/ (underground) | |
GUILBERT, Aaron | 28 Sep 1747 | Here Lies ye/ Body of Mr./ Aaron Guilbert/ died Sep ye 28th 1747 Aged/ 32 Years | |
H, I | 1683 | I H Age 79/ 1683 | |
H_____, Mary Ann | 1793? | This Stone is erected/ to the Memory of/ Mary Ann | |
H______, Juliana | can’t read | Daughter of C____ | |
HALL, Richard | 13 Feb 1725/6 | Here Lies Ye Body of Mr/ Richard/ Hall who died/ Febr’y 3d 1725/6/ Aged 54 Years | |
HALL, Hannah | 18 Aug 1741 | Here Lies ye/ Body of Mrs/ Hannah Wife/ Of Mr. Richard/ Hall who died/ Aug 18th/ 1741 Aged 60?/ Years | |
HANCOCK, John | 10 Mar 1711 | Here/ Lies ye/ Body of/ John Hancock/ who died March/ 10 1711 Aged?? / years | |
HAND, Hannah | Nov 1795? | Mrs. Hannah Hand/ is here interred/ Daughter of Mr./ Benjamin & Mrs./ Hannah Hand of/ Middleton who/ departed this life/ November ?? 1795? (underground) | |
HANDY, Beulah | 13 June 1798 | In Memory of / Mrs. Beulah Handy/ Consort of Mr ____ Handy/ who departed this Life/ June 14th 1798 in her 21??/ Year of her Age/ Also Betty her child/ who died July 12th 1798/ aged ?? Months | |
HANDY, Betty | 12 July 1798 | (See Beulah Handy) | |
HARWOOD, William Henry | 21 Oct 1796 | Sacred to the Memory/ of William Henry/ Son of William & Eunis Harwood/ who departed this Life/ October 21st 1796/ aged 1 Year 3 months | |
HEATON, Thankful | January 17?7 | In Memory of/ Mrs Thankful Heaton/ Relict of Mr./ Nathaniel Heaton/ of Hamden who/ died January ? 17?7/ in her ?? Year | |
HEATON, Sarah | 17 May 1750 | Sarah/ Daughter of/ Mr. Nathanael/ & Mrs. Phebe/ Heaton/ died May 17th/ 1750 Aged 20/ Years | |
HEUNES, John | 10? Sep 1689 | Mr. John Heunes/ Deceased Septemb'r/ 10 or 19 1689 | |
HICOCK, Samuel | August 1793 | In Memory of Mr/ Samuel Hicock/ of South Bury/ who died August/ ?? 1793 Aged 29/ Years | |
HITCHCOCK, Deacon John | 14 Oct 1753 | In Memory of/ Deacon John/ Hitchcock Esq./ who died Octbr/ the 14th 1753/ aged 68 Years | |
HOBBY, Mrs. Sarah | None | May be a footstone | |
HODSHON, Samuel | 1673 | Mr. Samuel Hod-/ shon aged 9/ ??? 1673 | |
HOLT, Ens. Ebenezer | June 1736 | Here Lyes Ye Body of/ Ensign Ebenezer Holt/ Died June ye ? 1736/ in Ye 86th Year of/ his age | |
HOLT, Tabitha | 18 Aug 1725 | Here/ Lies the/ Body of Tabitha/ The Wife of/ Ens. Eleazer Holt/ Who Died/ August ye 18th 1725/ Aged 71 Years | |
HOLT, Elizabeth | 30 Jan 1689 | Elizabeth Holt/ Aged 42 Deceased/ January 30/ 1689 | |
HOLTT, Lieut. Thomas | 13 March 1758 | In/ Memory of/ Lieutenant/ Thomas/ Holtt/ who died March/ 13th AD 1758/ in His 82nd/ Year | |
HORTON, Samuel | 6 Aug 1751 | Samuel/ died Aug/ ye 6th 1751/ Aged 8 years/ All Children of Mr/ Samuel & Mrs. Sarah/ Horton | |
HORTON, Elisha | 12 Aug 1744 | Elisha/ died Aug/ ye 12th 1744/ Aged 4/ Years/ All Children of Mr/ Samuel & Mrs. Sarah/ Horton | |
HORTON, Naomi | 4 Aug 1751 | Naomi/ died Aug/ ye 4th 1751/ Aged 13/ Years/ All Children of Mr/ Samuel & Mrs. Sarah/ Horton (3 children on same stone) | |
HORTON, Sarah | 23 July 17?? | Sarah Daughter/ of Mr Samuel/ & mrs. Sarah/ Horton/ died July 23d/ 17?? Aged ? | |
HORTON, Timothy | Aug ??? | Timothy/ Son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Sarah/ Horton/ died Aug (the rest is underground) | |
HOTCHKINS, Thomas | 27 Dec 1711 | Here/ Lyeth ye/ Body of/ Thomas Hotchkins/ who died Decem/ 27 1711 Aged 58/ Years | |
HOTCHKISS, Mehitable | 30 Nov 1750 | Mrs. Mehitable/ Late Wife of/ Mr. Caleb/ Hotchkiss/ died Nov'br 30th/ 1750 in Her/ 69th Year | |
HOTCHKISS, Phebe | 19 Feb 1795 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Phebe Hotchkiss/ Relict of/ Mr. Caleb Hotchkiss/ who departed this Life/ Feb'ry 19th 1795 in the/ ?? Year of her age | |
HOTCHKISS, Joshua | August ??? | Here lies ye Body/ of Mr Joshua/ Hotchkiss Who/ died Augs't ye/ ???4 in ye 66th/ year of his age | |
HOTCHKISS, Silas | 24 Sep 1776 | In Memory of Silas/ Son of Mr. Obadiah/ & Mrs. Mercy/ Hotchkiss who/ died Sept 24 1776/Aged 11 Years & 6 months | |
HOTCHKISS, Anna | 30 July 1794 | In Memory of the two children/ of Mr. Lent & Mrs. Sarah Hotch-/kiss Anna Hotchkiss who died/ July 30th 1794 Aged 4 Years & 10 months (On same stone with Sarah) | |
HOTCHKISS, Sarah | 1794 | In Memory of the two children/ of Mr. Lent & Mrs. Sarah Hotch-/kiss/ also Sarah Hotchkiss who died/ ----1794 (can't read) | |
HOTCHKISS, Elif__ | 31 Mar 1726 | ELif__/ Hotchkiss/ Died March/ Ye 31 1726/ Aged 11 Years | |
HOTCHKISS, Mahetebel | 1725? | Mahetebel/ Hotchkiss/ Died No___ ye/ 1725?/ Aged 18 Years | |
HOTCHKISS, Abigail | 1780 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Abigail/ consort to/ Capt. Stephen/ Hotchkiss/ died ???/ 1780/ AE 42 | |
HUBBARD, Daniel | 8 June 1792 | In memory of/ Mr. Daniel Hubbard/ who died June 8 1792/ AE 36/ also Wyllys, son of Mr./ Dan'l & Mrs. Sarah Hubbard/ died June 16: 1794/ AE 12 | |
HUBBARD, Wyllys | 16 June 1794 | (See inscription for Daniel Hubbard) | |
HUBBARD, Martha | 1760 | This Stone is erected/ in Memory of Mrs./ Martha L___ consort of/ Mr. Daniel Hubbard the/ died 1760 aged 50? | |
HUBBARD, Anna | February 1773 | In Memory of Mrs/ Anna Hubbard/ the amiable & virtuous Consort/ of Mr. John Hubbard/ who early professed the/religion of Jesus ???/ ----- died on / Feb ?? 1773 in the 25th/ Year of her life | |
HUBBARD, William Abdiel | 25 Apr? 1772 | In Memory of Mr./ William Abdiel/ Hubbard who de-/parted this life Ap_/ 25th 1772 in his/ 36 Year | |
HUBBARD, Elizabeth | 25 Aug 1744 | Here lies ye/ Body of Mrs/ Elizabeth Hub-/ bard late ____/ Consort of Capt/ John Hubbard/ died August ye/ 25th 1744 in ye 42/ Year of her age | |
HUBBARD, William | None | William Hubbard AEt 21?/" Whose twested form/ liere worms consume/His Parents breasts/ a living tomb/ The dearest image/ fate contains/ Till the same features/ rise again". | |
HUBBARD, Sarah | 14 Sep 17?? | In Memory of/ Sarah Hubbard/relict of ???/ Abdiel Hubbard/ who departed this/ Life Sept 14 17?? in/ her 44th Year | |
HUBBARD, Russell | 10 Sep 1781 | Russell Son of/ John Hubbard & Mrs. Martha Hubbard/ who died Sep 10th/ 1781 aged 18 Months/ and 9 Days | |
HUBBARD, Elijah | Sept 1776 | Elijah Hubbard/ a promising Youth the/ only Son of Mr. Wm./ Abdiel and Mrs. Sarah Hubbard de-/ parted this life Sept'r/ 1776 in his ?? year | |
HUBBARD, Mary | May 1700 | Mrs. Mary Hubbard/ Late Faithful/ Consort of Lieut/ Col John Hubbard/ Deceased ye/ May ?? 1700 | |
HUDSON, John | 2 Nov 1711 | Here/ Lieth the/ Body of / John Hudson/ who deceased/ Nov'r ye 2 1711/ Aged 44 Years | |
HUDSON, Elizabeth | Dec 1711? | Here/ Lies the/ body of Mis/ Elizabeth/ Hudson who/ deceased Decm'r/ Ye ?? AD 1711?/ aged 35? Years | |
HUDSON, John, Jr. | 14 Feb 1721 | Here/ Lies the/ Body of Mr/ John Hudson/ Junr Deceased/ Feb'r ye 14th 1721/ aged 27 years | |
HUGGINS, Esther | 22 July? 1795 | In/ Memory of/ Mrs Esther Huggins/ wife of/ Mr. John Huggins/ of Branford/ who died June or July 22 1795/ AE?? | |
HUGGINS, John | April 1801? | In Memory of/ Mr John Huggins/ who died April ?? 1801(not sure of the year)/ AE 42 | |
HUGGINS, Mary | 23 Jan 1775 | In/ Memory of/ Mary Huggins/ wife of Samuel Huggins/ died Jan'y 23d 1775 AE 24 | |
HUMPHREVILE, Lydia | Jan 11 ??? | Lydia/ Daughter of/Mr. David/ & Mrs. Dirnee/ Humphrevile/ died Jan'ry 11th (can't read the rest) | |
IVES, Sally | 27 Sep 1801 | In Memory of two children/ of Mr. John & Mrs. Lois Ives/ Sally died Sept'r 27 1801/ Aged 9 years & 6 months (On same stone with Mariah) | |
IVES, Mariah | 8 Oct 178? | In Memory of two children/ of Mr. John & Mrs. Lois Ives/ Mariah died Oc'tr 9 178?/ AE 15? Months | |
IVES, Mary | 26 Oct 1770 | Mary/ Daughter of/ Dr. Levi & Mrs. Lidia/ Ives died/ Oct 26 1770/ Aged 2 Years | |
JEBINE, Mary | 31 July 1795? | In Memory of/ Mary Daughter of/ Nicholas and ____/ Jebine who died/ July 31 1795? Aged ?? Months | |
JOCELIN, Desiah | 28 Apr 1807 | In/ Memory of/ Desiah Jocelin/ who died April 28/ 1807 AE 77 | |
JOHNSON, Sarah | 13 April 1773 | Mrs. Sarah Johnson/ wife of Mr. Ebenezer Johnson/ of New Stratford died April/ 13th 1773 in the 19th Year of her age/ ---- She was born at Marblehead & was/ the youngest Daughter of Mrs./ Mary Hubbard Consort of/ John Hubbard Esq of this town. | |
JOHNSON, Enos | 1 Nov 180? | IN/ ____ of/ Enos Johnson/ who died No'vr 1, 180?/ in the 77th year of his age | |
JOHNSON, Rebekah | 17 Jan ??2? | Rebekah/ Daughter of/ Capt Asa Johnson/ Died Jan 17/ 172? Aged 23/ Years/ Also Dorcas (can't read the rest) | |
JOHNSON, Abigail | 6 Dec 1724 | Abigail/ the Wife of Capt. Isaac/ Johnson Died/ Decem ye 6 1724/ Aged 45 Years/ Also Her Daughter/ Eunis Died Sep ??/ 1725/ Aged ?/ | |
JOHNSON, Eunis | Sep 1725 | (See Abigail Johnson) | |
JONES, William | None | William Son of/ William and/ Elisabith Jones/ Born March 7th/ 1775 & died on (rest is underground) | |
JUDSON, David | 1799 | In Memory of/ David Judson Esq/ Son of Mr. David Judson/ ?? of New Town Deceased/ who died in this town/ ??? 1799 AE 33 or 35 (2 pictures) | |
KIMBERLY, Mrs. Mabel | 8 Apr 1803 | His Wife/ Mrs Mabel Kimberly/ died April 8, 1803/ ae 63 (Top of stone is broken off) | |
KIMBERLY, Nathan | October ??? | Nathan ye/ Son of ???/ Kimberly/ died October (underground) | |
LANE, Susanna | 27 Dec 1787 | In Memory of Mrs/ Susanna Wife of/ James Lane who/ died Dec' 27th/ 1787 in the 44th/ Year of her Age | |
LYMAN, Medad | 29 May 1757 | In Memory of/ Medad Lyman/ Son of Mr/ Medad and Mrs/ Mary Lyman who/ died May ye 29th/ 1757 aged 3 | |
MANSFEILD, Tapher | can't read | Here lies ye/ Body of Mr/ Tapher Mans-/feild died/ (underground) | |
MANSFIELD, Elizabeth | 29 Aug 1757? | Elizabeth/ Daughter of/ Samuel/ Mansfield Esq./ & Mrs. Esther/ died Augst 29th/ 1757? Aged 1/ Year & 6 months | |
MANSFIELD, Hannah | Sep 179? | Sacred/ to the Memory of/ Hannah Mansfield/ wife of/ Capt Stephen Mansfield/ who deceased in the hope of/ happy immortality on the 2?/ of Sept 179? AE 67 | |
MANSFIELD, Stephen | 25 Aug 1751 | Stephen/ Son of Mr/ Stephen & Mrs/ Hannah/ Mansfield/ died August/ 25th 1751/ Aged ??? | |
MANSFIELD, Unknown | 5 Nov 1766 | _____ of/ Mr. Stephen/ & Mrs. Hannah/ Mansfield/ died Nov 5th AD/ 1766 in the 11th/ Year of His Age | |
MANSFIELD, Ebenezer | August 1745 | In Memory of/ Mr. Ebenezer/ Mansfield/ who died August/ 1745/ in His 73 Year | |
MANSFIELD, Ann Mary | 5 July 1742 | Here Lies/ ye Body of Ann Mary/ Mansfield/ Wife of Moses/ Mansfield/ who Died July/ ye 5th 1742/ aged 33 | |
MANSFIELD, Stephen | August ??? | Stephen Son/ of Mr. Stephen/ & Mrs. Hannah/ Mansfield/ died August ye (can't read the rest) | |
MANSFIELD, Joseph | Oct ?? | Here Lies ye/ body of Mr/ Joseph Mansfield/ Died Oct. ye (underground) | |
MATHER, Increase | 14 Sep 1795 | In Memory of/ Increase Mather son of/ The Rev’d Allyn Mather of/ this City who Died Septem-/ ber 14th 1795 in the 12th Year/ of his age | |
MILES, Lieut. Richard | 5 July 1756 | In Memory of/ Lieut/ Richard Miles/ who died July/ ye 5th A.D. 1756/ in the 80th year/ of His Age | |
MILES, Sarah | 16 Aug 1769 | Here lies interr'd/ the Body of/ Mrs Sarah Miles/ Relict of/ Capt. Samuel Miles/ who departed this Life Aug'st 16 AD 1769 (can't read the rest) | |
MILES, Roswell | 16 Dec 1753 | Roswell/ Son of Captain/ Samuel & Mrs./ Sarah Miles/ died Dec'br ye 16th/ 1753 in ye 19th/ year of his/ Age | |
MILES, Catirine | 19 April 1723 | Catirine/ Daughter/ of Lieut./ Richard/ Miles Died/ April 19/ 1723 | |
MILES, Capt. John | 10 Feb 1710 | Here/ Lyeth the/ Body of Capt. John Miles Aged/ 42 Deceased Feb. 10: 1710 | |
MILES, Daniel | 25 Dec 1711 | Here Lyeth Ye/ Body of Daniel/ Miles Who Died/ Decem'r 25: 1711/ Aged 27 Years | |
MILES, Hannah | 25 Oct 1738 | Hannah/ Daughter/ of Mr. Joseph/ Miles died/Octo'r 25 1738/ Aged 7 Years | |
MILES, Hannah | 28 Sep 1714 | Here/ Lyeth ye/ Body of/ Hannah Wife of/ Lieut Richard/ Miles who Died/ Sept'y 28 1714/ Aged 41 Years | |
MIX, Lieut. Joseph | 12 Feb 1757 | In/ Memory of/ Lieutenant/ Joseph Mix/ Who Died Feb'r 12th/ Anno Dom' 1757/ Aged 72 Years | |
MIX, Nathaniel | 29 Nov 1781 | In Memory of Mr./ Nathaniel Mix/ died Novembr 29th/ 1781 in the 32 Year/ of his Age. | |
MIX, Rebekah | 3 June 1767 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Rebekah Mix/ daughter of Mr.Caleb & Mrs/ Rebekah Mix/ who died June/ 3d A.D. 1767/ Aged 39 Years | |
MIX, Rebekah | 3 Dec 1760 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Rebekah/ the wife of Mr. Caleb Mix who/ dec’d, December/ ye 3rd 1760 (underground) | |
MIX, Esther | can't read | In Memory of/ Mrs. Esther Relict/ of Mr. John Mix/ & Late Relict of Ensign/ ??? Smith/ (can't read the rest) | |
MIX, Rebecca | 12 March ??? | In/ Memory/ of Mrs./ Rebecca Mix/ the Consort of Mr Nathaniel Mix/ who died the 12th/ day of March (can't read the rest) | |
MIX, Nathaniel | 14 Oct 1756 | In Memory of/ Mr. Nathaniel/ Mix/ who died Oct'br/ 24th 1756/ aged ?? | |
MIX, Nathaneal | 20 Sep 1749 | Nathaneal/ Son of Mr. Nathaneal/ & Mrs. Rebecca/ Mix/died Sept'br/ 20th 1749 (on same stone with Stephen) | |
MIX, Stephen | 11 Sep 1737 | Stephen/ Son of Mr./ Nathaneal/ & Mrs. Rebecca/ Mix/ died Sept'br 11th 1737 | |
MIX, Hannah | 14 Apr 1769 | In Memory of/ Mrs Hannah Mix/ Daughter of Mr/ Caleb and Mrs/ Rebekah Mix/ died April ye 14th/ AD 1769 in ye 39th Year of her age | |
MIX, Thomas | 10 Aug 1719 | In Memory of/ Thomas Mix Son/ of Mr. Caleb &/ Mrs Rebeckah/ Mix who Died/ August ye 10 AD 1719 (can't read the rest) | |
MIX, Samuel | 10 Apr 1730 | Here Lyeth the/ Body of Mr. Samuel Mix/ Who Died April ye 10th AD 1730/ in ye 67th Year/ of his age. | |
MIX, Caleb | 30 Jan 1765 | In Memory of/ Mr. Caleb Mix/ who died Jenry/ ye 30th A.D. 1765/ Aged ?? | |
MIX, Stephen | 21 May 1736 | Stephen ye/ Son of Mr. Nathaniel/Mix died/ May ye 21st/ 1736 Aged ? Years (On same stone with Mary) | |
MIX, Mary | 11 June 1736 | Mary ye/ Daughter/ of Mr. Nathaniel/ Mix died/ June 11th/ 1736 Aged/ 4 Years | |
MIX, Mary | 25 Mar 1723 | Here/ Lieth the/ Body of/ Mary Wife of/ Nathanel Mix/ who died Feb/ March ye 25th/ 1723 Aged 69 Years | |
MIX, Nathanel | 14 Oct 1725 | Here/ Lieth/ Interred/ The Body of/ Nathanel Mix/ Who Died Oct'r 14th/ 1725 Aged 74/ Years | |
MIX, John | 7 Apr 1754 | Here lyeth the Body/ of John Mix Son of/ Leiut. Joseph Mix/ Who Dyed April ye/ 7th 1754 in the 21st/ Year of his age | |
MIX, Elizabeth | 21 Aug 1711 | Elizabeth/ Wife of/ ___N Mix/ Died August 21/ 1711 Aged 61 Years | |
MIX, John | 21 Jan 1711 | Here/ Lyeth ye/ Body of John/ Mix who died/ January 21: 1711/ Aged 62 Years | |
MIX, John | 4 Jan 1760 | John Mix/ died Janua'y/ 4d A.D. 1760/ Aged 10 days Son of John & Sarah Mix | |
MIX, Thomas | 14 Mar 1722 | Here Lies Ye/ Body of Thomas/ Mix Who Died/ March 14/ 1722 Aged 56/ Years | |
MORE, Thomas | 20 Apr 1729 | Here lieth the Body/ of Thomas More/ of Winsor A/ student of Yale/ College who Died/ Apr 20th A.D. 1729/ In ye 24th Year of his age. | |
MORRIS, John | 10 Dec 1711 | Here/ Lies ye/ Body of/ Mr. John Morris/ Who Died Decem'r/ 10: 1711 Aged 65/ Years | |
MORRIS, Hannah | 12 June 1710 | Here/ Lies Ye Body/ of Hannah/ Wife of Mr. John/ Morris Who Died/ June 12: 1710 Aged/ 59 years | |
MOSS, Sarah | 4 April 1730 | Mrs./ Sarah Moss/ Relict of Mr/ Joseph Moss dyed/ April ye 4 1730/ Aged 67 Years | |
MOSS, Mary | 25 March 1716 | Here Lies/ Ye Body of/ Mary Wife of/ Joseph Moss/ Died March 25 1716/ Aged 22 years | |
MUNSON, Theophilus | 13 Dec 1793 | Here lies/ the Body of/ Theophilus Munson/ who died Dec'r 13th 1793 AE 80/ also Abigail his relict/ daughter of Cap. James Tallmadge/ died in Waterbury March 10th 1795 AE 80 | |
MUNSON, Abigail | 10 Mar 1795 | (See Theophilus Munson); "They who the longest life enjoy have told us with a sigh that to be born feers little none than to begin to die" | |
MUNSON, James | 20 Oct 1742 | Here Lies ye/ Body of James/ Munson Son of/ Cap. Theophilus/ Munson died Oct/ ye 20th 1742 Aged/ 27 Years | |
MUNSON, Benjamin | 9 June 1746 | Benj’a Son of/ Mr. Benj’a &/ Mrs. Abigail/ Munson died/ June ye 9th 1746/ Aged 8 Years | |
OSBO___, Joseph | 1724 | Here Lies/ Ye Body of Joseph Osbo___/ ____or who/ died ____/ 1724/ aged 70 | |
OSBON, Elizabeth | can't read date | Here Lies Ye/ Body of ??/ Elizabeth wife/ of Mr. _____/ Osbon (can't read the rest) | |
OSBONE, Joseph | 19 Nov 1785 | Here lies the/ Body of Mr./ Joseph Osbone/ who deceased Nov/ ye 19th 1785/ Aged 68 Years | |
P. E. | 1686 | ||
PARDEE, William | 2 Dec 1774 | William Son of/ Moses & Sarah/ Pardee who/ died December/ 2nd 1774 aged/ (underground) | |
PARDEE, Abigail | can't read | In Memory of/ Mrs. Abigail wife/ of Mr. Nehemiah???/ Pardee/ (can't read the rest) | |
PAYN, John | 4 July 1729 | Here lyeth/ ye body of/ John Payn who/ died July ye 4th/ 1729 aged 80 years | |
PECK, Frances Se__ | Aug 1763 | In Memory of/ Frances Se____/ Son of Mr. Joh_/ Mrs. Lois Peck/ who died Aug/ 1763 or 8 in the ? Mo | |
PEIRSON, David | can't read | Here lies ?? ye/ Body of David/ Pierson son of Mr/ Daniel Peirson of/ Bridge (can't read the rest) | |
PHIPPS, Roger Dearing | 11 Sep 1770 | In Memory of Mr. Roger Dearing Phipps/ who died Sep 11/ 1770 In the 35th Year/ of His age | |
PHIPPS, Hannah | 7 Sep 1789 | In Memory of Mrs/ Hannah Phipps/ the Wife of Capt/ Solomon Phipps who/ departed this Life Sep-/ tember 7th 1789 in the 37th year of her age. | |
PINTO, Abigail | 9 Mar 1798 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Abigail/ Wife of Mr./ Jacob Pinto/ who died March/ 9th 1798 in the 49/ year of her age | |
PINTO, Thankfull | 25 July 1768 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Thankfull/ Wife of Mr./ Jacob Pinto/ who died July/ 25th AD 1768/ in ye 28thYear of/ Her Age | |
POMEROY, Joseph | 24 Aug 1744 | Here Lies Ye/ Body of Mr. Joseph Pomeroy/ Who Died Augt/ ye 24th 1744 in ye/ 44 Year of His/ Age | |
POTTER, Benjamin | None | Benjamin/ Son of Mr. Joel/ & Mrs. Susanna/ Potter (underground) | |
POTTER, Joseph |
None |
Here Lies ye/ Body of Mr./ Joseph Potter/ who died (underground) |
RHOADES, Frederick | 22 Nov 1750 | In Memory of the Children/ of Dr. John & Rebeca Rhoades/ viz Frederick Born Janr 14th/ 1750 died Novr 22d 1750 | |
RHOADES, Catharina | 14 Jan 1773 | In Memory of the Children/ of Dr. John & Rebeca Rhoades/ Catharina born Janr 27th 1770/ died 14 Jan 1773/ | |
RHOADES, Still Born Son | 8 July 1772 | In Memory of the Children of Dr. John & Rebeca Rhoades/ Still born Son July 8th 1772 | |
RICE, James | None | Too broken to read | |
RICE, Mary Anne | 1 June 1770 | Mary Anne/ Daughter of Capt/ Thomas & Mrs/ Gloriana Rice/ died June 1, 1770/ Aged 1 Day | |
RICE, G. W. | can't read | G. W. Rice/ AE 16 yrs | |
RILEY, Capt Ebenezer | 20 Apr 1773 | In Memory of Capt Ebenezer Riley/ Who Fell a Victem/ by the Small pox/ On ye 20th Day of April/ AD 1773 | |
RUGGLES, Elizabeth | None | Elizabeth/ wife of Mr. Joseph/ Ruggles (underground) | |
SABEN, Sybil | Feb 1756 | Here Lies Interr'd/ the Body of Mrs./ Sybil Saben wife/ of Mr. Charles/ Saben who departed/ this life Febry ?th/ AD 1756 in the 20 (can't read the rest) | |
SACKET, Mary | 26 Nov 1717 | Mary/ Sackett/ Died November/ 26 1717 Aged/ 57 Years | |
SACKIT, Lieut. John | 6 Nov 1703 | Lieuten. John/ Sackit/ Aged 59 Years/ Deceased Novem 6/ 1703 | |
SALTONS__, Elizabeth | 3 April 1760 | Here Lies Interr'd/ the Remains of Mrs./ Elizabeth Saltons__/ a vertuous and ---- Daughter of C____ /& Mrs. Mary ____/ who Departed this life/ April the 3d A.D. 1760/ AE 25 | |
SANDEMAN, George | 23 Oct 1776 | Momento George/ Son of Mr. George Sandeman/ Merchant in Scotland/ who died Octobr 23d/ 1776 AE ? | |
SARIT, Jonathon | 4 Feb 172? | Here Lyeth/ Ye Body of/ Jonathan/ Sarit who/ Died Feb. 4/ 172? Aged/ 72 Years | |
SCHOOLER, John ___well | 3 Feb 1725/6 | Here Lies the Body of/ John ____well/ Schooler of Wind-/ ser who died/ Febr ye 3 1725/6/ Aged 24 Years | |
SEARL, Sarah | 4 May 1765 | Sarah/ Daughter of/ Mr. James &/ Mrs. Hannah/ Searl died/ May 4th 1765/ Aged 1 year/ & 5 Months | |
SHERMAN, Gold | 6 Feb 1777 | Here/ hes inter'd/ the Body of/ Mr. Gold Sherman/ who died Feb 6/ 1777 of the small pox/ in the 51 Year of/ His age/ the body also of/ Leveret his Son who/ died Feb. 6th 1777 Aged 1 year 9 months | |
SHERMAN, Leveret | 6 Feb 1777 | (See Gold Sherman) | |
SHERMAN, Capt. Daniel | Nov 1716 | Here Lies ye Body/ of Capt Daniel/ Sherman who/ Died November/ 1716 Aged 75 Years | |
SHERMAN, Nathanael | 7 Sep 1759 | Here lyes ye/ Body of Mr/ Nathanael Sherman/ who departed/ this life Sept / ye 7 AD 1759 (underground) | |
SHERMAN, Daniel | 8 May 1729 | Here lyeth the/ Body of Mr/ Daniel Sherman/ Who Departed May/ ye 8th 1729 in the/ 61 year of his age | |
SHERMAN, John | 24 Feb 1727/8 | Here Lieth The/ Body of Mr/ John Sherman/ who deceased/ Feb'r ye 24 1727/8/ Aged 54 Years | |
SHERMAN, Rebecca | 17 Feb 1750 | Here Lyes ye Body/ of Mrs. Rebecca/ Sherman wife to Mr./ Nathanael Sherman/ who Departed this/ Life Febr'y ye 17th AD/ 1750 in ye 58th/ Year of her Age | |
SHERWOOD, Andrew M. | 26 Nov 1752 | In Memory of/ Mr. Andrew/ Messenger/ Sherwood/ who died Nov'br/ 26 1752/ Aged 26 Years | |
SINCLAIR, Elizabeth | 7 Dec 1785 | Here lies the/ Body of Miss Elizabeth Sinclair/ who died in her/ passage from Jamaica/ to this place Decem-/ ber 7th 1785 in the 34th Year of her/ Age | |
SMITH, Eunice | 5 July 1783 | In Memory of Mr./ Eunice Smith/ the Wife of Mr./ Joseph Smith/ who died July 5th/ 1783 Aged 46/ years | |
SPE___, William | None | William/ Son of/ Joseph Spe__/ died March (broken) | |
SPEARY, daughter | 17 ?? 1739 | ______/ daughter/ to Joseph Speary died/ ?? 17: 1739 | |
SPERRY, Deborah | 16 Dec 1711 | Deborah/ the of Daniel/ Sperry/ who died Dec. 16: 1711/Aged 39 years | |
SPERRY, Stephen | 17 Feb 1765 | In/ Memory of/ Mr./ Stephen Sperry/ who died Febr'y/ ye 17 A.D. 1765/ Aged 66 Years/ " All Living Must Return to Dust" | |
SPERRY, Lydia | 31 Aug 1776 | In Memory of Mrs/ Lydia relict of Mr./ Stephen Sperry/who departed this/ life Aug 31, 1776/ in her 83 rd Year | |
STEVENS, Nath | 22 Oct 1709 | Nath/ Stevens Aged/ 8 Deceased Oct/ 22 Ano Dom. 1709 | |
STILMAN, Elizabeth | 18 May 1789 | In Memory of Elizabeth Stil-/ Man Relict of Person Stilman/ who died May 18th 1789 in the / 35th Year of her Age/ Also their son Alling Stilman/ who died September 6 1795/ Aged 19 Years | |
STILMAN, Alling | 18 Sep 1795 | (See Elizabeth Stilman) | |
STORER, Electa | 6 Nov 1768 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Electa/ Wife of Mr./ James Storer/ who died Nov./ ye 6 A.D. 1768/ in ye 26th Year of her Age | |
STORER, John, Jr. | 8 Aug 1794 | In Memory of John Storer Jur/ Son of Mr. John & Mrs. Hannah Storer/ who departed this/ Life August 8th 1794/ in the 21st Year/ of his Age | |
STORER, Sarah | 29 July ??? | Sarah/ Daughter of Mr. John & Mrs/ Mary Storer/ died July 29th (underground) | |
STORER, John | None | John Son of/ Mr. John Storer/ Junr. & Mrs. Han-/nah Storer (underground) | |
TA___, Elisabeth | ??? | 7631Mon 684/ Elisabeth Ta___ | |
TALLMADGE, Josiah | 13 May 1700 | In Memory of/ Mr Josiah Tallmadge/ who departed this/ life May 13th AD 1700/ in the 43 Year/ of his age | |
TALMADGE, Mary | 22 Feb 1787 | In Memory of Mrs Mary/ Consort of Mr. Josiah/ Talmadge who/ died February 22d AD/ 1787 in the 33th Year/ of her Age/ Also Mary Daughter of/ Josiah and Mary Talmadge/ Who died Octb 8th AD/ 1780 in the 4th Year of her/ Age | |
TALMADGE, Mary | 8 Oct 1780 | (See first Mary Talmadge) | |
TALMADGE, Ann | 23 ??? | Ann Talmadge/ Deceased ye 23 (underground) | |
TALMADGE, Hannah | 16 Feb 1743 | Here Lies ye/ Body of Mrs./ Hannah Wife/ of Capt. James/ Talmadge who/ died Febr'y/ 16 1743 or 45/ Ae 53 | |
TALMAGE, Unknown | 26 Sep 1730 | (top missing) Talmage ----/ dyed Sept'r Ye 25/ 1730 Aged 31 Years | |
TAPPEN, ___en |
23 Dec 1770 |
In Memory of/ Mr. ___en Tappen who/ Departed this Life with/ resignation to his Hea-/venly Father who after/ in Lingering Confirm____/ Deceased Dec'br 23, 1770/ in the 34th year of his age |
THOMAS, Joseph | 10 April 1739 | Here lies ye Body/ of Mr Joseph Thomas/ Who died April/ ye 10 1739 in ye/ 78 Year of/ his Age | |
THOMAS?, Elizabeth | May ?? | Elizabeth/ Wife of Mr/ Hezekiah/ Thomas? died/ May 3? (can't read the rest) | |
THOMPSON, Mary | 8 Feb 1788 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Mary Thompson/ Relict of Lieut/ Abraham Thompson/ who departed this/ Life February 8th 1788/ Aged 82 Years | |
THOMPSON, Phebe | 10 May 1800 | In/ memory of/ Mrs. Phebe/ Thompson/ wife of Mr. Abraham/ Thompson/ who died May 10: 1800/ AE 33 | |
THOMPSON, Lieut. John | 17 Nov 1711 | Here Lies/ Ye Body of/ Lieut John/ Thompson Who/ Died Novem'r 17/ 1711 Aged 55 Years | |
THOMPSON, Joseph | Dec 1711 | Here/ Lyeth/ Body of/ Joseph/ Thompson Who/ Died Dec ???/ 1711 Aged 47/ Years | |
THOMPSON, Frances | 20 Aug 1770 | In Memory of 3 Chi-/dren of Mr. Jacob & Mrs. Esther Thompson/ Frances died August 20, 1770 in her 2d Year. | |
THOMPSON, Son | 2 Sep 1770 | In Memory of 3 Chi-/dren of Mr. Jacob & Mrs. Esther Thompson/ A son born &/ died 2d Sep 1770 | |
THOMPSON, Henry | July ??? | In Memory of 3 Chi-/dren of Mr. Jacob & Mrs. Esther Thompson/ Henry died July (can't read) | |
THOMRSON, Lieut. Abraham | 2 Sep 1774 | In Memory of/ Leut. Abraham Thomrson/ who departed/ this life Sept'r 2d/ 1774 in the 64th/ year of his Age | |
THOMSON, Stephen | 6 Aug 1732 | Here lies ye body/ of Mr. Stephen/ Thomson who dec'd/ Aug ye 6th 1732/ Aged 37 Years | |
THOMSON, Benjamin | 20 Sep 1734 | Here lies ye body/ of Mr. Benjamin/ Thomson who Dec/ Sept'r ye 20th 1734/ Aged 36 Years (2 stones) | |
THOMSSON, Abraham | Dec ???? | Abraham/ Son of Mr./ Abraham/ & Mrs. Mary/ Thomsson/ died Dec (underground) | |
TILLMADGE, Daniel | April 1741 | Daniel Tillmadge/ died April ?? 1741/ Aged ? (On same stone with unreadable entry) | |
TODD, Jonah | 20 Aug 1730 | Here lyeth the Body/ of Mr Jonah Todd/ who died August/ ye 20th A.D. 1730/ in the 45 Year/ of his Age | |
TODD, Charles | None | Charles/ Son of Mr. Mi-/chael & Mary/ Todd Di-/ (on same stone with Mary) | |
TODD, Mary | None | Mary ye/ Daughter/ of Mr/ Michael & Mary/ Todd Di-/ | |
TODD, Daniel | 27 July 1794 | Daniel/ Todd Died/ July 27/ 1794/ Aged 37/ Years | |
TOWNSEND, Woodbridge | 29 Feb 1792 | In Memory of Mr./ Woodbridge Townsend/ who Died the 29th Febry/ 1792/ aged 29 years/ with an Infant Daughter lying by his side/ aged 10 months | |
TOWNSEND, Infant Daughter | None | (See Woodbridge Townsend) | |
TOWNSEND, Catherine | 14 Sep 1794 | In Memory of Mrs./ Catherine Townsend/ who died on the/ 14th of September/ 1794 aged 22 Years/ a Victum to yellow/ Fever | |
TOWNSEND, Hannah | 30 July 1741 | Here Lies ye/ Body of Mrs./ Hannah wife/ of Mr. Jeremiah/ Townsend who/ died July 30th/ 1741 in ye 33d/ Year of her Age | |
TOWNSEND, Willis | 22 Oct 1795 | In Memory of/ Willis Townsend/ son of Mr. Robert &/ Mrs. Hannah Townsend/ Who died Oct 22: 1795 aged 2 years | |
TOWNSEND, Abigail | None | In Memory of/ Mrs. Abigail/ Townsend wife of/ Mr. Jeremiah/ Townsend | |
TROWBRIDGE, Joseph E. | 19 Aug 1801 | In memory of/ Mr. Joseph E. Trowbrdige/ who died Aug. 19 AD 1801/ aged 19 years/ also his wife/ Mrs. Sally Trowbridge/ who died Sep 13: 1799 AE 17 | |
TROWBRIDGE, Sally | 13 Sep 1799 | (See Joseph E. Trowbridge) | |
TURNER, Nathanael | 3 Feb 1751 | In Memory Of/ Mr. Nathanael/ Turner/ Who died Feb/ ye 3d A.D. 1751/ in His 82d Year | |
TUTTLE, Rebekah | 12 Oct 1734 | In Memory of / Mrs. Rebekah/ wife of Mr./ Daniel Tuttle/ died Oct ye 12th/ 1734 in her 20th year/ Also a daughter/ aged 3 Months | |
TUTTLE, Infant Daughter | (See Rebekah Tuttle) | ||
TUTTLE, Eunice | 31 Sep ??? | Eunice Daugh-/ ter of Lieut/ Andrew/ Tuttle Dyed/ Sept 31 (can't read the rest) | |
TUTTLE, Charles | 8 July ??? | Charles/ Son of Mr./ Jehiel &/ Mrs. Hannah/ Tuttle/ died July 8th (underground) | |
TUTTLE, Abigail | 6 June 1765 | In Memory of/ Mrs. Abigal Wife/ of Mr. James Tut-/ tle who died June/ 6th AD 1765 in Her/ 62 Year/ "She was a Good Wife and A Kind Mother" | |
TUTTLE, Hanna | 27 Oct 17?8 | Mrs. Hannah/ Late Wife of/ Mr. Caleb Tuttle/ who died Oct'r 27 17?8 in/ Her 65th Year | |
UNKNOWN, Mrs. | 23 Apr 1790 | ____d at Sav_____ Georgia/ on the 23rd of April AD 1790/ in the ?4th year of her age | |
UNKNOWN, John | 2 ??? 1690 | ?? John ___S____/ Aged 76 Deceased/ 2 Fo?eer 1690 or 1696 | |
UNKNOWN, Abigail | None | Here lies ye Body/ of Mrs. Abigail/ ?? Wife (underground) | |
UNKNOWN, Unknown | 16 Sep 1784 | (top is broken off) --- of Middletown who died/ here wile on a visit of/ Friendship -- Sep'tr 15th/ 1784 AE 48 | |
UNKNOWN, Unknown | None | Inscription: 600 | |
UNKNOWN, Unknown | None | Aged 19 Years | |
UNKNOWN, Maybe Samuel ?? | 8 April 1716 | Here Lyeth ye/ Body of/ (unreadable)/Who died April/ 8th 1716/ Aged 69 years | |
UNKNOWN, Elizabeth | can't read | Wife of John ???? | |
UNKNOWN, Daniel | Oct 1720? | Daniel ______ / Died Octo 1720 (not sure)/ Aged 54/ Years | |
UNKNOWN, Sarah | None | Sarah Daugh-/ ter of Mr./ William &/ Mrs. Sarah (underground) | |
UNKNOWN, Ruth | can't read | Here lies ye/ Body of Mrs./ Ruth ye Wife/ of Mr. John/ _____ died (can't read) | |
UNKNOWN "A", Mr. ___ | 9 ?? 1783 | Aged 62 years; This stone was located in the group with last name starting in "A" | |
UNKNOWN "D", Mary | None | Mary/ Daughter of / Mr. Isaac (underground); In "D" Group | |
UNKNOWN "M", None | 20 Jan 1752 | Aged 62 Years | |
UNKNOWN "M", Hannah | None | Here Lies ye/ Body of Mrs/ Hannah wife of/ Mr. Nathaniel (underground) | |
UNKNOWN "S", Patiance | None | Patiance/ daugher of/ Joseph | |
UNKNOWN "S", Unknown | 20 Oct 1748 | (Lettering at top missing) Dec'd Octob'r/ the 20th 1748/ One year and/ 8 Months Old | |
UNKNOWN "T", E______ | 6 Nov 1766 | In Memory of/ E____ ???/ who died Nov/ 6th 1766/ Aged ? | |
UNKNOWN "T", Ann | 1739 | Ann ye Daugh-/ ter of Mr./ Nathaniel &/ Mrs ____ah/ ????? died/ ???/ 1739 Aged ? | |
UNKOWN, Mary | March ???? | Here Li---/ Body---/ Mary---/ Who---/ March (can't read the rest) | |
W___, Amos | 18 Sep 1733 | Amos ye Son of/ Mr. ??? & Mrs.Susanna W___/ died Sept 18/ 1733 Aged 4 Months | |
WARLAND, Rebecca | 17 Aug 1796 | Rebecca Thomas/ Daughter of William &/ Mrs. Mary Warland/ Died Aug 17 AD 1796/ AE ? Year 2 months | |
WELLS, David | 5 Sep 1772 | David Son of/ Cap. Gad and/ Mrs. Sarah/ Wells died/ Sept 5 (or 3): 1772/ Aged 1? Months | |
WHETMORE, George A. | 25 June 1789 | In Memory/ of/ George Augustus/ Son of/ Hezekiah & Sarah Wetmore/ Who died June 25th 1789/ Aged 14 Months | |
WHITEBREAD, Mary | None | In Memory/ of Mrs. Mary/ Relict of Mr/ Stephen Whitebread | |
WHITED, Hannah | Sept ??? | Hannah/ Daughter/ of Mr.John/ & Susanna/ Whited di-/ed Sept 31? (can't read rest) | |
WHITEHEAD, Samuel | 12 Mar 1753? | Samuel/ Whitehead/___Nor Died/ March 12 175?3/ Aged 13/ Years | |
WHITING, Mary | 27 Feb 175? | Mary/ Daughter of/ Mr. Nathan &/ Mrs Mary/ Whiting/ died Febr 27/ 175?/ Aged ???? | |
WILMOT, Unknown | can't read | CH____/ of _____/ Wilmot who (can't read the rest) | |
WINSTON, John | 15 Feb 17?? | Here/ Lies Ye Body/ of Mr. John/ Winston Who/ Died Feb'r 15: 17??/ Aged ?? Years | |
WINSTON?, Elizabeth | 8 Oct 1680 | ___beth Wi_/ ston Aged 63/ Deceasted 10-8/ 1680 (Next to ___stun, Ser_ John, d. 1696) | |
WOOD?, Martha | 26 Feb 1726 | Here lyeth/ ye body of/ Martha Wife/ of Nathaniel/ Wood (or Woodin) Who/ Died Feb 26/ 1726 Aged 62/ Years | |
WOODBRIDGE, Mabel | 10 May 1738 | Here Lieth/ The body of/ Mabel Wife of/ The Revd Sam/ Woodbridge Who dyed May the 10th 1738/ Anno Bratis S____ | |
WOODHOUSE, Josiah | 3 Sep 1764 | In Memory of/ Mr. Josiah/ Woodhouse/ who was Born in ye/ City of London in/ Old England and/ died in New Haven/ Sept 3d AD 1764 in/ His 22nd Year | |
WOODRUFF, Miss Rhoda | 9 Sep 1776 | In Memory of Miss/ Rhoda Woodruff/ Daughter of Lieut./ Charles & Mrs./ Prudence Woodruff of/ Litchfield who died/ 9 Sept 1776 aged/ 19 Years | |
WOOLCOT, Timothy | 2 Sep 1767 | Timothy Son of/ Cap't William &/ Mrs. Phebe Woolcot/ died Sep'tr 2d 1767/ In his 4th Year/"Here Sleeps a Pleasant Flower" | |
YALE, Nathaniel | 29 Oct 1730 | Here lyeth the Body/ of Mr. Nathaniel/ Yale Who Deceased/ October 29th 1730/ Aged 78 Years | |
YORKE, Susannah | 24 Feb 1797 | In Memory of/ Susannah wife of/ Henry Yorke/ who died Feb'y 24th/ AD 1797/ in the 39 year/ of her age | |
YORKE, Anne | 29 July 1787 | In Memory of Anne/ the Daughter of Mr./ Henry & Mrs. Susanna/ Yorke who died/ July 29 1787 aged 6/ Months & 26 Days | |
YORKE, Son | can't read | ___ory of/ ---the Son of/ ___nry & Mrs./ ____nnah Yorke | |
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