This abandoned small family cemetery is on the homestead of Thomas J. Downey Jr. and dates from about 1895. No headstones survive. The cemetery is located north of Hale on private land and is about ¼ mile north-northeast of the abandoned Thomas Downey farmstead. The farmstead is 6½ miles east of US-385 on County Road 7.
While it looks today like an abandoned silo or swimming pool, that concrete wall was poured as a barrier to keep cattle out.
The Downey Cemetery
is in the SE¼ Section
25 Township 4 South Range 43 West.
[NAD27 GPS - LAT 39°40'46"N - LONG 102°07'44"W]
There are no surviving headstones in this cemetery. Photographs were
contributed by:
Lee Zion (lcz)
This page was last updated Saturday, 14-Jun-2008 11:53:32 EDT
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(Click on the underlined name to view the tombstone photograph.
Known Downey family burials here included: Thomas Downey Sr., Mary (Downey) Rolow and her husband Joe Rolow. In addition there were several infant children from both the Thomas Downey Jr family and Mary (Downey) Rolow family. There are also stories relating that some of the Crites family were buried here.
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