Colorado USGenWeb Archives
Creede Cemetery, Mineral County
Also known as the Sunnyside Cemetery

Tombstone Photographs
The Creede Cemetery was established in 1890. It is located just west of
Creede on the mesa.
The photographs in this portion of the archives were contributed by:
Jim Davenport (jd)
Ed Johnson (The Mineral County Cemetery Sexton) (ej)
Shelby Mitchell (sm)
A special thanks to
Joanne Silverthorn and the
Creede Historical Society.
This page was last updated
Saturday, 14-Jun-2008 11:53:33 EDT
Headstones: | A | B | C |
D | E | F | G
| H | I | J | K
| L | M | N | O
| P | Q | R | S
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Y | Z |
(Click on the underlined links to
download the tombstone photograph)
- Allsworth - Patton Juanita Bell,
1928-1929 , and Clara M, 1871-1925 (ej)
- Armentrout, J.A., Co A 91st Ill
Inf (ej)
- Bachmann, Henry U, 1864-1907
(Woodmen of the World) (ej)
- Ball, Raymond O, 1917-1973
- Barnett
- Barricklow, Herbert C, 1903-1943
- Basham, Glenda R, 1939-1994
- Bates, Jimmy Owen, 1934-1978
- Benny
- Benselin
- Carolina A, 1870-1932 (ej)
- Victor, May 6, 1858 - Feb. 2, 1898
(Woodmen of the World) (ej)
- Birdsey, Samuel, 1877-1914
- Bougher, Francis M, died 1898 age
38, wife of W.H. (ej)
- Brown, Earl Leroy, 1911-1980
- Bruner, Arthur F, 1879-1902
- Bryant, Alfred, 1863-1906 (ej)
- Dabney, Mary S, 1890-1972 (ej)
- Daugherty, Richard, died Jun 11,
1897, Aged 45 yrs, 5 mos, 17 das (Woodmen of the World) (ej)
- Davis
- Dooley
- Dowell, Archie, died 1894 age 24
- Duncan
- Dacie, June 21, 1875 - Oct. 10, 1899
(Woodmen of the World) (ej)
- Mary L, 1869 - 1916 (Women of
Woodcraft) (jd)
- Dunleavy
- Fairchild
- Faunce, Sylvanus Carroll,
1855-1949 and Mary Ann Wattles, 1845-1935
- Fowler,
- Charlie, died 1899 age 18, son of
Louis and Lena (ej)
- Stanley J, 1912-1972, Calfornia SSgt
155th Cbt Engr Bn WWII (ej)
- Fullenwider, Mary M, died 1897
age 29, wife of Wm P (ej)
- Heinz, Maud, 1880 -
1906 (Women of Woodcraft), dau of C. & L.F. Heinz (jd)
- Holzworth, Charles Glenn,
1892-1980 (mortuary marker) and
Blanche J, 1895-1985 (ej)
- Hanka, Susana, 1853-1920 (ej)
- Hopkins, Ruby Olive, 1898-1901
and Ruth Arlyne, 1900-1901 (ej)
- Hosselkus
- Houghton, Chas., CO K, 118 ILL
INF (jd)
- Howard, J. Irving, 1845-1918 and
Ella Lupton, 1849-1918 (ej)
- Huber, Rudolf, 1844-1896 (ej)
- Kennell, Howard H, 1913-1999
- Kight, Wallie, 1909-1963 (ej)
- Kroll, Carl C, 1941-1996 (ej)
- Kulyk, Ivan, 1924-1976 (ej)
- LaFan, W. Bryan, 1900-1901
- LaFont
- Lain, Lewis F, 1898-1960 and
Eva M, 1899-1965 (ej)
- Lamb
- Lane, Charles L, 1872-1948 and
Anna Maude, 1879-1954 (ej)
- Larson, Mary L, 1914-1979 and
Monte J, 1932-1988 (memorial tablet at
Larson Cabins) (ej)
- Lemke, Lola W, 1907-1986 (ej)
- Leonard
- Lewis, Carrie Edna, 1895-1963
- LuCette, Gerald, age 6, son of
R.J. and A.M. (ej)
- Lucha, Charles I, 1887-1913
- Lyon, J. Hanford, 1881-1948
- Mahoney
- John, May 13, 1858 - Mar. 28, 1904
(Woodmen of the World) (ej)
- Mary A, Mar. 14, 1858 - June 12, 1912
(Women of Woodcraft) jd)
- Wm. John, May 3, 1886 - July 23, 1912
(Woodmen of the World) (ej)
- Major, Alexander Holmes,
1850-1935 (ej)
- Manning
- Marshall, Anne E, 1870-1954
- Matkin, Jesse G, 1903-1918
- Mattern
- Charles, 1929-1932, son of Guy F and
Ruby (ej)
- Carrie A, Aug. 5, 1876 - Jan. 5, 1912
(Women of Woodcraft) (ej)
- McCall, Wilbert, 1869-1917
- McCrone
- McFarland
- McGrady, Sarah A, Jan.
23, 1875 - July 11, 1912, (Women of Woodcraft) (jd)
- McKibbin (no names or dates)
- McKinney, Howard V, 1863-1907
(Woodmen of the World) (ej)
- McPherson, Jared T, "8 5"-1982
- Mears-Stamm, Tamera, 1966-1999
- Miles, George "Bud", 1914-1975
- Mitchell, Michael Lee, 1955-1993
- Moore, Rufus E, 1889-1947 (ej)
- Motz, Baby, died 1903 (ej)
- Murphy, Gayle Ann, died 1941
- Myers, Lyle M, 1906-1982 (ej)
- Oates
- Officer
- Orthon, William, 1861-1935
- Patton - Allsworth, Clara M,
1871-1925 and Juanita Bell, 1928-1929
- Payne
- Peters, John L, 1857-1919 and
Ida, 1856-1922 (ej)
- Peterson, Hans, 1855-1910 (ej)
- Phillips
- Sanders, Ferd., Co B 7th NY Inf
- Schaaf
- Schnoebelen, M. Ailene, 1913-1974
- Seavy, S.C., 1853-1892 (ej)
- Slaght
- Smith
- Amanda, 1855-1924 (ej)
- John C, 1850-1910 (ej)
- Leroy, 1887-1918 (Woodmen of the
World) (ej)
- Snow, Ruth, 1898-1927, in Oates
family plot (ej)
- Songer, Harold E, 1900-1903
- Soward
- Bernard B, 1900-1954, Colorado BM2 US
Navy Resv WWI & WWII (ej)
- Daniel W, 1859-1928 and
Ellen, 1857-1940 (ej)
- Emma Nixon, 1832-1908 (ej)
- Frank E, 1870-1932 and
Ada M, 1876-1934 (ej)
- Frank Eton, 1915-1945, MM3 US Navy
WWII (ej)
- James H, 1852-1932 (ej)
- Spitz, Mary F, 1898-1929 (ej)
- Stansfield, Theresa, 1849-1935
- Stone
- Stratton, Clarence E, 1879-1916
- Streams
- Sutterlin, J.W., 1853-1897
- Swinehart
- Tewksbury, Willis F, died 1888
age 44 (ej)
- Tyson, Anna J, 1857-1903 (ej)
- VanBuskirk, John W, 1891-1972 and
Grace E, 1896-1975 (ej)
- Voorhees
- Bertha M, 1860-1916, Women of
- Thomas W, 1853-1913, Woodmen of the
World (ej)
- Walker, Ralph Cecil, 1916-1996,
CPL US Marine Corps WWII (ej)
- Wardell, Audrey Shemayne, no
dates (ej)
- Weaver
- Wetherill
- Wheeler
- Whyte, William H, Feb. 15, 1851 -
June 29, 1904 (Woodmen of the World) (ej)
- Wilson
- Wintz, Alvin L, 1910-1992 and
Edith M, 1912-1997 (ej)
- Workman,
- Wulff, John, 1848-1918 (ej)
- York, John E, 1868-1920 (ej)
- Young, George H, 1904-1970, TEC5
US Army WWII (ej)
Do you have any headstone photos from this or any other Colorado cemetery to
add to the collection? If so, see How To Contribute.
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County Index
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