Colorado USGenWeb Archives
Municipal Cemetery
(aka Orchard Mesa Cemetery)
Grand Junction, Mesa County

Tombstone Photographs
The Municipal Cemetery in Grand Junction contains several sections,
each with it's own entrance. Orchard Mesa entrance is shown above; there
are also
Masonic, I.O.O.F.,
and Calvary (no photo) entrances.
The photographs in this portion of the archives were contributed by:
Jim Davenport (jd)
Paula Neal (pn)
April Pearson (ap)
Headstones: | A | B | C |
D | E | F | G
| H | I | J | K
| L | M | N |
O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V |W
| X | Y | Z |
(Click on the underlined name to
view the tombstone photograph. Following a [text]
link lets you read the information included with a photograph submitted
via the GenRecords form.)
- Armstrong, Thomas J.,
1843-1908, Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Bankston, U. Samuel, 1871-1954
[Lot 134 Blk 7] (pn)
- Barber
- Emma L., 1869-1917, Women of
Woodcraft [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- W. H., 1859-1906, Woodmen of the
World [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Barton, Marion E., Jan 3,
1867-June 3, 1901, Woodmen of the World, [IOOF section]
- Blair, Doctor F., 1855-1928,
Woodmen of the World; and Olive W.,
1868-1958 [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Boecking, Henry A., Apr 7,
1862-Feb 16, 1911, Woodmen of the World [Calvary Section]
- Breeze, Lewis H., 1853-1905,
Woodmen of the World, [IOOF Section] (jd)
- Burmeister, Otto, Apr 4,
1887-Jan 30, 1916, Woodmen of the World, [Orchard Mesa
Section] (jd)
- Cameron, James M., Nov 13,
1843-July 15, 1911, Woodmen of the World; and
Stella M, 1864-1938 [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Carnahan, James S., Nov 28,
1859-Mar 29, 1910, Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Cline, Albert G., 1864-1906,
Woodmen of the World, [Masonic Section] (jd)
- Craig, Margaret A., 1878-1929,
Neighbors of Woodcraft Circle #677 [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Currie, Mary J., 1851-1904,
Women of Woodcraft [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Danes, Albert W., 1857-1928,
Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Davis, Jas. R., 1852-1907,
Woodmen of the World, [IOOF Section] (jd)
- Delaplain, Jennie E.,
1866-1919, Neighbors of Woodcraft; and M. O.,
1850-1926 [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Denehy, Daniel, "Killed in a
wreck on the D & RG [Denver and Rio Grande railroad] on the 28th day of May,
1897, Aged 37 years. May his soul rest in peace" (jd)
- Dickerson, John C., 1867-1908,
Woodmen of the World; and first Fire Chief
of Sunnyvale, CA [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Dittman, Earl, 1886-1921,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Doty, Julia O., Mar 31, 1855-
Mar 14, 1917, Women of Woodcraft [Masonic Section]
- Eldridge, Anna, Feb 14,
1876-July 9, 1969; and Herman Hoesch, Mar
15, 1861-Mar 6, 1913, Woodmen of the World [Masonic Section]
- Floyd, Trox S., Oct 2,
1857-Jan 6, 1906, Woodmen of the World [Masonic Section]
- Fonder, Bessie B., 1879-1924,
Neighbors of Woodcraft [IOOF Section] (jd)
- Garrison, Lillie Edith, June
10, 1863-July 14, 1919, Neighbors of Woodcraft [Orchard Mesa
Section] (jd)
- Graham, Mary L., 1860-1909,
wife of John M., Women of Woodcraft [IOOF Section]
- Green, Hayden H., 1876-1905,
Woodmen of the World [Masonic Section] (jd)
- Hartnett, Edgar R., 1893-1912,
Woodmen of the World [Calvary Section] (jd)
- Hazell, George H., 1854-1912,
Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Herron, Jessie W., Sep 11,
1865-Feb 7, 1902, wife of J. H. Herron, Women of Woodcraft
[Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Hoesch, Herman, Mar 15,
1861-Mar 6, 1913, Woodmen of the World; and
Anna Eldridge, Feb 14, 1876-July 9, 1969 [Masonic Section]
- Honecker, Frank J., 1855-1913,
Woodmen of the World [Masonic Section] (jd)
- Ingersoll, Dr. L. F.,
1854-1906, Woodmen of the World (full view)
[Masonic Section] (jd)
- Kramer, Ellen, 1855-1924,
Neighbors of Woodcraft [Calvary Section] (jd)
- Lloyd, Arthur Reed, Mar 5,
1871-July 20, 1902, Woodmen of the World; and
Sadie Ann, Feb 2, 1873-May 17, 1949 [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Mason, Clara A., 1867-1912,
Women of Woodcraft [IOOF Section] (jd)
- McKnight, Edward J., Sept 28,
1865-Dec 4, 1906, Woodmen of the World [Masonic Section]
- Page, James M., 1854-1913,
Woodmen of the World; and Ellen P.,
1859-1929 [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Parker, Selma, July 6,
1866-Aug 7, 1919 Neighbors of Woodcraft; and
Samuel, June 1, 1859-Aug 30, 1936 [IOOF Section]
- Patterson, Alex H., 1863-1909,
Woodmen of the World [Masonic Section] (jd)
- Pearson, Annie 1894-1894, dau of John & Ida [Orchard
Mesa Section] [text] (ap)
- Peck, Frank J., Sept 20,
1869-Oct 13, 1909, Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Perce, John O., 1855-1899,
Woodmen of the World [IOOF Section] (jd)
- Peth, Otto, Dec 16, 1869-Mar
22, 1928 Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Phares, Ellis J., 1851-1910,
Woodmen of the World [Masonic Section] (jd)
- Pitzer, Artimesia, 1856-1913,
Women of Woodcraft [Masonic Section] (jd)
- Potter, Carl Hall, Dec 13,
1864-Jan 28, 1902, Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Ramsey, Amos S., Mar 19,
1856-Nov 1, 1913, Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Sahl, William M., Aug
24, 1861-June 14, 1917, Woodmen of the World; and
Caroline Sahl, Oct 13, 1867-Feb 9, 1944 [Orchard
Mesa Section] (jd)
- Slinkard, Minnie O.,
Apr 29, 1873-Oct 15, 1912, Women of Woodcraft [Orchard
Mesa Section]
- Skinner, Edward,
Feb 20, 1845-Mar 25, 1900, Woodmen of the World [Orchard
Mesa Section]
- Slocomb, Edwin M., 1852-1910,
Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Stockman, Ellen M., July
24, 1854-Sept 28, 1919, Neighbors of Woodcraft [Masonic
- Supp, Philip J., Dec
10, 1853-Apr 17,1908, Woodmen of the World;
Margaret, died Mar 12, 1904 (small stone on left); and
Anton, died Oct 27, 1896 (small
stone on right) [Orchard Mesa Section] (jd)
- Tennant, Thomas, 1889-1909,
Son of T. B. & J., Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Thomason, John M., Apr 13,
1857-Aug 14, 1923, Woodmen of the World [Orchard Mesa Section]
- Vaughn, John S., 1873-1909,
Woodmen of the World [Masonic Section] (jd)
- Walsh, Michael J., 1848-1929,
Woodmen of the World [Calvary Section] (jd)
Do you have any headstone photos from this or any other Colorado cemetery to
add to the collection? If so, see How To Contribute.
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