Colorado USGenWeb Archives
Clover Cemetery
Collbran, Mesa County

Tombstone Photographs
The photographs in this portion of the archives were contributed by:
Fern Walker (fw)
Headstones: | A | B | C |
D | E | F | G
| H | I | J | K
| L | M | N |
O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V
|W | X | Y | Z |
(Click on the underlined name to download
the tombstone photograph)
- Anderson
- Anselm, Nadine E, Dec 17,
1904-Nov 6, 1993; and Robbins, Nora,
Feb 4, 1888-Dec 16, 1954 (fw)
- Ashley, Laura L. Cram, 1899-1951
- Bailey~Johnson, James E. Bailey,
1870-1939; Sarah B. Bailey Johnson,
1878-1950; and Andrew G. Johnson, 1869-1952
- Blackman, A. Ellis, 1876-1968;
and Emma G, 1874-1971 (fw)
- Bloss, Elizabeth H, 1863-1933;
and Fred A, 1866-1943 (fw)
- Bond, John, 1866-1920 (fw)
- Cadwell
- E. Allen, Oct 17, 1906-Aug 15, 1994,
World War I Vet (fw)
- Elise B, Mar 25, 1900-Aug 14, 1991
- Campbell, Mabel, 1884-1898
- Clifton
- Daughter, Ada, 1899-1916; and Father,
Joseph A, 1854-1925 (fw)
- Darlene, dau of Frank & Grace, Jan 1,
1934 (fw)
- Infant Daughter, Feb 16, 1959; and
Son, Dec 21, 1960, of Mr. & Mrs. Rexell
Clifton (fw)
- Ruth Reed, Apr 11, 1919-Apr 9, 1938,
and Baby (fw)
- Cox
- Raymond, died July 12, 1903, aged 1 yr
1 mo (fw)
- Wm. H., Sept 28, 1861-Sept 22, 1932
- Currey, Dorris L, Oct 23,
1917-Apr 22, 1995, married Dec. 26, 1936, Paul E,
Nov 13, 1910-Jan 18, 1993 (fw)
- Ferrell, Baby Frances Louise, Jan
4, 1942 (fw)
- Ford
- Forsman, Sigrid Kristina,
1878-1935; and L. W. Magnus, 1876-1963
- Freeman, Florence, July 15,
1907-Dec 10, 1995, married Aug 1, 1931 Lloyd,
Oct 19, 1900-[blank] (fw)
- Hawxhurst
- Henderson, Neal M, 1866-1947; and
Edward O, 1880-1947 (fw)
- Hickok, Alevia, 1840-1923; and
Benjamin, 1838-1921 (fw)
- Hight
- Ella May, May 5, 1913-Sept17, 1996
- W. Paul, Dec 15, 1905-Oct 7, 1978
- Hill
- Lawerence Ray, 1919-1925 (fw)
- Louise M, 1891-1985, married Nov 25,
1913, Kenneth R, 1881-1965 (fw)
- Mary Arleigh, 1925-1952 (fw)
- Minnie F, Npv 4, 1939 (fw)
- Norman F, May 15, 1887-May 5, 1960
- William P, 1843, 1926 (fw)
- Zachary Douglas, May 30, 1961,
Millington, Tennesee-July 9, 1993, Lincoln, Nebraska (fw)
- Hisey, Jennie Bell, died Oct 16,
1905 aged 3 ms 16 ds; and Eva J, died Feb
18, 1906 aged 7 y 1 m 18 ds (fw)
- Hittle
- Johanson, Sigurd, 1907-1932
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jack Howard, Nov 29, 1916-Mar 1, 1998,
- Lillie M, Apr 24, 1888-Nov 17, 1959;
and Charles S, Apr 9, 1873-Oct 2, 1960
- Jordan
- Elizabeth E, Apr 19, 1899-Sept 20,
1980, married May 22, 1940, Eastern Star (fw)
- Sidney Earl, Dec 12, 1901-Sept 22,
1967, Colorado, PVT, 192 Guard Co ASC, World War I, Mason (fw)
- Larson, Anna M, 1871-1925 (fw)
- Lewis, Hugh H, 1919-1974, SP5 US
Army (fw)
- Linn
- Caroline, 1876-1969; and
Abraham G, 1867-1921 (fw)
- Jerald Dee, 1935-1977, SSG US ARMY,
Vietnam [photo missing] (fw)
- Lorimor
- Claude S, 1885-1946 (fw)
- Lucy Pearl, July 3, 1890-Jan
12, 1982 (fw)
- Mable Cox, 1897-1966 (fw)
- Myrtle L, Jan 17, 1917-Sept 24, 1982
- Paul E, 1910-1969 (fw)
- Rupert A, 1907-1974, TEC 3 US ARMY,
World War II (fw)
- Lyons
- Earl M, Mar 26, 1919-Nov 28, 1970
- Ella J, Aug 2, 1873-Nove 24, 1948
- George Edwin, son of Roe M. & Mary
Ellen, Sept 18, 1920-Mary 26, 1927 (fw)
- Mary Ellen, Nov 19, 1897-Sept 16, 1983
- [Left side blank]; Raymond R, April
19, 1917-July , 1993, World War II Pilot, married Mar 10, 1942
- Roe M, 1893-1948 (fw)
- Malin, Olive Estele, 1907-1946
- Manspeaker
- Chauncey C, 1885-1962 (fw)
- Clarence Lin, June 7, 1947-June 11,
1947 (fw)
- Earl C, Apr 25, 1914-Mar 1, 1987, SGT
US ARMY, World War II (fw)
- Orville C, 1917-1921 (fw)
- Susan E. Susie, 1888-1973 (fw)
- Merrick
- Monson, Karna, 1843-1928 (fw)
- Moore
- Arthur W, son of G. W. & M. A., died
Aug 20, 1900, aged 1 yr 9 ms 29 ds (fw)
- George Washington, Dec 18, 1858-Jan 9,
1931 (fw)
- Jesse A, Oct 12, 1894-July 22, 1913
- Patzkowski, "Pat & Polly", Pauline,
July 16, 1926-blank; and Garnet O, Oct 26,
1925-Feb 9, 1971, Oklahoma, AMM US Navy, World War II-Korea (fw)
- Pfeiffer, Dorothy Mae, Oct 2,
1924-Sept 25, 1925 (fw)
- Phillips, Baby Son of Lester and
Elsie Cox, Mar 28-29, 1923 (fw)
- Reed, Hazel B, 1898-1973; and
William E, 1871-1953 (fw)
- Robbins, Nora, Feb 4, 1888-Dec
16, 1954; and Anselm, Nadine E, Dec
17, 1904-Nov 6, 1993 (fw)
- Robinson, Willmina E; 1865-1918,
Dallas S, 1907-1918; and
Willmina, Oct 27-Nov 1, 1911 (fw)
- Severson
- Amy, 1892-1941 (fw)
- Baby, Jan 7-14, 1917
- A. Wayne, Feb 20, 1922-Sept 13, 1969,
Colorado, RDM3 US NAVY, World War II (fw)
- Fletcher, 1889-1960 (fw)
- Lola V, 1900-1973; and
Frank, 1894-1961 (fw)
- Margaret Edna, Nov 26-Dec 10, 1921
- Shaw, Zema A, Feb 13, 1899-June
21, 1983 (fw)
- Spieldiener, Mina, 1906-1985; and
Hans, 1902-1996 (fw)
- Stanton
- Charles Bell, June 2, 1889-Nov 8,
1964, Colorado, PVT COI 123 INF 31 DIV, World War I (fw)
- Fern Helena, Dec 8, 1900-Nov 6, 1969
- Juanita Fern, Aug 1, 1920-Nov 22, 1935
- Laura R, 1867-1953 (fw)
- Story
- Taylor
- Ann DuCray, Jan 21, 1909-Sept 11,
1992, married Nov 12, 1935, Robert DuFayNov
18, 1910-June 21, 1976 (fw)
- Mother, E. May, 1885-1980; Father,
Carl A, 1890-1961; and Daughter
G. Varee, 1917-1951 (fw)
- Ward, Carl Joseph, Apr 21,
1892-June 12, 1973, Colorado, PVT US Army, World War I (fw)
- Williams, Katie M, 1875-1895
- Woodring, Lela Mae, 1914-1932
- Woody, Doralee W, March 24, 1938
Do you have any headstone photos from this or any other Colorado cemetery to
add to the collection? If so, see How To Contribute.
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and by the COGenWeb Archive Project
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