Colorado USGenWeb Archives
Long's Cañon Cemetery
Cokedale, Las Animas County

Tombstone Photographs
To get to Long's Canyon Cemetery take west bound state highway 12 (Highway of
legends)from Trinidad about 5 miles, turn left on steel bridge about half mile
past Cokedale and follow dirt road to cemetery.
The photographs in this portion of the archives were contributed by:
Manuel R. Flores (mrf)
(Click on the underlined name to download
the tombstone photograph)
- Arguello
- Jose, 1891-1964 (mrf)
- Jose Nazario Arguello, son Of Gabriel & Maria Theodorita (Duran)
Arguello; born December 05, 1891 in Starkville, Las Animas County,
Colorado; died October 17, 1964 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado
- Rosita, 1892-1975 (mrf)
- Daughter of Juan Bautista & Ricarda (Cordova) Moguez; born February
06, 1892 in Las Animas County, Colorado; died July 03, 1975 in Pueblo,
Colorado; married to Jose Nazario Arguello on September 16, 1909 in
Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado
- Cordova, Salvador, CO A, 1 N
- Moguez
- Juan, 1866-1950 (mrf)
- Juan Bautista, son Of Teofilo Moguez & Maria de la Luz Trujillo
Moquez; born October 09, 1866 at Del Rio Las Animas, Las Animas County,
Colorado; died December 01, 1950 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado
- [Maria] Manueleta, 1888-1954
- Daughter of Gabriel & Maria Theodorita (Duran) Arguello; born January
01, 1888 in Starkville, Las Animas County, Colorado; died November 29,
1954 at Pueblo, Colorado; married Jose Abraham Moguez (son of Juan
Bautista & Ricarda (Cordova) Moguez) on June 08, 1908 Trinidad, Las Animas
County, Colorado
- Orlando Wayne, Oct 27, 1950-May 2,
1987, L CPL, US Marine Corps, Vietnam (mrf)
- Son of Orlando & Frances Moguez; born Oct 27, 1950 in Trinidad, Las
Animas County, Colorado; died May 2, 1987 at Trinidad, Las Animas County,
- Ricarda C, 1865-1936 (mrf)
- Ricarda Cordova, daughter of Salvador & Maria Cruzita (Vigil) Cordova;
born abt 1865 in Mora, New Mexico; died December 31, 1936 in Trinidad, Las
Animas County, Colorado; married December 02, 1888 in Trinidad, Colorado
to Juan Bautista Moguez.
Do you have any headstone photos from this or any other Colorado cemetery to
add to the collection? If so, see How To Contribute.
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Animas County Index
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and by the COGenWeb Archive Project
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format for profit or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or
organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of
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