Colorado USGenWeb Archives
Greenmount Cemetery
Durango, La Plata County

Tombstone Photographs
Greenmount Cemetery, established in 1887, is located on the southwestern edge
of Durango. It is divided into several religious, fraternal, ethnic sections
and has two city sections. (1962 dedication plaque
and cemetery regulations)
The photographs in this portion of the archives were contributed by:
Louise Adams (la)
Jim Davenport (jd)
Bonnie (Butler) King (bbk)
This page was last updated
Saturday, 14-Jun-2008 11:53:34 EDT
Headstones: | A | B | C |
D | E | F | G
| H | I | J | K
| L | M | N | O
| P | Q | R | S
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Y | Z |
(Click on the underlined name to download
the tombstone photograph)
- Adrianson, Gustaf, 1857-1899,
Woodmen of the World; and Emma, 1864-1935,
Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Airy, Jos. P., LIEUT, CO A, 32 IA
INF [Section 13] (jd)
- Alexander
- John H., 1851-1928, Woodmen of the
World (jd)
- Thadeus, 1866-1903, Woodmen of the
World; and Emma, 1861-1898 (jd)
- Anheier
- Alan Raymond, Aug 20, 1887-Jan 4,
1907, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Albert M., 1863-1919, Woodmen of the
World (jd)
- Arraj, Fayard Ferris, 1873-1915,
Modern Woodmen of America (jd)
- Avery, Tingley R., 1885-1920,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Bailly, Dan'l B., LIEUT, CO C, 2
MINN INF [Section 15] (jd)
- Baker
- Anna, 1864-1946, "Mother" (la)
- Arthur, died 1939, Colorado PVT 14th
- Edward, 1889-1971 (la)
- George, 1898-1969 (la)
- Herman, 1892-1915 (la)
- Joseph, 1818-1886, CO D 119th Ill Inf
- Walter, 1894-1895 (la)
- Wesley, 1859-1936, "Dad" (la)
- Barker, Samuel H., 1880-1936,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Bartlett, Ephraim, CO B, 144 ILL
- Basil, Marion, 1899-1918,
Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Becker, William C., 1872-1913,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Beeler, William, died Mar 30,
1905, aged 43 yr, 1 mo, 25 da, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Bennett
- James, 1865-1912, Woodmen of the World
- Mary C., July 11, 1873-July 19, 1907,
wife of James, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Biggs, Jennie, 1869-1905, wife of
E. A. Biggs, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Bleeker, J. C., CO G, 45TH
ILL INF [Section 13](jd)
- Blodgett, Frank, 1883-1920,
Modern Woodmen of America (jd)
- Boyce, Charles B., CORP, CO L, 1
COLO INF, SP AM WAR Section 14 (jp)
- Boyle, Rob't, CO K, 102ND
ILL INF (jd)
- Brawner, Geo. F., CO H, 25 WIS
INF [Section 15] (jd)
- Briggs
- Cha's F., CO C, 142 ILL INF
[Section 14] (jd)
- Geo. W., CO M, 12 IND CAV
[Section 15] (jd)
- Gilbert J., SERGT, CO D, 11 ILL INF
- Burdick, Josiah, SGT, CO D, 100TH
ILL INF (jd)
- Burnham, Samuel A., CO I, 2 NY HA
[Section 8] (jd)
- Champlain, J. C., CO F, 115TH
ILL INF (jd)
- Chavez, Ramon, CO B, 4 NM INF
[Section 14] (jd)
- Cherry, Isaac, July 16, 1846-June
15, 1926 CO F 30 REGT, N JER VOL, A charter member and elder for 43 years in
the 1st Presbyterian Church, Durango, Colorado (jd
- Conner, Frank X., 1860-1912,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Connor, Michael, CO H, 43 WIS INF
[Section 20] (jd)
- Cordova, Mariano, CORPL, CO H, 1
NM INF [Section 15] (jd)
- Creek [or Cheek], C. L., CO F,
44TH ILL INF (jd)
- Crocker, Mich'l, CO C, 2 MO CAV,
Section 20 (jd)
- Cunha
- Mother [Fannie], 1856-1925 (jd)
- Frank, 1849-1920, Woodmen of the World
- Frank Jr., 1885-1914 (jd)
- Curry, John R., CO G, 13 IA INF [photo missing] (jd)
- Dennison, R. L., CO I, 2 COLO CAV
- Edelman, Agnes, 1858-1912, Women of Woodcraft [photo missing] (jd)
- Faris
- Favor, Albert A., CO K, 6 IA CAV
[Section 15] (jd)
- Ferguson, Earl H. SERGT, CO C, 34
ENGRS (jd)
- Flora, Isiah "Zeke", Apr 3,
1901-Mar 20, 1979; and Gladys A., Apr 5,
1906-Feb 6, 1989 (jd)
- The inscription on the back of the
stone says, “Noted Archaeologist of the San Juan Country Discovered
'ESTHER,' the Mummy, in 1937.”
- Foster, James C., CO C, 15 IND
INF [Section 15] (jd)
- Frary, Florence E., Sep 2,
1861-Oct 12, 1911, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Freeman, D. W., CO B, 1 COLO CAV
[Section 14] (jd)
- Freund, George, 1841-1911,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Fuel, R. Y., 1853-1910, Woodmen
of the World (jd)
- Gallaher, Lenora E., 1856-1920,
Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Geier, Antonia, 1859-1910, Woman
of Woodcraft (jd)
- Grady, Mary J., 1859-1913, Women
of Woodcraft (jd)
- Grasse, Leopold, 1870-1928,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Griffith, Dr. David S, 1840-1904,
ASST SURG, 90 PA INF [Section 9] (jd)
- Haines, William B., CO F, 1 COLO
INF, SP AM WAR [Section 14] (jd)
- Halstead, Elliott, CO E, 43 IND
INF (jd)
- Harper, J. P., LT COL, 3 USGHA,
[Section 13] (jd)
- Hechtman, Henry J., 1853-1912,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Hefferman, J. J., MAJOR, 55TH
ILL INF [Section 14] (jd)
- Heindle, David, CO I, 28 ILL INF
[Section 14] (jd)
- Heindell, Samuel, CO I, 28 ILL
INF [Section 14] (jd)
- Hess, Clara M., 1865-1925,
Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Hetherington, Elmer H., CO A, 1
- He???son, Thomas O., [dates
eroded away], Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Howard, Benj., CO I, 10 ILL CAV
[Section 13] (jd)
- Jackson, C. B., CO G, 105TH
ILL INF [Section 13] (jd)
- Jaques, Henry L., CO F, 15 KANS
CAV [Section 14] (jd)
- Jones, John L., 1863-1906,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Jordan, James, Mar 12, 1829-Dec
21, 1890, CAPT, CO K, 97 IND INF (jd)
- Kennedy, Lewis C., Jan 27,
1849-Sep 19, 1924, CO G, 7 MINN INF, Civil War [Section 14]
- Kephart, George W., 1849-1925,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Kinzer, Hezekiah, CO K, 1 COLO LA
[Section 14] (jd)
- Klepper, Wm., CO D, 14 US INF
- Kroeger, Henry F., 1865-1915,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- La Count, Wm. H., 1ST
SGT, CO K, 27 WIS INF [Section 15] (jd)
- Lear, William E., 1890-1911,
Woodmen of the World [photo missing] (jd)
- Lemmon, Cyrus A., CO B, 72 OHIO
INF, [Section 15] (jd)
- Leonard, J. F., CO B, 6TH
- Lewis, Augustus, CO E, 10TH
ILL INF [Section 14] (jd)
- Loftus, William, died Dec 29,
1895, aged 28 yr, 4 mo, 29 days (jd)
- Martin, Jos., CO D, 23 IND INF
[Section 15] (jd)
- Mason
- Annie, Oct 1851-Mar 1908, Women of
Woodcraft (jd)
- John, 1846-1903 (jd)
- Matts, Florence, CO L, 1ST
W VA CAV (jd)
- Maxwell, Edwin J., 1863-1944,
Woodmen of the World, and Anna M., 1869-1950
- May, Samuel F., CO C, 147 PA INF,
[Section 15] (jd)
- McCloskey, Milton J., died Oct
11, 1892, aged 37 years, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- McCluer, Timothy J., 1876-1920,
Woodmen of the World & Elks (jd)
- McConnell, Charles E., Feb 19,
1867-June 2, 1940, PVT, 1 OHIO CAV, SP AM WAR (jd)
- McCormick, Jno., SGT, 6TH
WIS INF [Section 20] (jd)
- McDevitt, John H., 1841-1927
[Major, 6 VA CAV, CSA] (jd)
- McGillis, Jim, 1889-1910, Woodmen
of the World (jd)
- McHolland, J. H., Jan 28,
1842-Jan 18, 1898, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Menser, J. E., SGT, CO B, 31ST
IOWA INF, [Section 8] (jd)
- Milton, Wm. E., CO D, 78 ILL INF
[Section 14] (jd)
- Morris, W. S., CAPT, CO E, 210 PA
INF (jd)
- Mossmann, Leander J., CO M, 11
KANS CAV [Section 15] (jd)
- Mullen
- Kathryn Conway, no dates (bbk)
- Note: This stone has had a tree grow around it. Kathryn was the
second wife of Will Mullen. His first wife died following complications
from childbirth in 1921. About ten years later he married Kathryn Conway,
and she died a year later--also from childbirth complications.–Freda
Peterson, Hillside Cemetery books.
- Loudin, CAPT, AQM, US VOLS
[Section 5] (jd)
- Nary, John, 1857-1909, Woodmen of
the World (jd)
- Naslund, [nothing further],
Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Nelson
- Hans, 1868-1919, Woodmen of the World
- Thos., CO G, 22 WIS INF (jd)
- Odenbaugh, Jack, 1885-July 21,
1945, Chief Design Engineer for the Rio Grande Southern Railway, Builder of
the Galloping Goose railcars (jd)
- O'Donnell, Michael, 1860-1908,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Ogden, John, CO K, 3 WIS INF
[Section 3] (jd)
- Orr, Robert J., died May 4, 1899,
aged 50 yr, 2 mo., Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Ovens, Nelson, died May 9, 1904,
aged 42 yr, 3 mo, 8 days, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Pelton, Ethmer, died July 18,
1898, aged 45 yr, 5 days, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Perkins, George W., b. 1861, d.
1911, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Pierce, Leslie A., 1854-1919,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Pollock, J. P., CO B, 5 IA CAV
[Section 15] (jd)
- Poor, Asa C., CO A, 35 NY INF
[Section 15] (jd)
- Pulford, John Bracken, 1857-1906,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Quinn, Nora, Dec 17, 1872-Nov 10,
1916, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Randel, John W., 1880-1910,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Ranson, C. E., BAND, 2ND MASS
INF, [Section 13] (jd)
- Raymond, George Nelson,
1859-1918, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Reardon, Dennis, CO D, 1 NY MTD
RIFLES [Section 14] (jd)
- Redman, J. W., June 20, 1886-Mar
27, 1919, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Rose, J. J. M., CO D, 14 IA INF
[Section 14] (jd)
- Rowe, Richard, died July 21,
1904, aged 41 years, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Russell, Jas. L., CO B, 170 OHIO
NG [Section 8] (jd)
- Sackett, Seth, Dec 27, 1829-Apr
6, 1900, CO I, 3RD COLO CAV [Section 13] (jd)
- Sanders, Grant, 1864-1942, Mason,
and Katherine M., 1873-1918, Neighbors of
Woodcraft (jd)
- Sanford, Charlotte M., Jan 13,
1860-Dec 10, 1908, Women of Woodcraft [photo missing] (jd)
- Sauvage, Lorenzo, 7 OHIO LA,
[Section 15]
- Schulze, Heri T., May 11,
1900-Feb 7, 1986, [block 32, lot 33] (jd)
- Scouton, Henry R., 1857-1924,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Sederholm, Selma Forrs,
1879-1914, wife of Gus V., Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Shultz, J. E., CO D, 148TH NY INF
- Shute, H. J., CO G, 25TH NY CAV
[Section 13]
- Sleeth, J. T., CORPL, CO D, 18 MO
INF [Section 15] (jd)
- Smith, Emmeline, 1848-1929 and
Samuel R., 1844-1933, [CSS, ISONDIGA, CS
NAVY] (jd)>
- Snodgrass, Arthur, 1866-1918,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Sowers, Jessie H., 1878-1919,
wife of J. W. Sowers, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Spear, Elijah H., CO F, 31 MO INF
[Section 15] (jd)
- Spencer, Jacob, CO A, 13 ILL INF
[Section 15] (jd)
- Stansbury
- Elizabeth L., 1863-1933, Neighbors of
Woodcraft (jd)
- Fred, Feb 4, 1881-Aug 25, 1906,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Starr, John B., CORPL, CO F, 13
KANS CAV [Section 13] (jd)
- Stollsteimer, Ferdinand F.,
1870-1905, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Tague, Wm., CO F, 24TH OHIO INF
[Section 15] (jd)
- Thomas, Chas., CO M, 15TH KANS
CAV (jd)
- Thompson, D. A., CO F, 3 MO S M
CAV [Section 15] (jd)
- Tiffany, Geo. E., CO G, 15 MASS
INF [Section 13] (jd)
- Town, M. L., LIEUT, CO D, 12 KANS
INF [Section 13] (jd)
- Turrell, Anna E., [no dates], Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Van Brimmer, Charles F.,
1869-1929, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Vassmer, Mary J., 1860-1929,
Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Wainwright, Lisle, Dec 4,
1851-Mar 8, 1906, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Wakelin, John R., died Sep 9,
1899, aged 24 yr, 5 mo, 8 da, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Wall, Wm., CORP'L, CO. ?, 6th
- Wallace, Joseph W., died Mar 21,
1903, aged 53 years, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Weikel, Orley E., 1881-1913,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Weinig, Killian, 1840-1914, and
Anna M., 1852-1915, Women of Woodcraft,
- Welsh, L. S., CO C, 2ND OHIO CAV
- White, Eva L, 1857-1905, Women of
Woodcraft (jd)
- Willson, Louis P., died Apr 21,
1903, aged 24 yr, 4 mo, 1 day (jd)
- Wolf, William, 1836-1908, CO C,
2ND COLO CAV [Section 13](jd)
- Woods, W. D., CO D, 12 KAN INF
[Section 13] (jd)
- Wright, Elihue M., 1834-1910,
- Yarnell, John A., Sep 23,
1867-Oct 10, 1891 (jd)
- Young, W. H., died Jan 4, 1897,
aged 39 years, Mason (jd)
- Zimmerman, Josiah, 22ND
OHIO BATTY [Section 14] (jd)
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