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St Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Leadville

The St Joseph's Catholic Cemetery was
established in 1888.
The photographs in this portion of the archives were
contributed by:
Jim Davenport (jd)
Michael P Irwin (mpi)
Gail Meyer Kilgore (gmk)
Kathleen Lampe
Jacque McDonnell
Cindy Sullivan (cs)
Joan Mihalick
Headstones: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V |W | X | Y | Z |
(Click on the underlined name
to download the tombstone photograph)
- Ashman, John,
1883-1911, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Barrett, Jas.
H., died June 7, 1900, age 48 years (jd)
- Beehler, Chas. F., Dec
23, 1850-Apr 28, 1897, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Bensko
- George
(1902-1906), John
(1903-1903), Anna
(1903-Oct 11, 1907), aged 3 years, 6 months, Lizzie (1906-15 Jan
1919), age 12 (jbm)
- Bohen Annie F., died
Aug 21, 1899, aged 52 years, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- On the same stone: Patrick Bohen, died Nov
8, 1894, aged 51 years; William Bohen,
died Oct 27, 1897, aged 17 years; Merrion
Bohen, died Jan 19, 1888, aged 2 months; Mary
E. Bohen, died Nov 19, 1885, aged 3 months;
and Elizabeth, died June 15, 1879, aged 2
- Boland, Patrick F.,
1846-1902 and Mary T.,
1853-1915, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Bott, Charles E.,
1866-1924, Woodmen of the World; and Anna W., 1861-1927 and Sophia, 1825-1901 (jd)
- Bowen, John J.,
1870-1912, Woodmen of the World; and Aileen, 1901-1907 (jd)
- Boylan, Sarah Sullivan,
wife of Dan Boylan, July 22, 1868-Oct 20, 1908, Women of
Woodcraft (jd)
- Brady Plot (cs)
- Brennan
- Lawrence J.,
1856-1906, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Patrick, 1862-1928,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Campbell
- Agnes E., died Mar 17,
1907, wife of Bernard, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Andrew B., 1862-1909,
Woodmen of the World; and Michael
Shea, 1843-1902 (jd)
- Canfield, Silas G.,
1854-1920, Woodmen of the World; and Della N., 1859-1888
- (jd)
- Collins, Timothy P.,
1882-1912, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Conerty, Mary A.,
1866-1905, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Curcio
- John B., died Jan 10,
1904, aged 47 yr 11 mo 18 da (jd)
- Mary E., 1856-1915,
Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Curley
- Margaret, wife of John
R., 1849-1902, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Margaret, 1859-1909,
Women of Woodcraft and Joseph
Curley, 1851-1919 (jd)
- Margaret M., wife of
John J., died Jan 10, 1901, Age 27 ys, 10 ms, 3
ds, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Dietz, William,
Mar 7, 1855-Nov 7, 1898, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Dillon, Edward J.,
1861-1911, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Donoher, Peter J.,
1850-1899; Margaret T.,
1856-1911, Women of Woodcraft; Andrew
F., 1878-1905; Katie,
1888-1891; and Michael,
1891-1892 (jd)
- Duffy, Rose, 1852-1909,
Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Eussen, Annie,
died Dec 5, 1909, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Feehan, Patrick
R., 1868-1908, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Finegan, John, Dec 24,
1874-Jan 27, 1909, Woodmen of the World; and Thomas M., Sep 27, 1901-Feb 13,
- Flaherty (Family Plot) (jd)
- John J.,1882-1917,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Thomas L., 1850-1924,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Mary, died Sep 15,
1899, age 49 yr 9 mo, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Franciskovic, Marija,
1877-1915, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Glesener, Eliza,
1868-1920, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Gorman, Catherine, died
Apr 3, 1905, age 53 years, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Green, Mary, died Nov
6, 1905, age 44 years, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Greenan, Bridget,
1866-1909, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Hand, Gilbert,
1870-1907, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Harrington, Annie,
1857-1906, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Hasty, William D.,
1859-1926, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Hennessey, Maggie, wife
of Patrick, died Oct 29, 1899, age 31 years, Women of
Woodcraft (jd)
- Hlinka, Julia,
1870-1909, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Hoagerig, Kate, Mar 16,
1865-Dec 26, 1899, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Hrabcak, Elizabeth,
1863-1925, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Joyce Family
Plot (jd)
- Large stone: Bridget Joyce, Oct 28,
1859-Jan 2, 1935 & James P. Joyce, Mar 28,
1852-Oct 10, 1901
- Small stones, left to right:
- Charles E. Joyce, 1899-1923
- William H. Joyce, 1884-1920
- Jennie E. Joyce,
1884-1914, Women of Woodcraft
- Martin J. Joyce, 1875-1906
- B. E. J. [no dates or names]
- J. P.J. [no dates or names]
- Hazel Roberta Joyce, age 10 months [far
right corner in back in photo]
- Keating
- Catherine, 1859-1907,
Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Mary, 1856-1909, Women
of Woodcraft (jd)
- Mary A., May 24,
1874-Oct 23, 1918, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Kelly, Ellen,
1851-1895, Wife of Patrick A. Kelly (kl)
- Kelly, Katie,
1858-1908, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Kennedy, P. J., Apr 13,
1860-Oct 5, 1895, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Lanphier
- Loretta, 1854-1913,
Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Mary Gorman,
1884-1909, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Loan, Thomas J., Jan 11
1868-May 4, 1905, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Loftus, John, 1838-1888
- Lunny, Edward O.,1880-1913,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Lynch, Peter F.,
1868-1911, Woodmen of the Woirld (jd)
- Lyons, Wm. H.,
1876-1909, Woodmen of the World; and P. H. Lyons, 1866-1898; and
Margaret Shea, 1847-1910 [on the back of the cylinder
shaped stone] (jd)
- Marr, Catherine
- McAndrews, Annie, b.
Aug 15, 1858, d. Sep 27, 1909, Women of Woodcraft
- McAuliffe, Annie,
1864-1912, Women of Woodcraft; Maurice,
1874-1899; and Wm. McDermott,
1880-1910 (jd)
- McCall
- McDonald, Mary A.,
1852-1908, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- McGovern, Michael G.,
1863-1907, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- McGowan, Annie,
1864-1927, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- McGrath, Mary, died Jan
25, 1907, aged 50 years, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- McGuire, Mary, died Jan
21, 1906, aged 48 years, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- McLean, Duncan J.,
1855-1913, Woodmen of the World; and Eliza, 1864-1935 (jd)
- McLellan, Annie,
1863-1919, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- McMahon
- Donald F, 1909-1933 (mpi)
- James J, 1879-1929 (mpi)
- Janie J, 1883-1944 (mpi)
- John, 1881-1927 (mpi)
- John W, 1882-1939 (mpi)
- Leo, b/d 1915 (mpi)
- Leonard V, 1917-1938 (mpi)
- Mary, b/d 1921 (mpi)
- May E, 1885-1937 (mpi)
- Patrick, 1857-19?? and
Mary B, 1861-19?3 (mpi)
- Sadie, 1882-1918,
Neighbors of Woodcraft (mpi)
- Melley, Margaret, Apr
3, 1880-Jan 18, 1904, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Merritt, Christopher,
1877-1905 and Margaret Dooly,
1843-1902 (mpi)
- Moss, Mary, Nov 12,
1854-Jan 14, 1904, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Murphy
- Catherine, wife of
William, died Oct 14, 1904, aged 50 years, Women
of Woodcraft (jd)
- William, June 22,
1861-Dec 2, 1904, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Murray, Margaret,
1853-1908, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Nolan, Peter,
1855-1890 (gmk)
- O'Donnell, Margaret
E., 1867-1918, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- O'Fay, Ellen,
1854-1908, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Olson, Ellen,
1862-1926, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- O'Neil, Mary O'Leary,
1866-1916, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- O'Toole, Michael C.,
Aug 27, 1856-Jan 9, 1901, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Parks, Mary
J., died Oct 4, 1905, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Plute
- Redmond, John,
died Dec 14, 1902, age 52 years, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Reopelle, Mary L.,
1868-1908, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Rogers, Jennie J.,
1869-1919, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Savoren, Terezija,
born in Austria, Oct 14, 1879-Feb 21, 1911, Women of
Woodcraft (jd)
- Schmitz, Mathias, Apr
18, 1855-Dec 22, 1921, Woodmen of the World; and Margaret, Nov 23, 1868-June 10,
1917 (jd)
- Sheridan, Katie,
1878-1907, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Slavin, Kate,
1856-1904, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Sullivan, Mary A.,
1853-1908, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Sweeney
- John W., 1886-1928,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Lenore, 1852-1911,
Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Taggart, Lizzie
Gorman, 1883-1913, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Tessadri Plot (jm)
- John Joseph Tessadri, November 30, 1883-September
17, 1938
- Jennie Louise Rosetta Tessadri, December 7,
1891-October 20, 1920
- Angelo Tessadri, August 27, 1912-Sept 13,1912
- Sarah Rose Tessadri,
December 19, 1913-April 20,1922 (jm)
- Towers, John W.,
1856-1915, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Walsh, John,
1863-1907, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Wilkins, Matilda E.,
1851-1915, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Willis, Katherine E.,
wWife of F. B. Willis, died Dec 29, 1902, aged 38 years,
Women of Woodcraft (jd)
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The USGenWeb Tombstone Project
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This page last updated - Sunday, 24-Nov-2019 19:58:57 EST