Dolzanie | Fort Francisco Museum | Gomez Family | Miller Family | Old Fort Cemetery | Perrino Family
(Click on the underlined names to download the tombstone photograph)
Contributed by: Karen Mitchell
Fort Francisco Museum, La Veta
Contributed by: Louise Adams
The Doctor John William Gribble headstone on display in the Fort Francisco Museum is from the Willis Cemetery about 1˝ miles east of La Veta. Dr Gribble was Louise Adams' great-great-grandfather.
Gomez Family Cemetery
Contributed by: Karen Mitchell
The Gomez Cemetery is located just east of the Redwing Cemetery. The land for this cemetery was donated by the Theodore Gomez family. Theodore and his grandson, Daniel Gomez, excavated the land and Daniel built the fence. Bernice Castro Gomez is the first person to be buried in this cemetery. This cemetery was photographed during the summer of 2000.
Miller Family Cemetery
(aka Pino Ranch Cemetery #3)
Contributed by: Donna and Carl Ross
This cemetery is located north of Colorado Highway 69 between mile markers 13 and 14 in the W1/2 of Sec 2, T27S, R68W.
Old Fort Cemetery
Contributed by: Karen Mitchell
To reach the Old Fort Cemetery: From Hwy 69 turn right at Badito, approximately 1 mile to cemetery. N of Badito 1/2 mile S of little old school N of Huerfano River. SW ź of SW ź Sec 4 T27S, R68W. There are no legible stones.
Contributed by: Karen Mitchell
Perrino Cemetery - At Perrino house, N side of Huerfano River 3 miles E of Badito. NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 2 T27 R68.
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