USGenWeb Archives
Grand Lake Cemetery
Grand Lake, Grand County

Tombstone Photographs
Unless otherwise noted all photographs in this portion of the archives were
contributed by: Sandi Smith & Pam Richards
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Headstones: | A | B |
C | D | E | F |
G | H | I | J
| K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X |
Y | Z|
(Click on the underlined name to
download the tombstone photograph)
- Adam, Ruth A.,
10/13/1914 - 6/11/2000, Mother of Jack, Jyleen, Cathy
- Adams , Capitola, 1889-1909
- Ainsley, James, 1876-1943,
Father, and Mary J., 1876-1958, Mother
- Alden, Isaac, 1843 - 9/8/1933
- Ali Al-Hammer,
- Khazal
Mohammed, 10/22/1921 -
- Saad Mohammed, 2/19/1951 - 11/15/1987
- Alore,
- Adolphus,
3/15/1888 - 3/17/1959, 3 Mtr Mech Regt Air Svc WW I
- Ruth,
2/4/1902 - 2/18/1979
- Appelhans, Justin
6/1/1971 - 2/16/1989, Son of Frank & Linda Appelhans-Brother of
- Arndt, Howard
E., 1928 - 2001
- Astog, Joseph
P., 8/22/1888 -
12/4/1960, Pvt Co B 3 Pioneer Inf WW I
- Baab, Alice
Lucille, 8/14/1920 - 10/1/1977, 1st LT US Army WWII [photo missing]
- Bachman, Ralph
W., 1905-1992 and Isabel
M., 1913-1994
- Baker, Earl
E., 1904-1969,
Father and Goldie
L., 1913-1999,
- Ballard, Phillip Michael,
1950 - 1979
- Balsick, Michael G.,
7/28/1918 - 5/22/1977
- Barnes,
- Barry,
- Maxine
M., 1/2/1919 - 03/02/01,
Married Jan 18, 1936
- Michael
J., 1/31/1961 -
11/14/1995, Beloved Son & Brother
- Beck, Edward
Leroy, 1915 -
- Behr,
- Bell, George,
7/29/1920 - 9/25/2001
- Bennett, Kecia
Sue, 8/22/1966
- 12/12/1994, Mother of Tracie, Sara, Michael & Lindsey
- Berry, Diana
J., 1940
- 2000
- Betsch, Albert,
10/17/1905 - 11/7/1998 and Fern
V., 8/28/1915 -
- Blackshire, Lura,
1859 - 1933
- Blasongame, Raymond
C., 1906
-1970 and Pauline
ILsley, 1910 - 1964
- Blesener, Robert
Louis, 1946
-1996, His memory is alive & safe within us
- Bobo,
- Elsie A.,
8/10/1909 - Not Shown, No sin no grief no pain safe in her
happy home
- Olee W.,09/01/1896 - 10/2/1959, Life & Love like mountain
streams Endure to Eternity
- Bowman
- Bramwell,
- Erma LaVon,
4/12/1911 - 12/25/2000
- Wendell
V., 10/5/1909 - 8/2/1989,
Beloved Husband Father Grandfather
- Brendel,
- Jill Marion, 1/24/1917 - 3/23/1985
- Vladimir
K., 6/13/1910 - 7/16/1991
and Joan M.,
1/24/1917 3/22/1985, Their Live Matched These Mountains That they
- Briseno, Antonio,
1916 - 1933
- Bunn
- Michael A., 7/18/1968 - 4/8/1997, "Beloved ""Mike"" -
Daddy's Hands"
- Robert,
8/3/1939 - 8/15/1998
- Richard
Lee, 7/15/1963 -
9/27/1994, Beloved Son
- Busse, Marian
K., 12/19/44 -
04/12/84, Beloved Wife & Mother
- Caddell, Richard
Charles, 1902 - 5/8/1905
- Carr, Eliza
A., 1855 - 1904
- Casey,
- Casey-Suchan, Corinne
8/2/1994 - 8/2/1994
- Chase,
- Chidley, Henry
6/19/1920 - 6/25/1999, Capt USAAF WW II
- Christensen, Karen Leslie, 10/28/1960 - 6/30/1974, She gave
to us the sunshine of her years
- Clinton, Edward
Vrbas, 1980 -
- Cole, Kevin
Brian, Jr,
3/12/1979 - 6/19/1999, "He was love, He was laughter, he was life"
- Collins, Michael
Edward, 1946
- 2003
- Conti, Sally
P., 4/24/1947 -
- Copeland, Joe,
1870 - 1948
- Cox,
- Crimmins, Leonard,
1929 - 2002
- DeBey, R.
1932-1979, Coach
- DeKoevend, Fred
- 10/26/1986, US Navy World War II
- Detty, Fred,
10/20/1921 - 7/12/1989, US Army World War II
- Digor,
- Dismuke, Lois
M., 1930-
2002, Married 11/5/1949
- Dolloff, Beatrice
E, 1904 -
- Downing,
- Duty, Doc,
2/1883, Killed in snowslide at Toponas Mine
- Eairheart, Andrew
A., 12/25/1850 - 11/11/1930, Grand County Pioneer
- East, George
11/15/1915 - 10/24/1987, the Lord is Our Shepard
- Edmondson
- Ellisher, Anna,
11/20/1903 - 9/12/1984, From Pittsburgh PA
- Ernwein, Robert
4/1/1949 - 10/6/1999, A Loving Father Tender & Kind What a Lovely
memory You Left Behind
- Eslick,
- Everest, Ruth
J., 1895-
1988, Nana's Spirit is at Peace in Grand Lake
- Flanagan,
- Flowe, Helen Bishop, 1908 - 1956
- Fontaine, Lew,
- Frantz, Mary
Muhme, 1923-
1946, God needed another angel
- Fraser, Dianna
L., 9/21/1948
- 6/22/2001
- Fraughton, Max
K., 5/5/1894 -
6/19/1932, Barney McCoy
- Funk
- Gaddis
- Frederick
W., 6/17/1923 -
2/13/1995, Mason
- Ila M.,
07/15/25 - 11/12/86, Beloved Wife & Mother
- Gaetjens
- Garrett, Timothy
P., 06/08/89
- 09/18/89, [photo missing]
- Gibson, Ann,
1833 - 1910
- Gill
- Gray, Kathryn
Joyce, 4/4/1925
- 2/18/2000, Forever In Our Hearts
- Gregg,
- I. P. (Bill),
6/30/1909 - 1/24/1992
- Lloyd E.,
1887-1962, Mason and
Amanda O.,
1877-1956, Eastern Star
- Raymond
P. 1876-1958,
Could be 1953?
- Susan D.,
1869 - 1940
- Warren
C.,10/16/1851 - 7/16/1933,
Father Grand County Pioneer, and Mary,
1905,Mother Josie, Ralph, Harold, Alec"
- Griffin,
- Gudgel, Mary
A., 3/20/1905 -
- Hahn
- Hallack, Katie
R., 1858 -
- Harbison,
- A. K.,
8/19/1830 - 1/17/1906, Co B 184th Reg PA Vol
- Annie E., 09/05/1868 - 11/13/1938, Pioneers of 1896
- Kittie D., 09/16/1872 - 11/8/1938
- Robert
A., 7/6/1876 - 4/16/1971,
Grand County Pioneer and Murnie
6/15/1896 - 3/22/1967, Grand County Pioneer
- Hartman, Charles Waters, 9/20/1914 - 12/15/1975
- Hashii, Shigeru,
1908-1986, and Elizabeth
M., 1911 - 2002
- Hawkins
- Heath, Viola
J., 11/8/1904 -
8/26/1998, Daughter of Capitola (Reference may be to Capitola Adams)
- Hertel, George
- Hewitt, James
M., 5/5/1943 -
2/16/1989, US Navy
- Hillman, Debbie Sue, 2/13/1969
- Hites, Kathryn,
7/18/1963 - 9/26/1993, Beloved
- Holden
- Holland, Eugene
3/17/1916 - 7/2/1966
- Holzwarth
- Hopkins, Sean
3/5/1961 - 3/6/1984 [photo missing]
- Hosmer
- House
- Howard
- Hruza, Helen
10/15/1925 - 3/23/2003, Mother of David, Dana, Stuart & Nathan
- Hunt, Michael
6/28/1940 - 12/28/1996
- Ingraham,
- James Biggie
L., 2/21/1918 -
9/18/1977, World War II, Blue Jay 10-7 Father To All Boys
- James L., 4/1/1905 - 5/30/1905
- James, Ted
Jr. L.,
5/3/1932 - 10/18/1994
- Johanson
- Johnson
- Ada V.,
1894 - 1927
- Fred B.,
1888 - 1957
- Phyllis
M., 1928 - 1973
- Thomas H., 6/14/1914 - Co PVT 19 Kans Cav Indian Wars
- Johnston
- Keenan, Gwen
Holmes, 1918 - 1954
- Keirsey, Cole,
1911 - 1997
- Kemp, Patience
1/16/1909 - 1/24/1997, Daughter of James & Mary Lyons Cairns
- Knott, Yolanda,
7/7/1909 - 6/9/1957, Mother
- Kulwicki, Douglas
3/27/1968 - 12/27/1996
- Kushner, Anthony,
1864- 1913, Erected by FOE Ft Collins Aerie
- Lamar, Harold,
9/23/1904 - 2/28/1968
- Lange, Everett
W., 4/2/1947 -
2/18/1994, US Navy [photo missing]
- Langley, Josephine
1869-1953, Wife of Chris Young Mother of Jake & Vesta Grandmother
of Raymond [photo missing]
- Larson, Mildred
12/11/1900 - 7/11/1963, Beloved Mother and Grandmother
- LaVaud , Edward
Jr C.,
8/7/1922 - 5/23/1992, A Just & Honorable Man
- Lavington, Craig,
3/28/1965 - 2/2/1972, Won't you Stop & Remember Me
- Lawson, Kimberly
05/06/74 - 10/08/01, In Loving Memory
- Leach
- Leatherman, Geo C., 09/07/1892 - 10/5/1950, Co Wagoner 314
SN TN 89 Div WWI
- Lee, William
P., 7/20/1923 -
7/31/1990, Born Kansas City died Chicago
- Lehman
- Leone, Ann
O., 11/21/1957 -
11/3/1998 [photo missing]
- Lindsey,
- Charles
Jack, 12/20/1920 -
5/24/1988, US Amry WW II
- Clarence,
9/15/1932 - 12/10/1959, CO Ssgt 6961 Comm Sq AF Korea
- Frank B.,
1894-1965, Husband of Mary E - Born 1898
- Lively, Elmer
Al, 12/24/1918
- 10/21/1999, Elizabeth
J., 7/11/1924 -
12/1/1999, Wonder What the Poor Folks Are Doing
- Lockhart, Jack A., 11/30/1922 - 9/6/1985
- Lough, Eldon
O., 3/9/1913 -
12/19/1985, Married Fae Lee 11/11/1945-40 Great Years
- Lynch, Brenda Jo, 2/6/1964 - 11/13/1982
- Macey, Mr
- Magnusson, Elaine
C., May-68 - Jul-99
- Markowsky, Paul
E., 5/7/1922
- 12/3/1993, US Army World War II
- Martin,
- Joe
W., 10/29/1919 -
6/5/1991, Ssgt US Army WWII Husband father Muscian
- Maxfield, Bruce, 1940 - 2001
- McIntire, Amy Lee, 1907-1961, Beloved Wife of George Walter
- McLaren
- McWilliams, Francis
9/6/1923 - 7/4/1987, LTJG US Navy World War II
- Mead, John
S., 09/10/16 -
1/28/1995, US Army Air Corps
- Mellody, Jim,
1926-1996, Here in Spirit
- Messinger
- Meyers, Baby
- Miller,
- Amanda
Sue, 1/26/1983 - 1/25/1987,
Daughter of Byron & Ginny
- Edward
A., 2/23/1934 - 7/13/1963
and Patricia
A., 1/13/1939 - 7/13/1963
- John F., 1932-1977
- Naomi M.,
1/25/1930 - 3/15/1985, In Loving Memory - Arthur & Daryl
- Mills, John
G., Commissioner,
Shooting of 7/4/1883
- Miner,
- Mitchell
- Benjamin
Joseph, 1/12/1863 -
11/29/1923, In the Mountains he Loved
- David R., 7/2/1937
- James W., 1830-1901 and Polly
- John
- Rennie
Aaron, 5/24/1892 -
4/3/1957, Colorado Pvt Air Service WW I
- Molter, Robert
J., 1916 -
- Montoya, Therese
7/5/1926 - 9/7/2001, YN1 US Navy Korea
- Muhme, Edward
A., 09/17/1888
- 9/25/1962, Co Horseshoer BTRY D 341 FA WWI
- Myers, Andy,
1883, Killed by lighting as he dug well east of Courthouse
- Nair
- Neely, Betty A., 7/24/1939 - 5/17/2002, "Married July
12, 12959"
- Nestmeier, Virginia,
1956-1976, Our Beloved Daughter & Sister
- Nickerson,
- Nordloh, William P., 8/20/1922 - 9/9/1980
- Norton, R.
Frank, 4/5/1916 -
4/15/2002, 2nd Lt US Army WW II
- Nussbaumer, C.
10/20/1936 - 5/8/1993
- Odonnell, Bryant,
6/20/1925 - 9/1/1990
- O'Mara, Joseph,
1904-1991, Married 8/8/1927 and Lydia,
1910-1989, Married 8/8/1927
- Osborn,
- Oscarson
- Packard,
- Paulsen, Wanda
Rose, 1951 -
- Penn, Matilda
D. Barnes, 1904
- 1947
- Penney,
- Penson, Robert
Nelson 2/9/1929-1/1/2002,
SGT US Marine Corps - Korea
- Peterson, Vern,
1925 - 1988
- Plummer, Robert,
1/1883, Murdered by Wilson Waldern
- Poulson, Joe
- Randell, Harry
- Rayfield, Glenn
11/29/1954 - 9/16/1989 (Plot
- Repath
- Rhone, John
3/31/1937 - 9/9/2000, Sp 4 US Army
- Robacker, Earl
J., 8/10/1920
- 10/1/1951 and Ellen
C., 9/11/1912 -
- Robertson, Dorothy
9/25/1916 - 2/24/1987
- Rossbach, Darvin
Darty, 1952
-1977, If only all the hands that reach could touch
- Ruske
- Edna M.,
5/31/1898 - 11/10/1979, Mom
- Elsie Fletcher,
8/19/1922 - 3/15/1903, A Grand Pioneer Loved by so Many
- Ray E.,
6/25/1894 - 7/11/1987, Dad
- Sandoval, Nancy
Collins, 9/22/1944 - 5/2/2000
- Schaffer
- Schmidt, Paul
10/15/1958 - 5/21/1977
- Schmuck,
- Schneller, Meridith
2/17/1933 - 10/4/1988, A nightingale to some a friend to all
- Schnoor,
- Schoemer, Vriginia
K., 1942 -
- Schrock, Edward
M., 6/9/1910
- 3/23/1983
- Schuster, William
H., 1874 -
- Scott, Frances
1921 - 1995
- Selak,
- Simmonds, Minerva,
9/10/1879, Aged 75 yrs 4 months
- Simpson
- Skinner, Levi
Grant, 1920 -
- Smith, Homer
C., 1908 - 1950
- Snider, F.S.
10/7/1905 - 6/27/1997 and Betty
5/3/1908 - 1/12/1984
- Southway, Frank
C., 9/21/1917
- 6/26/1971
- Spellacy, William,
- Spitzmiller
- Stephens, Louise
J., 1909 -
- Stevenson, Arnot
9/28/1886 - 9/19/1950, Mason and Glenne
Ellen, 8/30/1894 - 3/8/1973
- Stickles, James
E., 2/1/1907
- 1/5/1983 and Jane
E., 3/28/1909 -
- Syme
- Tasky, Joseph,
9/13/1887 - 6/26/1958 and Amelia,
7/26/1878 - 1/6/1956
- Tazer, Barbara
Jane, 1921 -
- Thompson
- Trout
- Tucker, Martha,
10/7/1898 - 8/6/1987
- Walker, William K., 06/16/1893 - 1/20/1963,
Illinois PVT US Army WWI
- Wall,
- Wallisch, Lou
W., 2/16/1946 -
10/15/1990, Loved people & Laughter
- Walsh, Mike
- Ward, Harry
Vernon, 9/9/1931 - 5/17/2002
- Warner, Alfonzo
R., 1848-
1889, (Closeup)
- Watkins, Martha
6/7/1941 - 11/14/1996, She Loved People & Laughter
- Wells, Dennis
Lyn, 10/20/1947
- 10/22/1947, Our Baby
- Wescott,
- Loren L.,
8/7/1940 - 12/22/1982
- Ralph A.,
2/13/1905 - 4/16/1979 and Opal
J., 8/3/1903 - 4/10/1984
- Sonny, 5/21/1942 - 5/21/1942
- Weskamp, Edna
Muhme, 1924-
1963, God needed another angel
- Wilkin, Louise D., 9/10/1902 - 10/15/1989
- Williams, Harold,
1903-1994 and Louise,
1912 - 1991
- Williamson, William, 11/12/2002 - 4/19/1992, From Mountains
of Norway to Mountains of Colorado
- Wilson, Lynne, Jr, 11/14/16 - 01/26/99
- Wooley,
- Louise C., 3/1/1907 - 4/1/1989
- M. Claire, 7/2/1907 - 6/4/1994
- Young
- Dorothy
Frances, 10/30/1916 -
7/2/2000, 1st Lt US Army WW II
- Henry Jacob,
9/24/1891 - 6/5/1949, Colo PFC 134 Inf 34 Div WW I
- Mary Vesta, 1890-1904
- Raymond Jacob, 10/22/1924 - 8/17/1947, Co CPL US Marine Corps
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