Colorado USGenWeb Archives
Divide Creek Union Cemetery
Garfield County

Tombstone Photographs
The Divide Creek Union Cemetery is located in the Fairview area south of I-70
up Divide Creek Road. Photo of cemetery
plat map with names (This file is quite large (314 KB) and could take
some time to download.).
The photographs in this portion of the archives were contributed by:
Jack Eells (je)
Susan from Phoenix (sp)
Barb Weatherly (bw)
This page was last updated
Saturday, 14-Jun-2008 11:53:33 EDT
(Click on the underlined name to download
the tombstone photograph)
- Arthur
- Austin, Josiah C, 1858 -
1918, "Divide Creek Pioneer" (sp)
- Banta
- Boyd, June 6, 1903 - June 9,
1903, [child of Elizabeth and Joseph Banta], (Lot 2, Row 1,
Sec. 2, Tier F) (sp)
- Dona, Sept. 6, 1894 - Sept. 6,
1894, [child of Elizabeth and Joseph Banta], (Lot 2, Row 1,
Sec. 2, Tier F) (sp)
- Edward Stewart, Nov. 3, 1891 -
Aug. 17, 1892, [child of Elizabeth and Joseph Banta], (Lot
2, Row 1, Sec. 2, Tier F) (sp)
- Elizabeth, 1856 - 1919, [wife of
Joseph E. Banta], (Lot 2, Row 1, Sec. 2, Tier F)
- Joseph E, 1854 - 1938, [husband
of Elizabeth Banta], (Lot 2, Row 1, Sec. 2, Tier F)
- William L, 1889 - 1927, [child of
Elizabeth and Joseph Banta], (Lot 2, Row 1, Sec. 2, Tier F)
- Beach, Frank, 1892 - 1910
- Beard
- Ernest N, 1866 - 1914 and
Mattie Mintoria, 1876 - 1910
(Lot 5, Row 3, Sec. 2, Tier E) (sp)
- Elizabeth, July 13, 1837 - ???
??, 1903, "Wife of William Beard" (sp)
- Chipperfield
- Cowden, abt. 1908,
(Lot 6, Row 3, Sec. 3, Tier G) (sp)
- Frank, [Father of Cowden],
(Lot 6, Row 3, Tier G) (sp)
- Coombs, Havrey N, 1868 -
1948 and Rosamond M, 1875 - 1969,
Married Dec ??, 1895(sp)
- Davis, John, Dec. 15, 1848 -
Jan. 9, 1912 (Lot 3 1/2, Row 2, Tier E) (sp)
- Dodo, Rachel, Oct. 10, 1914
- Nov. 11, 1994 and David "Pete", Oct.
4, 1908 - (blank) (sp)
- Dolan, H[enry] H, 1893 -
1923 (Lot 2, Row 3, Sec. 1, Tier G) (sp)
- Downey, Gertrude, 1894 -
1918 (Mrs.) [Sister of Leslie Young], (Lot 4, Row 3, Sec. 1,
Tier G) (sp)
- Duffy, Walton Bernard, Sept.
6, 1927 - Sept. 10, 1990 (sp)
- Gallagher, Thomas, 1881 -
Aug. 1932 and Coralee M, Jan. 17, 1890
- Nov. 8, 1960 (West 1/2 Lot 3, Row 1, Tier F) (sp)
- Jayne, Marcella [Mrs.
Jayne], 1877 - 1916 and Daisy and Earnest
(Lot 5, Row 4, Sec. 2, Tier C) (sp)
- Johnson
- Elmer George, Jan, 17, 1907 -Oct.
30, 1980 and Nettie Pearl, May 27,
1911 - Jan. 17, 1975 (sp)
- John Calvin, Sept. 9, 1915 -
Sept. 22, 1979, PFC US ARMY (sp)
- William Homer, ??? ??, 1902 -
June ??, 1902, son of W[illiam] S. and Nora Johnson (Lot 4,
Row 1, Sec. 2, Tier F) (sp)
- Jones
- Eugene, 1855 - Dec. 28, 1938
"Grandpa Jones," and Mary E, 1871 -
1954, (Lot 7, Row 3, Sec. 2, Tier D) (sp)
- Alice May, April 6, 1931 -
(blank) and Thomas William, Feb. 28,
1928 - Jan. 5, 1991 (sp)
- Kendig, John D, 1852 - 1916
(Lot 1, Row 3, Sec. 1. Tier C (sp)
- King, Joseph, [Child], Died
Dec. 31, 1899 (Lot 4, Row 1, Sec. 3, Tier B (sp)
- Maday, John, 1851 - 1914
(1/2 East Lot 5, Row 1, Sec. 2, Tier F) (sp)
- Mitchell, Beulah Ellen, 1916
- 1918 [Beulah Ellen was the daughter of Ethel Hamilton, and the granddaughter
of Leander and Nora Sallee.] (sp)
- Montague, Newton W, 1904 -
1933 and Cech E, 1904 - 1932 (sp)
- Otten, Ernest C, 1892 -
1926, [Killed in the Harvey Gap Mine] (Lot 6, Row 2, Sec. 3,
Tier A) (sp)
- Park
- Emma M, 1871 - [June 8] 1957,
[Wife of Frank] (Lot 6, Row 3, Sec. 1, Tier B)
- Franklin F, 1863 - [Oct] 1934
[Husband of Emma M.] (je)
- Poteet, Paula May, Oct. 29,
1964 - April 18, 1996 (sp)
- Sallee
- Sanders, James F, 1898 -
1976 (sp)
- Shaw, Alex, ??? ?? 1906 -
Aug. 17, 1909, Son of A & J. Shaw (sp)
- Sayre, Frank G, ??, 25 MO
INF (sp)
- Smart, William J, July 8,
1878 - May 13, 1940 and Grace, Aug. 31,
1879 - Feb. 7, 1943 (sp)
- Smith, Lucia, 1876 - 1917
- Sutton, Danny Ray, Mar. 30,
1955 - Dec. 2, 1980, "Oregon I'm not a stranger; Idaho our
paths have crossed; I just want to leave my footprints in your late October
frost; For the never ending highway; Beckons to the rolling stone; Till He who
understands all; Call the gentle drifter home." (sp)
- Tatham, Sam D, 1878 - 1958
(married Sept. 30, 1903) Grace M, 1881
- 1958 (sp)
- Terrell, Robert Jay, May 16,
1953 - Oct. 1, 1971 [Grandson of Bill Terrell] (Lot 4, Row 3,
Sec. 2, Tier D) (sp)
- Toland, Bessie P, 1886 -
1981; Ernest M, 1881 - [May] 1938, and
Porter E. "Sonny", 1921 - 1983
(Lot 3, Row 3, Sec. 2, Tier D) (sp)
- Watson, Richard, June 10,
1960 - July 4, 1983 (sp)
- Weatherly
- Edith Louise, 1924 - [May] 1937
[Granddaughter of James (1861 - 1912) & Anna (1868 - 1965) Weatherly who are
buried nearby.] (Lot 2, Row 4, Sec. 2, Tier C)
- Guy E, [Feb. 26] 1892 - [Apr. 3]
1974 and Ezma, 1905 - [still living];
married Aug. 10, 1923 [Guy served in Colorado Cavalry, Troop M, WW I;
parents of Edith Louise] (bw)
- James A, 1861 - 1912 (born in
Tennesee; father of Guy E. Weatherly)
Do you have any headstone photos from this or any other Colorado cemetery to
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