GenWeb Archives
Lakeside Cemetery
Caqon City, Fremont County

Tombstone Photographs
The Lakeside Cemetery was established about 1877. It is located at 9th
Street and Elm (1008 Elm Avenue; phone: 719/269-9027) on the southern edge of
Caqon City. Mary Ann Thomas has set a goal of photographing every
headstone in the cemetery while she completes a transcription for the
Tombstone Transcription Project. Visit this page often for an updated
The photographs in this portion of the archives were contributed by:
This page was last updated
Saturday, 14-Jun-2008 11:53:34 EDT
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a Volunteer Photographer
Headstones: | A | B | C
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(Click on the underlined name to
download the tombstone photograph)
- Abeler, Matilda [Sister
M Constance OSB], 1873-1922 (mt)
- Addey, Grace G, 1892-1975;
and George C, 1899-1972
[Secion 44] (mt)
- Adkins, George D, 1912- ___
and Carrie G, 1916-1983, mother of
William Crossman (mt)
- Alarcon, Geroge Lee, Jan. 21,
1957-Nov. 14, 1992 [Section U] (mt)
- Aldridge, Laura M, 1852-1922
- Allison
- Elizabeth, 1857 - 1915, Women of
- Park, 1852 - 1924, Woodmen of the
World (jd)
- Anderson, Charles, 1875-1943
and Emma Beavers Anderson, 1878-1967,
(also see Elwin Beavers) (mt)
- Antonio, Max, 1861-1930
- Applegate, Charles, E,
1919-1941, PFC 36th Bomb Sqdn (mt)
- Asher, W. F., died Aug. 26,
1906, aged 48 yrs, 10 mos, 16 dys, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Ashley
- Avenatti, Joe "Peanuts", 1885-1937 [Section
J] [photo missing] (mt)
- Bailey
- Balagna
- Joseph E, Apr. 25, 1925-Aug. 31,
[Section U] (mt)
- Mary T, 1892-1965
[Section U] (mt)
- Banta
- Barrett, Thomas, 1831-1931
- Barthel, Frank, 1873-1954
- Basham, Edward, 1877-1958 and
Rose L, 1875-1859 (mt)
- Bate, Lilah P, 1893-1975 and
Harry C, 1892-1987
[Section U] [photo missing] (mt)
- Batill
- Batley, Genevieve Gould, Mar.
17, 1878 - Mar. 27, 1920, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Bean, John W, 1856-1935
- Beavers, Elwin 1868-1902 and
Emma Beavers Anderson, 1878-1967, (also
see Charles Anderson) (mt)
- Behling
- Bell, Lucy Morgan, 1862-1932
- Benjamin, William J,
1971-1990 (Holt Funeral Home) [Section U]
- Bennett, Josiah I, 1862-1935
and Annie E, 1875-1967 (mt)
- Beretta, Victoria E,
1933-1936 (mt)
- Berry
- Amalia J., 1882-1968 (rw)
- Amalia J. "Molly", daughter of Peter & Lena (Knuth) Koch, born 4 Jun
1882, died 20 Mar 1968; wife of William Berry.
- Christopher Miles, 1966-1986
- George H., 1905-1977 and
Annabelle [Erps], 1925-[blank] (rw)
- George H., son of Wm. & Amalia "Molly" (Koch) Berry, born 24 Sep
1905, died 26 May 1977.
- Mother Hattie Marie [Nelson]
1902-1992 and Son Max, 1938-1983
- Hattie Marie (Nelson) Berry, born 26 Oct 1902, died 15 Mar 1992;
wife of Charles David Berry.
- Max Berry, son of Charles & Hattie M. (Nelson) Berry, b. 26 Mar
1938, died 8 Mar 1983.
- Nelson J., 1903-1967 and
Mae E., 1918-2000
[Blk 4 Sect. 39 Lot 4] (akb)
- Nelson John Berry, son of William & Amelia Justine (Koch) Berry,
born 17 Nov 1903, died 16 Oct 1967.
- Evelyn "Mae" Erps, daughter of Louis & Anna (O'Graske) Erps, born 14
Apr 1918, died 28 Apr 2000; wife of Nelson John Berry.
- William, 1869-1956 (rw)
- Son of Wm. David & Elizabeth (Webber) Berry, born 4 Jan 1869, died
13 Mar 1956; husband of Amalia "Molly" (Koch) Berry.
- William, 1956-1965 (akb)
- William Frank Berry, son of Nelson John & Evelyn "Mae" (Erps) Berry,
born 27 Aug 1956, died 10 Jun 1965.
- Best
- John B, 1875-1941
[Section U] (mt)
- Mary A, 1858-1939
[Section U] (mt)
- Betts
- Betz, Maggie Sheets, died
1961 (mt)
- Bilow
- Birchmeier, Veronica [Sister M
Josephine OSB], 1839-1917 (mt)
- Black, Lynn J., 1910-1981,
WWII US Army (mt)
- Blake, Julia [Sister M Callista
OSB], 1864-1923 (mt)
- Blatnick, Ignace, 1881-1933
- Bliesenick, George F,
1863-1946 and Elizabeth, 1866-1932
- Bond, William A, 1880-1962
and Anna F, 1884-1969 (mt)
- Bosco, Elvira, 1891-1951 and
Joseph, 1882-1939
[Section U] (mt)
- Bowen (Moved from the Bowen Cemetery in 1992)
- Boyd, Bishop R., 1868 - 1906,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Boylan, Catherine A.,
1873-1908, wife of J.F. Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Braley, Barbara Jean,
1927-1967 (mt)
- Brewster, Ralph J., Sep 25,
1861 - Feb. 13, 1913, Woodmen of the World, and
Clara S. Brewster Griest, 1854 - 1934
- Broughton
- David Earl, 1923 - 1984, PVT US
- Elizabeth M, Oct. 11, 1860 - Dec.
12, 1918 and Rufus H, Aug. 11, 1847 -
June 30, 1929 (mt)
- Mary Kopytek Flaming, 1901 - 1990
and her son, F. Charles, 1927 - 1999
- Brown
- Dorothy E, 1916-1923 (mt)
- Henry Emmons, born Sept. 15, 1860,
died June 1, 1930, and Delia Beatrice,
born Sept. 23, 1866, died Jan. 14, 1959, (dk)
- + Son of Henry Brown and ? (Campbell) Brown.
- + Daughter of John Henry Isenberger and Sarah
Imogene (Thomson) Isenberger.
- Justin L, 1911-1953 and
Patricia M, 1916-____
- Nettie B, 1891-1922 (mt)
- Brunetto, Giacomo, 1861-1947
and Prospera, 1863-1947
[Section J] (mt)
- Bruse, Caroline D, 1873-1953
- Buhlis, Nell D, 1887-1961 and
Richard, 1884-19__ (mt)
- Bunch
- Burd, Floyd Adrian,
1900-1991; Mary Ellen, 1903-1978 and
Donnie Merton, 1945 (mt)
- Burkhardt, Agnes Elizabeth,
July 5, 1859 - Mar. 1, 1927, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Burnett, Merrick William,
Apr. 1, 1872 - Sept. 17, 1918, Woodmen of the World, son of Edson H (buried
Burnett Family Cemetery) (jd) & (mt)
- Campbell, Hannah
L, 1868-1947 [Section U] (mt0
- Carpenter, Earl Clayto, born
Oct 22, 1894, died July 23, 1971, and Esta
Naomi, born Jan. 22, 1894, died Feb 16, 1988, (dk)
- + Son of Henry Douglas Carpenter and Mary Belle
(Johns) Carpenter.
- + Daughter of Henry Emmons Brown and Delia Beatrice
(Isenberger) Brown.
- Catholic Nuns (Given names are from the reverse side of the
- Sister M Adele OSB, 1873-1945
(Barbara Rank) (mt)
- Sister M Agatha OSB, 1855-1940
(Marie Frank) (mt)
- Sister M Angela OSB, 1859-1921
(Mary Quinlan) (mt)
- Sister Ann Spehar OSB, 1911-1985
(Ann Spehar) (mt)
- Sister M Benigha OSB, 1887-1910
(Mary Graff) (mt)
- Sister M Callista OSB, 1864-1923
(Julia Blake) (mt)
- Sister M Clotilda OSB, 1857-1923
(Caroline Witthauer) (mt)
- Sister M Constance OSB, 1873-1922
(Matilda Abeler) (mt)
- Sister M Cornella OSB, 1886-1915
(Genevieve Cronin) (mt)
- Sister M Donata OSB, 1872-1910
(Marie Gantzer) (mt)
- Sister M Gabriella OSB, 1881-1917
(Cora Draper) (mt)
- Sister M Hedwig OSB, 1865-1940
(Catherine Rupp) (mt)
- Sister M Josephine OSB, 1839-1917
(Veronica Birchmeier) (mt)
- Sister Laurentia Simila OSB,
1900-1994 (Mildred Simala) (mt)
- Sister M Leocadia OSB, 1870-1915
(Marie Tomaszewska) (mt)
- Sister M Maura OSB, 1853-1920
(Eleanor Daubach) (mt)
- Sister M Pauline OSB, 1864-1945
(Elizabeth Dotterweich) (mt)
- Sister M Perpetua OSB, 1876-1904,
(Margaret Powers) (mt)
- Sister M Regina OSB, 1882-1952
(Catherine Esser) (mt)
- Sister M Rita OSB, 1862-1927
(Margaret Geary) (mt)
- Sister M Rosalia OSB, 1882-1959
(Rosa Kunesch) (mt)
- Sister M Salome OSB, 1875-1904
(Julia Rank) (mt)
- Carrier
- Caughman, Anna H., 1898-1992
and Seaborn Z., 1896-1973 (ak)
- Anna Hulda (Koch) Caughman, daughter of Peter & Lena (Knuth) Koch,
born 6 Jan 1898, died 4 Dec 1992
- Seaborn Zadock Caughman, son of Seaborn A. & Ann A. (Holliday)
Caughman, born 28 Jun 1896, died 26 Dec 1973
- Chase
- Chess, Clarence G, 1888-1935
[Husband of Ethel Chess Gately--see below;
Sec 11B, Blk 000, Lot
150] (kcu)
- Childears
- Edith H [Hamilton], 1889-1965,
w/of Amos B Childears d/of John and Martha Hamilton (mt)
- Irena L [Hamilton], 1898-1975,
w/of Amos B Childears d/of John and Martha Hamilton (mt)
- Chinn
- Chockley, Thelma V. [Daniel],
1914-1975 and Harry D., 1907-1966
- Thelma V. (Daniel) Chockley, daughter of Frank L & Cora Maude (Sexton)
Daniel, was born 3 Jul 1914; died 25 Aug 1975.
- Harry Delbert Chockly was born 8 Aug 1907 and died ?? May 1966.
- Clark
- Clarke, Clarence A, 1868-1917
and Lizzie M, 1876-1945 (mt)
- Clayton, Ralph W, 1894-1948;
Nola, 1896-1946; and
Raymond H, 1925-1926 (mt)
- Cockrum, Richard I, 1872-1960
and Dora E, 1877-1973 (mt)
- Colvin, Julie Elaine
[daughter of Wesley & Louise (Chockley) Colvin], Aug 26, 1963-Sept 21, 1965
- Conover, Albert E, Sept 1,
1857-Jan 8, 1925 (mt)
- Albert E. Conover was the husband of Reba Peake (Staulcup) Conover
- Conrad, Clarence, died 1906
age 1 (mt)
- Cooper, Elizabeth A., Apr.
20, 1862 - Oct. 30, 1902, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Coppa, Fred D., 1926-[blank];
and Nina Mae [Payne], 1925-1994 (sn)
- Nina Mae was the daughter of Athol R. & Lenore L. Payne.
- Corey
- Costantino, Dominic,
1874-1937 [Section U] (mt)
- Coughlin
- Crawford, Francis E,
1877-1936; Nell A, 1855-1984 and
Robert R, 1923 (mt)
- Cremean
- Armitta, 1871 - 1962 (Order of
Eastern Star) (mt)
- Billie Jean, 1929 - 1939 (mt)
- Don Carlos, 1893 - 1928, Woodmen
of the World (mt)
- Edgar R, 1897-1951, Masons, and
Anna A, 1900-1985, Kopytek, (mt)
- John Nelson, 1866 - 1920 (mt)
- John Nelson, 1930 - 1931 (mt)
- Crockett, Wm Luke, 1841-1937,
New York, Q.M SGT, 4th US Inf (mt)
- Cronin, Genevieve [Sister M
Cornella OSB], 1886-1915 (mt)
- Culbertson, Thomas H,
1857-1925 and Mary F Tade, 1865-19__
- Cunningham
- Curtis
- Archie R., 1906-1962
[Son of R. M. & Hettie C.; Sec 00F, Blk
020, Lot 001] (kcu)
- Elizabeth Farmer, Nov 14, 1914-Jul
29, 1998 [Dau. of Clyde L & Nettie; Sec
00E, Blk 002, Lot
002] (kcu)
- Kenneth M, 1914, 1964
[Son of R. M. & Hettie; Sec 027, Blk 006,
001] (kcu)
- Robert Michaux, 1872-1928 and
Hettie C, 1884-1969
[Sec 027, Blk 006,
001] (kcu>
- Dailey, C.C.,
1863-1943 and R.A., 1868-1937 (mt)
- Dalfior, Silverio, 1843-1902
and Albina, 1850-1933
[Section J] (mt)
- Daubach, Eleanor Sister M Maura
OSB, 1853-1920 (mt)
- Daugherty, Grover, 1892-1973
and Laura, 1906-1989 (mt)
- Davies
- Davis
- Dawson, William H., 1842 -
1917, Woodmen of the World, and Eliza J.,
1842 - 1931 (jd)
- Denman, Betty Jean, 1928-1929
- Deirks, Emma Koptek, May 30,
1893-Feb. 15, 1961 (mt)
- Dickinson, Birdie Dot, July
23, 1874 - Dec. 22, 1918, Neighbors of Woodcraft and
Dorothy Jane, June 5, 1913 - June 6,
1913 (jd)
- Dilley
- Anna L, 1919-1976 and James C
- Carl G, 1904-1972 and
Ann C, 1905-1992 (mt)
- Robert F., 1927-1984
[Son of Carl and Anna C.; Sec 048, Blk 003,
002] (kcu)
- DiNoble, Paul, 186?-1936 and
Clara, 1863-1945
[Section J] (mt)
- DiOrio, James, 1898-1981 and
Jennie, 1907-1932 (mt)
- Dirksen, Conn Stuart,
1966-1996, SPC, US Army (mt)
- Doles, Duncan, 1874-1962
- Domenico, Vincezo, 1881-1944
- Donnell, E. O, 1903-1990
(Holt Funeral Home) [Section U]
- Dotterweich, Elizabeth [Sister M
Pauline OSB], 1864-1945 (mt)
- Draper, Cora [Sister M Gabriella
OSB], 1881-1917 (mt)
- Dremel
- Anthony J, Aug. 14, 1920 - Oct. 6,
1970; Colorado, CPL, 55 FLD ARTY BN, WORLD WAR II (mt)
- Gladys M, Aug. 12, 1923 - Jan. 9,
2000 (mt)
- Duffy
- Dunagan, Bruce A., 1861 -
1904, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Dunn
- Jesse L, 1889-1975 and
Grace A, 1891-1975 (mt)
- Mary E., Jan. 2, 1861 - Feb. 25,
1925, Neighbors of Woodcraft, and William
A., Feb. 7, 1862 - Oct 16, 1941 Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Dyson, Robert T. Sr,
1949-1993 (mt)
- Eakins, William G,
1906-1943, PFC 157th Inf 45th Inf Div WWII (mt)
- Emory, A. B., 1877 - 1916,
Modern Woodmen of America, & IOOF (jd)
- Ericksen, Helga, Mar. 21,
1912-Nov. 29, 1990 [Section U] (mt)
- Esser Plot marker
- Evango
- George, 1864-1941 and
Annie, 1882-1935, Neighbors of
Woodcraft (mt)
- John, 1903-1946 (mt)
- Evans, Alexander, 1834-1910
- Fabrizio, Angelo,
1843-1921 and Lucia, 1849-1925 (mt)
- Farmer
- Clyde L, 1875-1952 (mt)
- Nettie S, Jan 8, 1881-Apr 25, 1923
[Wife of Clyde L.; Sec 00E, Blk 002,
002] (kcu)
- Ferkul, Frank Jr, 1893-1936
- Fisher
- Fisk, Harry, 1892-1924, WWI
CPL, CO D, 7th Eng (mt)
- Flaming, Mary Kopytek (Broughton),
1901 - 1990 and her son, F. Charles
Broughton, 1927 - 1999 (mt)
- Foote, Jessie Church,
1874-1904, wife of R.M. (mt)
- Foraker
- Raymond, 1910-1996
(Holt Funeral Home) [Section U]
- Ruth V, 1915-1997
(Florence Mortuary) [Section U]
- Foresman
- Charles R., July 6, 1863 - Dec.
20, 1929, Modern Woodmen of America (jd)
- Fanny R.,1868 - 1924, Royal
Neighbors of America, Brotherhood of American Yoemen (jd)
- Fortuna, Mario, 1891-1979
(Holt & Wilson) [Section U] (mt)
- Frank
- Franzino, Minnie, 1881-1949
and Tony, 1879-19??
[Section U] (mt)
- Fredrickson, Kimberly Jean,
1967-1988 (mt)
- Gantzer, Marie [Sister
M Donata OSB], 1872-1910 (mt)
- Garnier, Tillie G., 1885-1969
and Dorsey N., 1883-1969 (ak)
- Tillie G., daughter of Conrad & Mary Hannah (Topliss) Koch, born 1 Feb
1885, died 5 Sep 1969; wife of Dorsey N. Garnier.
- Dorsey N., son of Paul & Lucia/Lucy (DeGre/DeGree) Garnier, born 4 Sep
1883, died 2 Jun 1969.
- Garrett, Leo F, 1911-1987 and
Enid E, 1920-blank
[Section U] (mt)
- Gateley, Ethel Chess,
1896-1988 [Wife of Clarnec Chess; Sec 11B,
Blk 000, Lot
150] (kcu)
- Geary, Margaret [Sister M Rita
OSB], 1862-1927 (mt)
- Gehlback
- Glaze, Kenneth W, Dec. 2,
1901-Feb. 7, 1979 (mt)
- Goodnight, David, 1857-1929,
and Sara L. Calvert, 1853-1931 (mt)
- Goold, Jay C., 1869 - 1903,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Gorham, Zephon William,
1903-1904 (mt)
- Graff, Mary [Sister M Benigha
OSB], 1887-1910 (mt)
- Grain, Mintie, Mar 3,
1893-Nov 17, 1965; and William, Aug 26,
1880-Feb 28, 1945 [Section 29] (mt)
- Grant, Mary Price, 1894-1984
- Gray, Patsy Chase, 1898-1982,
shared stone with Lulu M Chase (mt)
- Grebence
- Anna, 1888-1940
[Section U] (mt)
- Matt, 1885-1937
[Section U] (mt)
- Green, Edgar E, 1896-1925
- Griest, Clara S. Brewster,
1854 - 1934 and Ralph J., Sep 25, 1861 -
Feb. 13, 1913, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Griffin, George Edward,
1884-1948 and Rose Nell, 1887-1970
- Grove, Emma, 1863 - 1915 and
Richard A, 1862 - 1927 (mt)
- Hall
- D. F. [David Fleming], July 1,
1860-Apr 30, 1935 [Sec 00N, Blk 012,
002] (kcu)
- Elsie L, 1893-1975 and
John D, 1889-1970
[Sec 00F, Blk 025,
008] (kcu)
- George A, 1852-1907, Woodmen of
the World (jd)
- Merriman L, 1862-1949 and
Martha F, 1870-1951 (mt)
- Minnie M, Jan 6, 1870-Feb 17, 1961
[Wife of D. F.; Sec 00N, Blk 012,
002] (kcu)
- Nora May, Sep 19, 1892-Oct 31,
1917 [Daughter of D. F. & Minnie; Sec 00N,
Blk 012, Lot
002] (kcu)
- Robert Morton, 1940-1946 (mt)
- W. Clarence, 1887-1971 and
Gertrude, 1888-1971 (mt)
- William R, 1889-1975 and
Ellen M, 1909-1965 (mt)
- Hallberg, Anton L, 1903-1993
and Elsie L, 1919-____ (mt)
- Hamilton
- Hannah
- Frances, Apr. 29, 1858 - Oct. 13,
1929, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Robert L., Feb. 5, 1853 - Oct. 14,
1907, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Harclerode, George P., Apr 4,
1858 - Jan 7, 1918, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Hastings
- Hatley, A. L., died Aug. 31,
1930 (mt)
- Hauser, Marie E, 1855-1971
- Hausner, Evelyn Westwater,
1903-1924 (mt)
- Havens, Thomas, 1967-1999
[Section U] (mt)
- Hazard, Benjamin, 1821-1909
- Henderson, Cora M, 1887-1984
- Hennesy
- Hicks, Stephen M., 1855 -
1909, and Claude M., 1886 - 1917,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Hofflicker, Bessie Kirkland,
1886 - 1902, Women of Woodcraft (base)
- Hollifield, Francis R,
1919-1983, and Helen E, 1918-1989
- Hoover
- Hopper, Ada [Lane], 1877-1970
and William H., 1874-1948 (ak)
- Ada L. (Lane) Hopper, born 17 May 1877, died 15 May 1970
- William H. Hopper, born 2 Nov 1874, died 3 Feb 1948
- Hoza, Raymond J, 1917-1987
and Dorothy G (mt)
- Huff, Clyde, 1894-1906
- Humphrey, John K, 1835-1913
and Caroline S, 1845-1903 (mt)
- Hunter, Gordon Ray,
1945-1977, EN3 US Navy Vietnam (mt)
- Hurlburt, Francis T., Sept.
27, 1888 - Feb. 2, 1917, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Ireland
- Isherwood, Matilda E,
1880-1966 and Joe J, 1878-1939
[Section U] (mt)
- Jakopich, Matilda,
1876-1915 [Section J] (mt)
- James, Guy, 1880 - 1943,
Modern Woodmen of America & Masons, and Edna,
1882 - 1972, Eastern Star (jd)
- Jamsek, John, June 17,
1874-Feb. 17, 1944 [Section U] (mt)
- Jansen
- John, 1839-1933, Co H 44th MO
State Milita (mt)
- Wm. B, 1874-1939 (mt)
- William J, 1919-1924 (mt)
- Johnson
- Jones
- Albert V., Nov. 11, 1891 - Jan.
16, 1917, Modern Woodmen of America (jd)
J. Morton, 1870-1939 and
Leora Maud, 1877-1939 (mt)
- Kaess, George C,
1879-1942 and Blanche M, 1880-1965
- Kastelo, Anton, 1870-1939
[Section U] (mt)
- Keith, Francis M, 1901-1966
and Genevieve E, 1902-2001
[Sec 040, Blk 027] (kcu)
- Kemper, William D, 1869-1950
and Rachel L, 1875-1938 (mt)
- Kiesler, Bessie Betts,
1904-1976, (also see Louis Betts) (mt)
- Kindall, Owen J., 1893-1980
and Gertrude E., 1900-1972
[Blk 36 Sect 43 Lot 4 Graves 1 & 2]
- Gertrude Elizabeth Poet, daughter of John Richard & Ada Elizabeth
(George) Poet, born 6 Jun 1900, died 6 Mar 1972, married Owen J. Kindall
who was born 13 Jun 1893 and died Aug 1980.
- Kinsman, Joseph L., 1856 -
1938, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Koch
- Charles A., 1891-1964 and
Ruth A., 1896-1960 (ak)
- Charles A., son of Conrad & Mary Hannah (Topliss) Koch, born 4 Sep
1891, died 26 Dec 1964, husband of Ruth A.
- Ruth A., daughter of John & Ada (George) Poet, born 18 Jan 1896 ,
died 18 Mar 1960
- Ernest, Nov 10, 1894-Dec 16, 1936,
Colorado, PVT Medical Department, World War I (ak)
- Son of August & Mary (Noll) Koch; married 1st Eula Hopper; married
2nd Frances Naomi Williams.
- Eula F., 1899-1930 (ak)
- Daughter of Wm. & Ada Hopper, born 28 Sep 1899 , died 9 Apr 1930;
1st wife of Ernest Koch.
- Helmuth G., 1899-1982 and
Esther C., 1901-1985 (ak)
- Helmuth G., son of Peter & Lena (Knuth) Koch, born 24 Oct 1899, died
10 Aug 1982, husband of Esther C.
- Esther C., daughter of Charles & Montana (Fellows) Cody, born 5 Apr
1901, died 11 Jan 1985.
- Joseph Regis, Mar 3, 1938 - Mar 5,
1938, son of Chrisey and Thelma [(McGlothlin) Koch] (ak)
- Louis H., 1889-1955 and
Elizabeth C., 1897-1984 (akb)
- Louis Koch, husband of Elizabeth C. "Lizzie" (Blei) Koch; son of
Peter and Lena (Knuth) Koch
- Elizabeth C. (Blei) Koch; wife of Louis Koch; daughter of Carl
August and Walburga (Frank) Blei
- Mary Ann, March 7 1938-Sept 12,
1966 [Row Birch Ave, Blk 30 Sect
39 Lot 4 Grave 1] (akb)
- Mary Ann (Burk) Koch, daughter of Burleigh I. & Margaret (Duddy)
- Naomi Frances, Jan 31, 1919-Nov
26, 1985 [2nd wife of Ernest Koch] (ak)
- Oscar H., March 29, 1892-April 18,
1934, Colorado, PVT 159 INF 40 DIV, [World War I] (full
view) (ak)
- Son of Fred & Ida (Fellows) Koch; husband of Helma (Reuker) Koch.
- Rose F., 1890-1949 and
Victor H., 1889-1942
[Blk 3 Sect 30 Graves 2 & 3]
- Y. Nadiene, 1937-[18 May] 1975,
4-H Leader [Blk 49 Sect 45 Lot 4 Grave 1]
- Kohlman, Englebert, 1877 -
1946, Modern Woodmen of America (jd)
- Konte
- Frances, Dec. 15, 1871-May 14,
1911, wife of John Konte [Secton J]
- John, 1862-1920
[Section J] (mt)
- Konty
- David Andrew, 1941-1941 (ak)
- Son of Andy & Esther (Leighty) Konty
- Andy John, 1911-2000 and
Esther May [Leighty], 1914-1997
- Andy John Konty, son of Andrew & Frances (Fabyan) Konty, b. 7 Oct
1911, d. 21 Jul 2000; husband of Esther (Leighty) Konty
- Esther (Leighty) Konty, b. 24 May 1914. d. 20 Jul 1997; wife of Andy
- Helen J., 1923-1946 (ak)
- Daughter of Andrew and Frances [Fabyan] Konty
- Kopic
- Charles, 1915-1917
[Section j] (mt)
- Frank, 1875-1946
[Section J] (mt)
- Frank R, 1897-1924
[Section J] (mt)
- Kramer, Emma Louise, 1860 -
1915, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Kuemmert, Theresa, 1855-1932
- Kunesch, Rosa [Sister M Rosalia
OSB], 1882-1959 (mt)
- Lamb
- Carolyn J., Oct 16, 1917- Aug 27,
1942 (mt)
- Carolyn Joyce Lamb, daughter of Frank Richard & Maude Clara
(Conover) Lamb (ak)
- Frank Richard, 1880-1973 and
Maude Conover, 1881-1961 (ak)
- Frank Richard Lamb, son of Joseph M. & Sarah E. (Cantonwine) Lamb,
born 21 May 1880, died 1 July 1973
- Maude Clara (Conover) Lamb, daughter of Albert English & Reba/Reby
Peake (Staulcup) Conover, born 23 May 1881, died 1 Sep 1961
- John A., May 14, 1875-Dec 18, 1954
[son of Joseph & Sarah (Cantonwine) Lamb] (ak)
- Michael J., Sept. 13, 1859 - Mar
2, 1915, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Lane, Sherman E, 1865-1942
and Grace E, 1877-1949 (mt)
- LaPlant, Napoleon Paul, 1875
- 1905, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Lasko, Mike J, 1904-198?
[Section U] (mt)
- Lewis
- Alta M[abel Alyea], 1906 - 1926
#Center 4-3, Block #8, Section 27) (mt)
- Ellen, Dec. 24, 1870 - Apr. 8,
1916, wife of William Lewis of Victor, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Littrell, J. Herb, 1902-1998
and Goldie, 1905- (mt)
- Livingstone, Rev. Cassie D,
1881-1974 (mt)
- Litz, Louis M, 1867-1952
and Anna M, 1877-1971 [photo missing] (mt)
- Lovell, Claud W, 1917-1977
and Dorothy, 1928-blank
[Section U] (mt)
- Lujan, Rachel R, 1910-1945
[Section U] (mt)
- Luke, Bertha Mae, 1915-1942
- Luna
- Macari, Domenica,
1876-1947 and Peter, 1875-1943
[Section U] (mt)
- Machin, Elizabeth A., died
Aug. 5, 1910 aged 33 yrs, 6 mos, wife of John Machin, Women of Woodcraft
- Magill, Harry Allen,
1910-1983 [Section U] (mt)
- Martin, J. Mark, 1868-1954
and Dessa H[amilton], 1873-1958 sister
of John (mt)
- McClelland, Azealee, Oct. 24,
1870 - Feb. 2, 1927, Neighbors of Woodcraft, and
John W.1865 - 1929 (jd)
- McClure
- McCullough, Ada Alberta, Jan
4, 1930-July 9, 1989 (akb)
- Daughter of Charles Albertis & Ruth Ada (Poet) Koch
- Wife of Alva W. "Mike" McCullough
- McGlothlin, Flora E. [Lamb],
1883-1947 (ak)
- Daughter of Joseph Milton and Sarah (Cantonwine) Lamb, b. 16 Feb 1883,
d. 15 Nov 1947; wife of Charles Earl McGlothlin
- McGuire
- McKissick, Charles
1902-1959 and Maude
E, 1905-19__ (mt)
- Meigs, Carl J.,
1919-1995; and Wanda M., 1924-1997 (sn)
- Wanda
M. was the daughter of Marshall & Elsie Walker.
- Merriam
- Frank
L., died Feb. 9, 1902,
aged 42 years, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- John
W, 1913-1961, Major
- Meyers, Carl A.,
1910-1983, and Arthur D., 1950-1978
- Albert,
Apr. 19, 1901 - Jun 17, 1924, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- James
R, 1883-1947
[Section 29] (mt)
- Mattie, 1873-1937 (mt)
- Millin, Matt,
1878-1950 [Section U] (mt)
Minnihan, Michael,
1872-1930 and Bertha, 1874-1948 (mt)
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrow, Ella A, Sept.
1918-Apr. 1980 [Section U] [photo
missing] (mt)
- Domenico A, 1883-1946;
Maria T, 1883-1962;
Louis C, 1916-1931 and
Ubaldo D, 1912-1912 (mt)
Giacinti, July 31, 1909-Nov.
5, 1919 [Section J] (mt)
- Helen, 1923-1940
[Section U] (mt)
- Jicholetti, 1888-1976
[Section U] (mt)
- John P, Mar. 17, 1888-Dec.
19, 1944, Father [Section U] (mt)
Nicola, 1886-1965
[Section U] (mt)
Nicoletta, 1888-1974
[Section U] (mt)
- Mourne, Allene Gaylor,
1940-1991 and Mark John (mt)
- Nash, Mary J,
1828-1914 (mt)
- Nelson, Benjamin "Cleve",
1909-1994 and Sarah Belle, 1912-1999
- Nish, Richard Carl, 1963-1993
- Nothwang, Katharina, b. Oct.
20, 1870 - Mar. 27, 1915, Woman of Woodcraft (jd)
- O'Brien, Edward,
Sept. 6, 1859 - Jan. 24, 1922, Modern Woodmen of America (jd)
- O'Leary, Michael, July 3,
1856 - Jan. 13, 1907, Woodmen of the World [photo missing] (jd)
- Owens, P[ryce] G[eorge] Pappy,
1892 - 1967 (mt)
- Ownby, John L, 1876-1952 and
Irene, 1895-1995 (mt)
- Packard, Steven L,
1957-1985 and Roberta L, 1957-1985,
married 1 Jun 1980 (mt)
- Patterson
- Payne
- Athol R.,
1906-[2001], married Nov 25, 1924, Leonore
L., 1906-1992
- Edward Elmer,
July 27, 1926-July 22, 1927; son of Elmer B. & Rose A. [plaque
removed for cleaning] (sn)
- Elmer B[ethune],
1901-1974; and
Rose A[nn] [Bean],
[11 Feb] 1908-[blank] (sn)
- Elmer, brother of Athol R., was born 28 Aug 1901 at Querida,
CO; died 2 Oct 1974 at Caqon City.
- Kathleen
Marie, Aug 15, 1957
[granddaughter of Athol R. Payne] (sn)
- Paxton, Lisa
1966-1989 (mt)
- Pennington,
James, June
21, 1845 - Dec. 31, 1923, Woodmen of the World, and Emily
C., July
26, 1848 - Aug. 19, 1919 (jd)
- Perkins, Marie
F., 1911 -
1928, Neighbors of Woodcraft & Royal Neighbors of America
- Persinger, Orville
1904-1986 (mt)
- Pettit, Charles
W., 1877 -
1923, Modern Woodmen of America (jd)
- Picco, Daniel
JasonOct. 10,
1984-May 9, 1985 (mt)
- Pittman, Edward
R, 1879-1975
and Louiza J,
1877-1971 (mt)
- Poet, John
R, 1874-1934 and
Ada E, 1878-1957 (mt)
- Pool, Grover
A., Nov. 20,
1892 - June 25, 1922, Modern Woodmen of America (jd)
- Porch, Edwin
A, 1909-1965 and
Harriet E,
1925-blank (mt)
- Porter
- Powers, Margaret [Sister
M Perpetua OSB], 1876-1904, (mt)
- Price
- Proctor
- Carl Edward,
PFC. US Army, World War II, Born Aug. 23, 1914, died Dec. 12,
1980, (dk)
- + Son of Edward Riley Proctor and
Bertha Gertrude (West) Proctor.
- Edward Riley,
born Jun. 28, 1882, died Jun. 4, 1973., and PROCTOR, Bertha
Gertrude, born Nov. 2, 1893, died Oct. 21, 1966., (dk)
- + Son of Silas Douglas Proctor and Permillia
Ann (Comstock) Proctor.
- + Daughter of George Beal West and Manilla
May (Davis) West.
- E. Olene,
born 12 April 1922, died 27 June 1945. (dk)
- + Daughter of G. Wall and Katie (Weeks) Wall.
- + Married Clifford Proctor on June 2, 1940.
- Rank
- Ray, Cecil
Dean, 1911-1938
- Ready, Charles
E, 1884-1958
- Ricchiuti
- Rich, Nathan
S, 1861-1947 and
M. Ellen,
1863-1947 (mt)
- Richards, Beulah,
(Wilson Almont) [Section U] (mt)
- Ripperton, Marette
W., Jan.
19, 1861 - Nov. 22, 1902, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Riddle, Daisy
May Smith,
1927-1991 [Section U] [photo missing] (mt)
- Rivera, Josephine
1918-1985 (mt)
- Roberts, Estella
1894-1983 [Section U] (mt)
- Robertson
- Rocco
- Roche, Lawrence
E., 1901-1932
and Jane P. [Konty],
1909-1936 (ak)
- Jane P. (Konty) Roche, daughter of Andrew & Frances (Fabyan)
Konty; sister of Andy
- Rupp, Catherine [Sister
M Hedwig
OSB], 1865-1940 (mt)
- Saban,
- Anna J, 1902-1992
[Section U] (mt)
- Sam, 1886-1952
[Section U] (mt)
- Sanchez, Cornelia, 1816-????,
(broken stone) (mt)
- Sanger, C. Ira, 1912-1976 and
Lucile W, 1914-2000 (mt)
- Santarelli, John E, 1907-2000
amd Gertrude M, 1915-1998
[Section U] [photo missing] (mt)
- Santilli, Elmer, 1922-1989
and Claire L, 1924-2000 (mt)
- Satterly, Florence E, Jan.
14, 1920-Sept. 28, 1989 [Section U]
- Saxon, Walter, 1898-1908, son
of Walter Saxon (mt)
- Scalinetti, James, June 16,
1905-Oct. 25, 1982 [Section J] (mt)
- Schlaeppi, Fred, 1886 - 1910,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Schilling, Edward, 1914-1989
and M. Lucille, 1915-1996 (mt)
- Schlaf, Otis S, 1886-1949 and
Anna Mae, 1920-1951 (mt)
- Scrivner, Richard Warren, b/d
1902 (mt)
- Schneider, Ada, 1886-1925
- Schwarz
- Louis F., 1877-1959
[L-36, S-7 B-28 on
Ash Avenue]
- Louis F. (son of Fredrick & Rose (Toots) Schwarz from Germany),
born 30 Aug 1876 in Belvidere, IL; died 24 Aug 1959 Florence,
- Louis was the husband of Susie C. (Elze) Schwarz.
- Susie C.,
[Plot #36 on
Ash Ave.
next to her husband] (hee)
- Susie C. (Elze) Schwarz (daughter of Robert C. & Martha
(Ogreske) Elze) born 26 Jun 1884 in Westcliffe, CO; d. 10 Feb
1973 Caqon City, CO.
- Scully-Story
- Sears, Helma D., 1902-1975
- Helma D. (Reuker) Sears, daughter of August & Theresa (Ortmann)
Reuker, born 31 May 1902; died ?? June 1975; married (1) Oscar Koch, (2)
William Cody, and (3) Ivor Sears.
- Shane, Henrietta, 1847-1928
- Sharmon
- Shelnutt, Mildred L[ottie
(Smith)], May 2, 1918-May 18, 1980 (rs)
- Sheridan, Nancy J., Apr. 15,
1875 - June 19, 1920, Neighbors of Woodcraft (jd)
- Shilling, Mary, 1822-1908
- Shipler, Clarence H, 1893-1983 and Alpha E, 1900-1991
[photo missing] (mt)
- Short
- Harrison W., 1891 - 1929, Modern
Woodmen of America (jd)
- Levi, b. 1874, d. 1959, Modern
Woodmen of America, and Anna K., 1872
- 1957 (jd)
- Silengo
- Louis J, Aug. 30, 1926-May 1, 1936
[Section U] (mt)
- Mary M, 1907-1994 and
Albert D, 1899-1966
[Section U] (mt)
- Simila, Mildred [Sister Laurentia
Simila OSB], 1900-1994 (mt)
- Simon, Pearl May, 1871 -
1913, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- Sirhall
- Mary, 1874-1947
[Section U] (mt)
- Rosie M, 1889-1937 and
John, 1890-1964
[Section U] (mt)
- Slusher, Roy W and
Edna P(auline) [Linneer], 1903-1965
- Skerjanec, Joseph, 1911 -
1984 and Maebelle, 1917 - 1975 (mt)
- Smith
- Snyder, Phillip Marion,
1853-1900, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Spalding
- Spaulding, Donald R,
1899-1964 and Eva May, 1898-1962 (mt)
- Spehar, Ann [Sister Ann Spehar
OSB], 1911-1985 (mt)
- Spitzer, Ruth M, 1935-1993
- Spurgeon
- Stanley, Elizabeth, 1830-1909
7 Staton,
Eric Michael, 1987-1989 (mt)
7 Steffy
- Elvena S., Mar. 11, 1879 - Sept. 23,
1909, Women of Woodcraft (jd)
- John A., 1870 - 1923, Woodmen of the
World (jd)
7 Sterling,
James Leo, 1889-1947 and
Janet Myrtle [Sullivan], 1886-1964 (mt)
7 Strainer,
Frieda M., 1905-1987 and
Joseph J., 1909-1967 (ak)
- Frieda M., daughter of Fred R. & Ida (Fellows) Koch, born 20 Apr 1905,
died 27 Dec 1987.
- Stewart, Gaylen R, 1935-1978,
(Holt Mortuary) [Section U] (mt)
- Stiefel, Daniel H, 1943-1979
- Stilnovich, Clementine,
1900-1990 and Mike1894-1950
[Section U] (mt)
- Stock
- Anna T, 1904-2000 and
Mary D, 1896-1993
[Section U] (mt)
- Annie, 1870-1954 and
Alois, 1862-1946
[Section u] (mt)
- Stockder, Ferdinand, Sept.
16, 1846 - May 8, 1908, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Storms
- Norma Gean, Aug. 30, 1923-Dec. 26,
1990 [Section U] (mt)
- Shaun Leroy, Jan 15, 1979 - July
4, 1979 [Section U] (mt)
- Story, Michael K. (see Scully-Story)
- Stout, Floyd M, 1902-1919 and
Gladys M, b/d 1919 (mt)
- Strout, Wilbur D. J., Aug.
24, 1893 - Sep 11, 1916, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Sullivan, Fred C, 1900-1950
and Madalyn R, 1902-1966 (mt)
- Tade
- Tedesko, David, 1909-1996
- Thomas
- Tomaszewska, Marie [Sister M
Leocadia OSB], 1870-1915 (mt)
- Tomberlin, George F,
1872-1951, CO M 6TH REG, and Elizabeth B,
1882-1966 (mt)
- Trout
- Trujillo, Dennis Lee,
1948-1992 (Andrews Funeral Home) [Section U]
- Turner
- Twardowski, John and John Jr,
1931 (mt)
- Tyner, Betty Gale, 1926-1927
- Uhland, Harry A.,
1900-1949 and Edna V., 1901-1948
[Sec 034, Blk 028,
Lot 000] (kcu)
- Vandenbergh,
Harry J, 1891-1977 and Johanna C,
1864-1953 (mt)
- Vezzetti
- Vipond, Eunice H, died Apr.
6, 1914, 2ND COMPANY, 300 ZION WAT (mt)
- Voschetti, Joe, 1864-1942
[Section U] (mt)
- Wade, Francis W,
1895-1933 (mt)
- Waite, J. F., June 24, 1855 -
Mar. 21, 1906, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Walker
- Walton, Joseph, 1856-1932 and
Hannah, 1860-1925 (mt)
- Ward
- Bruce, 1899-1986 and
Alice [Linneer], 1902-1986 (sl)
- Charles M., 1868 - 1906, Woodmen
of the World, and Annie T., 1872 -
1947 (jd)
- Claude, 1892-1989 and
Grace J, 1894-1980 (sl)
- Levi B., 1866 - 1903, Woodmen of
the World (jd)
- Watt, Frank A, 1857-1930, and
Emma, 1859-1929 (mt)
- Watts, Harry Carder,
1848-1929 and Lionel F, 1879-1939
- Weber, John H., 1862 - 1910,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Weinheimer, John, 1867-1953
[Section U] (mt)
- Weller, Wesley L, 1888-1957,
and Mae W, 1891-1975 (mt)
- Wells, John L, 1908-1990 and
Elva D, 1912-1989 (mt)
- Westwater
- White
- Joseph C "PFC", 1930-1951
[Secton U] (mt)
- Mary B, Apr. 7, 1893-May 18, 1967
[Section U] (mt)
- Micheal F, Mar. 31, 1931-Jan. 4,
U] (mt)
- Williams
- Witthauer, Caroline [Sister M
Clotilda OSB], 1857-1923 (mt)
- Wood,
Lucille G, 1918-1981 (mt)
- Woodward, Todd J, 1963-1993
(Wilson Almont) [Section U] (mt)
- Wray, James L, 1836-1917 and
Frances A, 1841-____ (mt)
- Wright, Elizabeth, 1882-1937
and Metta, 1879-1963 (mt)
- Wyse, Catherine Marie,
1908-1997 married Oct 26, 1931 Fred,
1908-1983 [Sec 044, Blk 019,
003] (kcu)
- Yankovich
- Frank M, Aug. 18, 1914-Dec. 14,
1998, PVT US ARMY, WORLD WAR II [Section U]
- Martin, 1881-1965;
Mary, 1892-1949 and
Elsie, 1926-1929 (mt)
- Yoder, Eli S, 1893-1924, and
Susannah E, 1862-1933 (mt)
- Young, Marion D(elbert),
buried 16 Sep 1958, Kentucky, CPL Co M 112th Inf Reg WWI (mt)
- Zabolitzky, Louis
S, 1872-1936 [Section J] (mt)
- Zengel
- Ziemer
- Claude H., 1905-1942 (ak)
- Claude H. Ziemer, son of Louis Julius & Alice Lillian (Wiley)
Ziemer, born 13 Sep 1905, died 30 Dec 1942; husband of Maxine (Raper).
- Maxine L., Sept 20, 1915-Oct 3,
1957 (ak)
- Maxine L. (Raper) Ziemer, daughter of Charles &: Edna (_?_)
Raper; married (1) Claude H. Ziemer & (2) Cy Hacker.
- Znidarsich, Joe, 1881-1933
[Section J] (mt)
- Zullo, Dominic, 1860-1954 and
Maria, 1867-1954
[Section U] (mt)
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