Colorado USGenWeb Archives
Hill Top Cemetery
Pagosa Springs, Archuleta County

Tombstone Photographs
A Tombstone Transcription Project list of burials is in the Archives,
A - L,
M - Z
The photographs in this portion of the archives were contributed
Kathy Maez (km)
Jim Davenport (jd)
Theron Dowell (td)
This page was last updated
Saturday, 14-Jun-2008 11:53:32 EDT
Headstones: | A | B | C |
D | E | F | G
| H | I | J | K
| L | M | N |
O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V |W
| X | Y | Z |
(Click on the underlined name to download
the tombstone photograph)
- Barngrover
- Carolyn June, 1940 - 1943 [photo missing] (km)
- James D[oyle], June 19, 1984 - May
31, 1975, AIC US AIR FORCE (km)
- James L[edonia], 1918 - 1964 (km)
- Dowell
- George W., Mar 18, 1933-Oct 4, 1916*,
PVT CO D, 140 IND VOLS [Block 31, Lot 12, Plot 11]
- *Date on stone is incorrect the actual date of death is 2 Oct 1916
- Full name was George William Dowell; photo submitted by his
- Jacob C., Dec 24, 1859-Oct 5, 1911,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Girardin
- Julius E, July 4, 1906 - ??? 20,
- Muriel Hotz, Dec. 5, 1917 - June 15,
1976 (km)
- Hotz
- Elmer, Aug 12, 1891-Oct 12, 1918,
Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Robert S, 1884 - 1949 (km)
- Kuhn, Edward A., July 7,
1867-June 2, 1911, Woodmen of the World (jd)
- Melrose
- Guy E, Jan. 10, 1918 - Apr. 18, 1994,
- Hugh H[udson], March 15, 1907 - June
12, 1944 (km)
- Joseph M[atthew], 1874 - 1953 (km)
- Ruth A, Mar. 1, 1914 - June 12, 1990
(Beloved wife of Hugh)(km)
- Sanner
- Seavy, George Morris, 1903 -
1981, married Nov. 21, 1941, Nora Inez Snow,
1923 - (blank) (km)
- Snow
- Florence, 1930 - 1936 (km)
- Guss, 1915 - 1918 (km)
- John Leroy, Oct. 13, 1943 - Mar. 30,
1995, SP4 US ARMY, VIETNAM (km)
- John R[eason], 1919 - 1970 (km)
- Lola M[elrose], 1902 - 1948 (km)
- Lucy (Lee), 1891 - 1966 and
[Reason] Noble, 1885 - 1965 (km)
- Reva P, Jan. 31, 1925 - Feb. 14, 1992
and Robert N[oble] "Rob", Feb. 4, 1921 -
Jan. 28, 1987, US NAVY, WORLD WAR II
- Richard L, 1920 - 1990 (km)
- William G, 1860 - 1933 and
M[ay] Cora (Garson), 1869 - 1955 (km)
Do you have any headstone photos from this or any other Colorado cemetery to
add to the collection? If so, see How To Contribute.
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Archuleta County Index
Return to: Colorado Tombstone Photo Project Page
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and by the COGenWeb Archive Project
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format for profit or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or
organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of
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