Marin County Obituaries

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Description Size Date Submitter
Dewit, Alfred C February 19, 1920 1K Nov 2008 Martha Richards
Dewit, Hazel Corbett February 19, 1920 1K Nov 2008 Martha Richards
Jimenez , Ambrocio Rosendo 'Ross' April 7 2004 2KSep 2005 Peggy B. Perazzo
Lefavor, Frederick Herbert 1918 1KOct 2007 Joy Fisher
Matthews , Ilene Jeanette Means February 6 2002 3KNov 2004 Peggy B. Perazzo and Judith Hinton
Marcus, Arnold 1917 1KOct 2007 Joy Fisher
Scobey, John 1917 1KNov 2007 Joy Fisher
Stewart, Donald Holt August 2, 2004 2KFeb 2005 Peggy B. Perazzo



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This Page was updated 11/15/2008

This page is maintained by Patti Jepsen




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